How could you possibly be here

Ebony Maw, as Thanos, the most powerful among the Black Obsidian Five.

He was determined to serve Thanos, obtain the Infinity Stones, and present them to Lord Thanos.

However, he couldn't obtain the Infinity Stones now and was suppressed by two human mages.

Ebony Maw's proud soul couldn't accept this, and at this moment, he roared in anger.

He decided to die together with Doctor Strange!

A terrifying force of destruction gathered around Doctor Strange.

"Oh no, Doctor Strange is going to self-destruct!"

Wang could feel the destructive power emanating from Doctor Strange. If this continued, he was destined to self-destruct.

Wang approached Doctor Strange, and then a powerful spiritual force fell upon Doctor Strange.

At this moment, within Doctor Strange's body, his spiritual power suppressed Ebony Maw's soul.

Even though Doctor Strange had taken the initiative, if Ebony Maw wanted to self-destruct, Doctor Strange couldn't stop him.

At this critical moment, an even more powerful spiritual force descended.

"Mage Wang Yang!"

Feeling the power of Wang Yang, Doctor Strange's spirit trembled. Following Wang Yang's spiritual power, they jointly suppressed Ebony Maw's power.

If Ebony Maw only had to deal with Doctor Strange's power, he might have succeeded in self-destructing. However, with the addition of Wang Yang's power, Ebony Maw's strength was insufficient, and he began to retreat step by step.

Finally, he was completely devoured by Doctor Strange's spiritual power, becoming nourishment for him.

Doctor Strange was clear-headed, and his spiritual power had grown significantly.

Perhaps Ebony Maw never expected that one day he would be defeated by a Earth mage whom he looked down upon, and his soul would be devoured by the opponent.

Doctor Strange opened his eyes and saw Wang Yang standing in front of him. Remembering that if it weren't for Wang Yang's spiritual power, he would have perished with Ebony Maw.

"Doctor Strange, well done!"

Wang Yang smiled and said.

Doctor Strange, with a grateful expression, said, "Thank you, Mage Wang Yang. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I would have died!"

Doctor Strange had always considered Wang Yang as a role model, and this time, he needed Wang Yang's help.

He thought that no matter what he did, it would be ordinary compared to Wang Yang. Unexpectedly, he received praise from Wang Yang, making Doctor Strange somewhat excited.

Wang Yang nodded and said, "Continue to work hard in the future. However, as a mage, you shouldn't let others enter your body and put yourself in danger."

Doctor Strange was somewhat helpless. He didn't know how the opponent entered his body. If he had known, he probably wouldn't have easily allowed the opponent to enter his body.

"I understand!"

Doctor Strange said firmly. He realized that he must strengthen himself to prevent enemies from taking advantage of him.

Wang Yang turned to look at Black Dwarf.

Helping Thanos, Wang Yang naturally wouldn't show mercy. He entwined the steel cables around Black Dwarf and began tightening them with force.

Even though Black Dwarf's physical strength was incredibly strong, under Wang Yang's spiritual power, he couldn't resist at all.

He didn't even have a chance to speak; he was directly crushed to death by the steel cables.

Seeing this scene, Doctor Strange and Wang couldn't help but take a deep breath.

How did they feel that Wang Yang seemed to have learned even Ebony Maw's attacking methods with just a glance?

It's truly an extraordinary talent.

"Alright, next, let's see what happens with the situation regarding Kama Taj!"

Wang Yang said calmly.

He seemed not to notice the gaze of Doctor Strange and Wang, and everything he did seemed so natural.

The plan of the Black Obsidian Five was already quite well thought out.

And this plan was obviously customized by Thanos.

First, let Ebony Maw and Black Dwarf attract attention, especially from the Avengers, hoping to draw the powerful mage Kama Taj's attention.

Then, the Obsidian Order and the Midnight Proxima would go to Kama Taj to seize the stones.

Despite appearances in the movies, the strengths of these two were by no means weak. In fact, their status in the Black Obsidian Five was quite prominent, especially compared to Ebony Maw.

The General of the Proxima Midnight, her weapon, the peerless blade, could cut atoms like a super weapon. Even Vision's vibranium body could be easily pierced.

Moreover, her life was closely related to this peerless blade. As long as the blade wasn't destroyed, she wouldn't die.

If the peerless blade was damaged, she would be harmed as well.

If the peerless blade wasn't destroyed, even if her body died, she could resurrect.

