Carol look, i will kill them one by one

At this time, more than half of New York Sanctum collapsed.

Many of the facilities inside were directly damaged.

This made Sorcerers very angry.

He immediately reported this to Kamar-Taj, and the mages guarding the temple rushed out.

They discovered that many of Kree's people had already started to destroy New York.

Kamar-Taj's Sorcerers naturally could not allow these alien Kree people to cause so much damage to Earth, especially when these Kree people had destroyed their New York Sanctum.

Immediately, Sorcerers' group began to deal with these Kree people.

However, after exchanging blows, they discovered that these Kree people were very powerful. They all directly faced them head-on, especially the high-tech weapons in their hands that were incomparably powerful.

Fortunately, many of Kamar-Taj's Sorcerers came to help, and then they pulled these Kree people into Mirror Dimension.

However, even Mirror Dimension, who had merged with them, could not hold too much.

After pulling in dozens of them, Sorcerers' magic had reached its limit.

After all, not everyone's magic could be compared to Wang's magic.

At this time, there was still a large number of Kree Empire's soldiers outside, wandering and destroying.

Tony Stark and Captain America were already tired of dealing with the crazy Ronan, and terrifying purple rays of light continuously spread out in all directions.

Even when they heard the continuous news, they were somewhat helpless.


Kamar-Taj, inside the great hall.

Great Sorcerer and the others had also gathered together.

Mordo was still sitting in the seat.

"Everyone should know that Kree Empire invaded and destroyed half of our New York Sanctum!"

"The Sorcerer Supreme has gone to deal with the massive fleet outside. It is up to us to handle the situation on Earth!"

"We must stop their destruction!"

"Now, Wong has led Sorcerers' brigade to delay most of Kree Empire's soldiers!"

"Everyone needs to lead a few Sorcerers to track down the remaining Kree Empire soldiers. Is there any problem in protecting the safety of the humans?"

Mordo asked the people below.

They were all experts among Kamar-Taj's Great Sorcerer, so they naturally wouldn't raise any objections.

"Then let's set off immediately!"


Hearing Mordo's words, most of Great Sorcerer stood up, including Wang.

At this time, Wang felt strange, although he had already guessed that this world seemed to have changed because of his arrival.

Not only the Dark Elves have come to Earth, but even the Kree have arrived as well.

Although Kree had a grudge against Earth.

He naturally knew about the enmity between Kree and Captain Marvel.

"Marvel Universe wouldn't have completely changed, right?"

Wang was depressed in his heart. He had originally wanted to properly cultivate magic for the sake of preparing for Thanos' snap of his fingers in the future.

He never thought that so many things would happen.

"Wait, Wang, wait a moment!"

At this moment, Mordo spoke up.

"Master Mordo, what instructions do you have?"

Wang shook off the thoughts in his mind and asked respectfully.

"Your strength is very strong. It should be fine to only bring Amdal!"

Mordo said after thinking for a while.

"No problem, Master Mordo!"

Wang nodded. He believed that even without a sorcerer accompanying him, he would still be able to handle the situation.

"Very well, Wang. I need you to guide Ronan and try to stop the soldiers of the Kree Empire. It seems that only you can accomplish this task,"

Mordo said very cautiously.

After all, this time, they were facing the high technology of outer space, and there was also Infinity Stone.

With Wang's magic power second only to Sorcerer Supreme's, if he was unable to stop Kree Empire's soldiers, then the other Great Sorcerer probably would not be able to do it.

"No problem!"

Wang nodded.

"Very good. I'll depend on you this time!"

Mordo nodded in satisfaction.

Wang turned around and headed to the temple hall to enter New York Sanctum.

Amdal had also arrived here, waiting to enter the war with Wang.

Then, the two of them directly go to New York Sanctum.

The inside of New York Sanctum had already been destroyed into a complete mess. A large number of buildings had collapsed, and more than half of the sky could be seen.

"These damn Kree Empire bastards have turned our Kamar-Taj New York Sanctum into such a mess!" exclaimed Wang.

Amdal was extremely angry.

"Alright, the situation is urgent. Master Amdal, let's go!"

Wang did not have the heart to pay attention to the current situation of the temple being destroyed. Since the temple had been destroyed to this extent, then Ronan should have already obtained Infinity Stone.

Ronan should have snatched Infinity Stone from Star-Lord and then gone to Xandar for revenge. How could he come to Earth?

"Alright, let's go!"

Amdal couldn't help but nod. Wang didn't have time to think too much and left the soldiers that New York Sanctum was looking for.

Then, Wang began to search the area where Kree's soldiers were. Soon after Wang opened his eyes, they had already found Kree's soldiers.

"Found it, let's go!"

Wang raised his hand to draw a circle, and a Portal appeared in front of them.

Wang was about to walk in directly.

Amdal quickly pulled Wang back and said, "You're crazy. The entire New York is now covered by a huge magic array. If you open it casually, it will only cause Portal to be unstable. At that time..."

He really didn't care about his life.

After all, once the magic array in New York was activated, it would have a great impact on Sorcerers' magic.

And Portal's influence was the greatest. After all, once Portal closed down due to an unstable factor, then Sorcerers who entered might be split in two.

In this situation, only Sorcerer Supreme could open Portal. He did not expect that Wang would dare to do this.

"Don't worry, Master Amdal!"

Wang did not comment and directly entered Portal.

Before absorbing Sorcerer Supreme's talent, he naturally did not dare to do this. However, after absorbing it, his control of magic rose to a level.

Even with the interference of the magic array, he could easily stabilize Portal.

Only an ordinary Sorcerers could not stabilize Portal under such interference.

Then, Wang directly entered.

"What a freak!"

Seeing Wang enter Portal, Amdal could only smile bitterly. He immediately rushed into Portal, afraid that if he walked too slowly, he would be completely cut off by Portal.

At this time, in a wide open field, it was New York Square.

As Ronan controlled Infinity Stone, a terrifying force exploded out from the hammer he swung. Even Thor was easily sent flying.

The clothes on Captain America's body were torn apart. If not for Iron Man's support from the side, Captain America would probably have died in Ronan's hands.

The blue-skinned figure in the distance was holding a huge hammer as he looked at the two of them.

"All of you will die. Carol, watch, I will kill them one by one!"