Accidentaly run away

After learning a spell, Wang naturally tried to cast it.

Logically speaking, such a powerful spell was not suitable to be used here. It would only be safer if he experimented with it.

However, it was reasonable to say that the magic that he had just learned could not display much power.

Even if he obtained Mirror Dimension's talent from Great Sorcerer, he would not be able to succeed at all.

This time, he had obtained the talent from the magic book. Perhaps he would not be able to display great power at all.

Moreover, restraining the amount of magic power he borrowed was the true sign of grasping it.

"Winds of Watoomb!"

As he spoke, Wang muttered.

He spread out his palm, and a whirlwind appeared in his hand.

This whirlwind was not big, only a small handful.

It even looked a little small.

No wonder Doctor Strange did not seem to be strong when he cast it. It seems that this spell was not very powerful!

Wang sighed in his heart. Just as this thought appeared in his mind.

All of a sudden, he saw the magic spell in his palm, Winds of Watoomb's whirlwind started to spin intensely.

At the same time, it expanded in an instant.

In an instant, it enveloped the entire area within the whirlwind.


A huge explosion sounded.

A powerful storm soared into the sky.

Countless Sorcerers, who were watching Kamar-Taj, also saw a huge tornado at this moment. This tornado was hundreds of meters long, and it seemed to be extremely powerful.

It even contained a powerful destructive force.

This tornado was extremely powerful and wanted to spread out in all directions.

At this moment, a figure appeared in the sky.

After waving his hand, this tornado that seemed to want to devour the heavens and earth disappeared.

Kamar-Taj's Sorcerers were shocked.

"What happened?"

"What a powerful magical energy!"

"Is there an enemy invasion?"

"Fortunately, we have the Sorcerer Supreme sitting in the town, otherwise, we don't know what will happen!"

"Sorcerer Supreme is indeed powerful. This kind of magic can be easily suppressed and neutralized!"


In Kamar-Taj's library, it could be said that it was now chaotic.

Countless magic books were scattered on the ground, and countless buildings were also turned into debris.

Many wooden tables and chairs collapsed and scattered on the ground.

It could be seen how powerful the destructive power of this magic was.

Ancient One stepped into the library and saw this scene. She couldn't help but frown, and her face became a little gloomy.

"Can anyone tell me what exactly happened?"

Even if Kaecilius had defected and fled, such a thing had never happened. It could be said that such a great loss had never happened in a few hundred years.

This was the essence of Kamar-Taj.

She had collected several hundred years of books.

"This... I'm sorry, Sorcerer Supreme. It's all because of me..."

Wang said weakly.

At this moment, he helped Wong up and stood up.

"What exactly is going on?"

Seeing Wang's current appearance, Ancient One understood a little.

However, she still frowned.

At this time, Wang was also a little embarrassed and helpless. "I just experimented with a spell. I didn't expect that the magic was out of control!"

"What magic? How can it be so powerful?"

Ancient One asked in disbelief.

How could she not know that Kamar-Taj had such a powerful magic?

"Winds of Watoomb!"

Wang was even more embarrassed and said helplessly.

Ancient One couldn't help but be stunned. She looked at the situation around her. At this time, it was almost completely shattered and collapsed. Were Winds of Watoomb so powerful?

Although Winds of Watoomb came from Watoomb, for the sake of power, it should not be strong.

At most, it was just a gust of wind, blocking the dust and rolling up the sea.

However, if she hadn't stopped the scene just now, half of Kamar-Taj would have been destroyed.

How could this be Winds of Watoomb?

How could she not know the power of Winds of Watoomb?

However, it was not certain according to the person who used it.

If it was someone else, they might not have been able to unleash much of their power, but it might have been different when Wang had used it.

However, she could only sigh after that.

It was obvious that Wang had accidentally brought Winds of Watoomb to this stage.

Ancient One could not help but sigh.

This little fellow had always been unexpected. This time, he had even brought about such a huge loss.

"Wang, no matter what magic you use in the future, do not easily use your magic on Kamar-Taj!"

"I understand, Sorcerer Supreme!"

Hearing Sorcerer Supreme's reminder, he hurriedly said.

Even without Sorcerer Supreme's reminder, after seeing this situation, he also knew that the magic change was too great. Maybe there would be another change.

However, he was now a little curious about who the talent fragment he had just absorbed belonged to.

It could bring out such power from a weak magic.

Could it be Watoomb's?

"Alright, send Wong out. I'm going to fix this place!"

Ancient One glanced at Wang and waved her hand.

"Yes, Sorcerer Supreme!"

After Wang responded, he quickly opened Portal and helped Wong into his room.

Sorcerer Supreme looked at everything in front of her.

With a raise of her hand, the Eye of Agamotto, which was hanging on her chest, began to emit light.

At the same time, everything in the room began to emit light.

Then, all the changes in the library began to change violently.

Countless books floated up. The shattered sawdust and stones began to recover as if time and space had reversed.

After Wang helped Wong to the room, the portal behind him closed automatically

However, he also felt a little emotional in his heart.

Although Eye of Agamotto would usually place in Kamar-Taj, there were not many people who could operate it.

At least he couldn't.

"What happened? What happened?"

At this time, Wong woke up. At this time, he felt pain all over his body.

"Wasn't I in the library just now? How did I get to your room?"

For a moment, Wong could not even remember what had just happened. He only remembered that he was reading a magic book in the library. However, a terrifying magic aura immediately spread out, and then he could not remember anything!

"Was it an invasion? Was it Kaecilius?"

Wong immediately became alert. After all, last time, Kaecilius had directly beheaded a librarian.

It seemed that there was nothing impossible to attack Kamar-Taj again.

"Wong, don't be nervous. I just wanted to try Winds of Watoomb. I didn't expect..."

Wang explained with a bitter smile.

"Winds of Watoomb?"

"How could it be so powerful?"

Wong asked in shock.

"It seems like he accidentally went berserk?"

Wang smiled bitterly.

"Accidentally went berserk? He destroyed the library?"

The corner of Wong's eyes twitched as he said with a bitter smile.