im looking for someone to help

"Not only the Kree Empire and the Nova Empire, but countless empires are also feeling insecure. After all, a powerful planet like Ego has been destroyed, not to mention the planets of these factions."

And from then on, it was not just in the universe, on Earth.

United Nations Conference.

At this time, the heads of more than a hundred countries gathered together.

Today, they wanted to pass the law case that was restricted by superheroes.

This included Wakanda.

After all, after so many superhero defeats, the country was destroyed, and this incident with Sokovia almost became a factor in destroying the world.

Originally, they did not like the birth of such a terrifying power, which made ordinary armed forces unable to control.

The existence of a superheroproved their incompetence.

Coupled with this uncontrollable power running around in their own country, who wouldn't be afraid of this powerful power?

Thus, they made Sokovia's incident into the name of the agreement, and it was natural for them to be born.

And the person in charge of persuading Avengers was the former General Ross and the current state affairs minister.

In the conference room.

General Ross told Avengers his past story.

Then, General Ross said, "I found something that I haven't taught me in my forty years of military career!"

After looking around, General Ross said, "That is foresight!"

"The whole world owes Avengers a favor that can not be repaid!"

"You are fighting for us!"

"They protected us and risked their lives!"

"Although many people treat you as heroes, there are some who are more willing to use the word 'Vigilante' to describe you!"

When Avengers' members heard General Ross' words, they couldn't help but frown, their emotions complicated.

They probably knew why General Ross had come here this time!

Black Widow looked at General Ross and said with a smile, "Then, Sir, which word will you use?"

Hearing Black Widow's words, General Ross frowned and said, "How about the word danger?"

"How will you describe the ability of a group of experts stationed in the US?"

"They habitually ignore the border of the sovereign country. Wherever they go, what they do, it is up to their own wishes!"

"To be honest, they do not seem to care about the consequences!"

After saying this, the members of Avengers had countless things to say in their hearts, but they also understood that it was useless to say anything now.

General Ross retreated to the side, and a map appeared on the screen.

Then, it continued to expand.

It was the scene of the New York War.

"This is New York!"

General Ross said.

Screams rose and fell from the painting.

Even if they saw it now, their hearts were still heavy.

"This is Washington!"

"This is Sokovia!"

The appearance of one place after another caused the hearts of all Avengers present to become incomparably heavy.

Those places brought about destruction, death, and screams.

The collapse of the building.

Corpse after corpse.

Seeing this, Avengers felt extremely heavy and remorseful.

Captain America gritted his teeth and said, "Alright, that's enough!"

General Ross winked at his subordinate. The subordinate nodded and turned off the screen.

General Ross then continued, "In the past four years."

"Your actions have unlimited power and no one will monitor you!"

"The countries in the world can no longer tolerate such a situation!"

"But we have a solution!"

As he spoke, General Ross took the agreement from his subordinate.

He then placed it on the table and handed it to Wanda.

"This is Sokovia's agreement!"

"117 countries have approved it. It is clearly stated that Avengers is no longer a private organization, but..."

General Ross paused for a moment before adding in a heavier tone, "He is going to act under the supervision of a United Nations team!"

"It is up to the group to decide whether or not we should move out!"

As soon as General Ross finished speaking, Captain America frowned. After going through Hydra's internal monitoring plan, he did not believe in the internal affairs of the country.

After all, it was very likely that Hydra's internal members had already climbed to a very high position. Many senators might be Hydra's people.

"Avengers' establishment is to make the world safer. I think we have done it!"

Captain America said slowly.

He could not believe it, but as a soldier, he understood even more that this was something that could not be avoided.

He had also seen countless life and death situations. Although they did not want to, they could not avoid the life and death of others.

General Ross did not answer. Instead, he asked, "Captain, do you know where Thor and Banner are now?"

"If I lose two thirty trillion tons of nuclear weapons, it will definitely not be what you are thinking right now!"

General Ross continued slowly, "Compromise, guarantee, this is how the world works!"

"Trust me, this is the neutral stance!"

War Machine looked at Sokovia's agreement and said, "There must be an emergency plan!"

"Three days later, the United Nations will hold a meeting in Vienna! Approved the agreement!"

Captain America glanced at Iron Man.

After all, General Ross was brought here by Tony Stark. He didn't believe that Tony Stark didn't know.

However, Tony Stark didn't say anything. He just shrugged.

He was different from Captain America.

Because of what happened to Sokovia, many civilians had lost their lives. He also blamed himself.

If the power of a superherowas not restrained, this kind of thing might happen again.

