I'll take you somewhere

For Mordo or the ordinary Sorcerers, it was not simple at all. It was even extremely difficult. Otherwise, Kamar-Taj's Sorcerers would not need to use so many moves to support him.

However, for Wang, all magic casting was like eating and drinking water.

For him, it was naturally much simpler.

Moreover, abandoning all distracting thoughts and concentrating all the spirit he had, it looked simple, but it was not so simple to do it.

Anyway, Mordo could not do it.

Wang continued, "Strange, since you have been chosen by Sorcerer Supreme, it should not be difficult for you to do such a simple thing!"

Wang glanced at Strange.

As soon as he finished speaking, the shield in front of Wang split apart, and countless weapons even appeared.

These changes were simply controlled by Wang.

The corners of Strange's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

Looking at the relaxed expression on Wang's face, he didn't have the slightest effort.

Mordo couldn't help but feel complicated as if he was inferior to others.

This feeling was not much better than Strange.

Just ordinary magic, and you made so many tricks, and even let apprentice Strange make it, and you said it was very simple?

Was this something an ordinary person could do?

Strange was an ordinary person.

Are you an ordinary person?

Mordo smiled bitterly in his heart.

At this time, Strange couldn't help but look at Mordo. His voice trembled as he said, "Mordo, you can also use magic like this?"

Hearing Strange's words, the corners of Mordo's eyes twitched. Wouldn't it be embarrassing if he tried it?

As a Great Sorcerer, did he not care about his face?

He coughed and continued to maintain his arrogant look, "I don't need to use it. Wang is my disciple. Just as you said, he can easily use it!"

Strange felt a great blow in his heart.

In the past, whether it was in terms of learning or his territory, he had absolute confidence.

Therefore, he felt that he was a genius, but in Kamar-Taj, he felt that he was very ordinary.

In particular, according to the two Sorcerers, the magic, in the beginning, should be very simple and easy to learn.

However, he really could not understand how magic worked.

Even Sorcerers in front of him could use it without using both hands.

However, he couldn't do it with both hands.

Was there such a big gap?

Strange fell into deep self-doubt.

Of course, he didn't think about whether what the two sorcerers said was true, after all, they could indeed display it.

But he could not do it. What was the situation?

Therefore, in the next few days, Strange was depressed.

Even though every Tiandu was trying, he still couldn't do it.

On this day, he came to the training ground again.

Mordo and Wang had been waiting here for a long time.

"How is it? Strange, have you mastered Magic Shield?"

Seeing Strange coming over, Mordo said with a gentle smile.

He finally saw an ordinary person, not as terrible as Wang.

"Sorry, Mordo, I still can't master it!"

Strange said dejectedly.

"It's nothing. I just need to continue working hard!"

"What you need to do now is to focus your attention and forget all the distracting thoughts. Focus your attention!"

"Only in this way can you control and feel that Universal Energy!"

Mordo continued.

Strange couldn't help but sigh. He had heard these words more than ten times.

However, he just couldn't do it.

This was the kind of thing that was very clear, but it was extremely difficult for him to do it.

Strange even felt that he might not be able to do it in this lifetime.

This made his mood very bad and depressed. Strange started his daily practice.

Wang and Mordo stood at the side, looking at him.

The two of them spoke in a small voice.

He even condensed a magic array without Strange noticing and isolated them.

"Wang, when do you think he can learn basic Magic Shield?"

Wang shook his head and said, "I think he won't be able to learn it in a short period. Strange believes in what he has believed in the past. I'm afraid it will be difficult to change, let alone now that his hands have become like this, it is even more impossible for him to concentrate!"

"If we continue like this, I'm afraid we won't be able to master it in a few years!"

Wang shook his head and said.

"Then what should we do?"

Mordo frowned and continued, "If he needed such a long time, it would undoubtedly be a waste of his talent!"

"We have already tried to let him open Portal and Magic Shield!"

Wang continued, "There is only one way for him to master it quickly!"

Hearing Wang's words, Mordo was a little surprised and said, "What method? At this time, don't hide it!"

"It's very simple, throw him on Mount Everest, and under the crisis of life and death, he will soon unleash his potential!"

Wang said with a smile.

This method was also the method Ancient One used in the movie.

And this method was probably the fastest and most effective method.

"No, it's too dangerous!"

Mordo shook his head and said, Moreover, Kamar-Taj has never done this before. The key is that even if he does this, he might not be able to grasp it. When he is near death, he might completely give up on sensing magic!

Mordo did not agree with this method.

However, after seeing that Ancient One succeeded, Wang was still very confident in doing so.

"How will you know if you don't try?"

"Besides, we are all here. He won't have any problems!"

Wang said with a smile.

"No, this is too ridiculous. How can we teach apprentices to use this method?"

Mordo shook his head and firmly objected.

"Mordo, Strange is different!"

Wang continued, "Besides, there is no harm in giving it a try. With us here, we can save him when he is completely in danger. Since there is no danger, why not give it a try?"

"If we delay Strange, it is undoubtedly the greatest responsibility for his talent!"

Hearing Wang's words, Mordo could not help but hesitate.

He was indeed a little touched by Wang's words.

He had to be responsible for Strange.

"Alright, we can give it a try. However, we must ensure his safety!"

Mordo said.

"Don't worry, Master Mordo. I know what I'm doing!"

As he spoke, Wang stepped forward and said, "Strange, don't practice for now. I'll take you to a place!"

Strange said with a puzzled face, "Where?"

"No need to ask. Follow me and you will know!"