It could be considered a form of immortality.

As for Proxima Midnight, she was no less simple.

She held a divine spear, personally crafted by Thanos from a star. With a full-force strike, it could generate the power of a stellar explosion.

Every time she invests in this weapon, the divine spear is enveloped in powerful energy, ultimately dividing into three energy beams. Anyone touched by these beams would die instantly.

Of course, this depends on the strength of the individual. Powerhouses like the Ancient One, Thanos, and Odin wouldn't be significantly affected, even if they endured a direct hit. However, for ordinary superheroes like Hawkeye, death was almost certain.

So, even with the Avengers besieging these two, it wasn't that easy. Hulk and Thor weren't on Earth, so the Avengers were essentially missing two main forces.

Fortunately, Vision had become familiar with the power aggregation performed by Wang Yang, so his strength hadn't diminished much.

Wanda had also become acquainted with her powers. Although her chaos magic hadn't fully transformed her into the Scarlet Witch, she could still unleash powerful forces.

Currently, Wanda's use of chaos magic relied mainly on her innate talent, as she hadn't undergone systematic learning.

If Wanda were pushed to the extreme in anger, she might directly annihilate Thanos. Therefore, even though her strength wasn't overwhelming, she still couldn't be underestimated.

Dealing with the General Proxima Midnight and Ebony Maw might be challenging, but these two also wouldn't be easy to defeat.

In fact, after seeing the current situation, even the General Proxima Midnight was somewhat anxious.

They didn't know what had happened on Ebony Maw's side, so they needed to obtain the stones quickly.

Wang Yang removed the gem from Vision's forehead, and only the Avengers knew about it. Thanos and his team were naturally unaware. Therefore, the Avengers, upon learning Vision was at Kamar-Taj, intended to eliminate all the stones here.

Unfortunately, before they could infiltrate Kamar-Taj, the Avengers had already emerged to stop them.

Especially upon seeing the powerful force on Vision's forehead, they naturally regarded it as a gem.

"Damn Earthlings!"

After a prolonged battle, the General Proxima Midnight couldn't help but become somewhat mad.

He charged forward with his peerless blade.

He ignored the attacks from Tony Stark, Captain America, and Falcon. He advanced directly towards Vision, intending to remove the gem from his forehead.

To him, nothing could compare to obtaining the Infinity Stones.

He held the peerless blade, heading straight for Vision.

As long as Vision was killed, his pressure would significantly decrease. Moreover, his peerless blade wouldn't easily break or be damaged, so killing one person would make dealing with the others much easier.

Under the relentless bombardment, the General Proxima Midnight was unyielding. Although his armor had become riddled with scars, he didn't care. The peerless blade in his hand was about to pierce Vision.

However, just as he was about to touch Vision, he found that his peerless blade could no longer make any progress.

Clearly, he was just a step away from Vision.

"What's going on!"

This feeling was similar to when he faced Ebony Maw, where Ebony Maw's powerful spiritual force blocked his attacks.

However, Ebony Maw should be dealing with Wang Yang's powerful presence now. Otherwise, they would have already invaded Kamar-Taj.

"Damn it, who's opposing me? Do you know what you're facing?"

"Lord Thanos won't spare you!"

The General Proxima Midnight was extremely angry. Originally, he could have easily killed Vision and then dealt with the remaining members of the Avengers.

But unexpectedly, someone else had intervened.

Trampling sounds echoed.

At this moment, footsteps were approaching, and many mages emerged from Kamar-Taj.

In the battles near Kamar-Taj, how could Kamar-Taj not have noticed? When they gathered enough manpower, they came forward.

Leading them was none other than Mordo.

Beside him was Wang Yang.

"Thanos? Why doesn't he come with you but lets you act first? Is he trying to play hide-and-seek?"

Wang Yang couldn't help but chuckle.

Hearing Wang Yang's voice, both the General Proxima Midnight and Ebony Maw turned to look.

"It's you! It's impossible. You can't be here..."

The General Proxima Midnight's face showed a mix of astonishment and disbelief. He seemed to be unable to comprehend how Wang Yang could be here.

Supposedly, Wang Yang should be fighting Ebony Maw. Could it be that Ebony Maw deceived him? He acted only when he received confirmed information!

"I shouldn't be here? Where should I be then? Fighting with Ebony Maw? Or maybe somewhere else?"

Wang Yang looked at the General Proxima Midnight with a faint smile on his face.