He could not accept this kind of thing happening.

Therefore, Tony Stark advocated to sign the agreement of Sokovia.

However, every member of Avengers also had their own thoughts, so as to how to decide, it was still up to Avengers and the others to decide.

General Ross also felt that he had said enough, and continued, "Have a good chat!"

Then, General Ross and his subordinates walked out.

When General Ross went out, Natasha said, "What if you don't like our decision?"

General Ross only left one sentence, "Then you can retire!"

After that, Avengers and the others discussed. In the end, Avengers, who was very united, was divided into two different factions.

Avengers was unable to decide for a moment, not because he was unhappy.

Captain America did not want to sign the agreement, but Tony and Vision were very rational.

"While the Avengers were arguing, Zemo had already begun to control the Winter Soldier."

Zemo hates these superheroes because his family died in the Sokovia War.

He also knew the truth of the death of Tony's parents. An evil plan emerged in his mind.


But everything had nothing to do with Kamar-Taj.

After Wang returned to the universe, he naturally did not know that the universe was panicking because of his actions.

Every day, he would look at the magic book and absorb the knowledge of magic to make his magic more powerful. This way, he would be able to deal with the changes that would happen later.

And today, he noticed that there was something unusual.

An old man silently entered Kamar-Taj.

If his strength had not been enhanced by Celestials' strength, perhaps he would not have been able to sense this person.

Then, he also felt Sorcerer Supreme's aura.

Since Sorcerer Supreme knew, then this matter had nothing to do with him.

"What happened to you?"

In the library, Wong noticed that something was wrong with Wang. He looked at Wang.

He didn't want anything to happen to Wang and cause any damage to Kamar-Taj's library.


Wang replied. Of course, he could clearly sense Wong's vigilance towards him. He was also very helpless.

At this time, this old man walked into Kamar-Taj.

He looked like an old man, like a homeless man.

However, if one could sense his existence, no one could ignore him.

"He is the king of the gods, Odin!"

Naturally, Ancient One also noticed it very quickly and quickly came out to greet him.

"Your Excellency Odin, may I know why you have come to visit Kamar-Taj?"

Sorcerer Supreme invited Odin in, brewed tea and said.

"There is something I need your help with!"

Odin hesitated but still said.

"Why don't you tell us what it is first?"

Ancient One said, holding a teacup. When she left Earth, she found Odin's Aura, especially on that planet. When she returned to Earth, she also found Odin, but she did not go to find him.

She did not expect that Odin would take the initiative to find her today.

To be honest, she did not have much of a relationship with Odin.

Therefore, she decided to wait for Odin to tell her the truth before making a decision.

"Hela... I can't seal her anymore!"

Odin sighed and fell into silence. Ancient One's face also became a little ugly.

"You said that she would not come out!"

Ancient One's voice was a little angry.

After she became Sorcerer Supreme, she had already discovered the seal on Hela.

She had already gone to look for Odin.

At that time, Odin did not care about Ancient One at all. In his opinion, this was just human Sorcerers. It was not worth mentioning. That day, Odin saw what was called magic. The amount of powerful magic power was beyond Odin's imagination.

He never thought that there was such a terrifying existence among the people under his jurisdiction.

At that time, Odin also promised that it was impossible for Hela to break the seal. That was, the source of Hela's power came from Asgard. However, after the seal was on Earth, coupled with his strength, Hela had no chance of leaving.

Otherwise, Ancient One would not agree to let such a dangerous person be sealed on Earth.

"But that was hundreds of years ago. Ancient One, I'm old!"

Odin looked at Ancient One and sighed.

If not for his sudden weakness, how could he want help?

He had his own pride.

Ancient One's expression changed, and a strange light swirled in her eyes. Then, she looked at Odin with a complicated expression.

The god king in front of him is really running out of lifespan.

"I'm afraid that even if I help, I won't be able to seal Hela for long!"

Ancient One shook her head.

"How long can we hold on? At least we can't let her come out right now. They are not ready yet!"

Odin sighed. They were naturally his two sons.

"How about this, I'll find another person to help seal it for us. The time should be a little stronger!"

Ancient One also nodded. If that woman came out, he was afraid that Earth would also find destruction.

"Who are you looking for?"

Odin was a little surprised, but then he shook his head and said, "Without someone as strong as you, Great Sorcerer would not be able to cultivate our Asgard's seal!"

"Don't worry. Others might not be able to learn it immediately, but he will definitely be able to!"

Ancient One thought of someone and said confidently.