Ego There people in me

As Wang comprehended the Form of Eckhan, he eagerly anticipated the terrifying power that would be unleashed. 

He couldn't help but feel a tingling sensation in his hands, itching to try it out. Unfortunately, he couldn't demonstrate it on Earth or nearby planets. 

Unlike the Supreme Sorcerer, he couldn't rely on immense magical power to sustain himself in the vacuum of space or extreme temperatures.

However, he was fortunate enough to be able to materialize a portal by simply imagining the destination. He didn't have to physically travel there. 

Moreover, he wanted to test the limits of the teleportation spell. After all, Wang had made significant progress recently, and he was curious about how far his teleportation abilities could reach.

He extended his hand and began drawing circles in front of him. Without hesitation, his spiritual energy converged, and a golden portal appeared. Wang immediately stepped into the portal without any hesitation. In the next moment, he found himself on a celestial body in the universe. 

With the help of magic, he could temporarily float in mid-air, but he soon began descending due to the lack of a magic cloak.

As he descended, he took a moment to sense the surroundings. Although the planet was abundant with vegetation, there was an eerie absence of life. It seemed devoid of even the smallest insects. It appeared vibrant in one sense but lifeless in another. 

However, given the vastness of the universe, it was not surprising to encounter such unique planets with no life, especially when they were far away from Earth. For Wang, it was an ideal place for experimentation.

The key was that there were no other nearby planets that would be affected by his actions, allowing him to unleash his power freely. "Form of Eckhan!" Wang murmured, and suddenly, numerous hands appeared behind him. Simultaneously, Wang extended his hands, and countless figures materialized alongside the hands.

In a short moment, hundreds of figures appeared on the planet. Wang closed his eyes and felt the extraordinary connection between them. "Truly amazing!" Wang whispered to himself. 

These three hundred bodies began to communicate telepathically, and it felt as if his will had multiplied several times over. It was a peculiar sensation. Each clone possessed the same power as his original self and was capable of casting magic.

Wang savored the feeling of this mental connection, finding it marvelous. However, he also sensed some limitations, such as the constraint of time. The magic consumed a significant amount of energy, and even he couldn't sustain it for too long. It was only natural that the power he exerted with the clones would also deplete his own strength. 

Once his energy was depleted, the clones would cease to exist. Nevertheless, the power of this magic was undeniably strong. 

Instantly creating hundreds of beings, multiplying his power hundreds of times, was an extraordinary feat. If used limitlessly, it would be invincible.

Although the duration was not long, the power was already astonishing. 

"It seems I should make good use of my time and test the full extent of this power!" Wang's excitement grew. He didn't want to waste this opportunity and expend his energy in vain. 

Naturally, he wanted to experiment with the most potent magic available.

At this moment, electricity arcs appeared on the fingers of each of the three hundred clones. These arcs emitted terrifying power as they flickered. They were the Bossat's Thunder. 

Simultaneously, Wang and his clones slammed their hands onto the ground, causing thunderous lightning to spread like a dense web, ravaging the surroundings with formidable force.

The tremendous power dispersed, causing the ground to tremble, and countless rocks crumbled and scattered. Although it appeared powerful, it only caused superficial damage to the surface. 

Wang furrowed his brow. After all, when he initially used this magic, he destroyed a significant portion of a planet's surface. However, now he had only managed to damage the topsoil. This was unexpected.

Wang contemplated and conjured another bolt of lightning in his hand. Simultaneously, hundreds of bolts were unleashed once again. Thunderous roars filled the air as the lightning spread across the planet. 

The ground rumbled, and numerous rocks collapsed and shattered. Observing this scene, Wang's brow furrowed even deeper. Although the power was immense, it still hadn't reached the same horrifying level as before.

"This can't be possible!" Wang couldn't accept the fact that the power of the lightning on this planet was not as potent as the first time he encountered it. 

He was on the verge of attempting a third time when a furious roar resounded. Immediately, the planet began to shake violently. Startled, Wang froze. Following the roar, an immense spiritual power spread.

At that moment, deep within the planet's core, a life form gradually awakened. It was conscious, waiting for the seeds it had sown to bear fruit. It was none other than Ego.

Ego was the father of Star-Lord (Peter Quill) and harbored intentions of conquering all the planets in the universe. However, achieving this goal alone was incredibly difficult. Over the years, he had sought countless life forms to merge with, eliminating those without divinity. Only Star-Lord possessed that divine spark.

Now, he awaited Star-Lord's arrival to fulfill his grand plan together. However, he was unexpectedly awakened today. He felt a pain surging through his body, and his planetary form began to crumble. 

Massive chunks of his rocky surface shattered, resembling entire mountain ranges. Ego couldn't believe it. 

His planet was far from ordinary; it was composed of high-density material that he had condensed over billions of years. It was much stronger and more durable than ordinary rocks. How was it possible for his body to be shaken?

He didn't understand. There were no other planets present, so why was this happening? Was it due to the powerful cosmic rays? 

Before Ego could fully comprehend the situation, an onslaught of lightning descended once again, causing more rocks to crumble and his main body to fragment further. 

Ego was now completely awake and emitted a furious roar. He couldn't fathom why the power of the lightning was so immense. How could such incredible power exist in the universe?

Then, on his own body, he discovered the presence of hundreds of figures.