I'm going to kill the Exterminator

"Thanos' fleet is incredibly powerful, capable of destroying an entire planet with ease. If Thanos decides to attack Earth without holding back, the casualties would be catastrophic under the assault of his fleet. This is a technological superiority that we must acknowledge," Wang Yang explained.

He had already discussed this with Nick Fury. In the final battle, Captain Marvel had arrived and single-handedly destroyed Thanos' fleet.

"Wang Yang, Sorcerer, I think it's best not to start the war on Earth. The losses would be too great!" Tony Stark spoke after a moment of silence. He was concerned about the massive destruction Thanos' fleet could unleash on Earth.

Apart from Thanos' formidable fleet, the real concern was the potential collateral damage if Wang Yang and Thanos engaged in a battle. Even if they won the fight, it might result in significant losses for Earth.

The other members of the Avengers nodded in agreement with Stark's sentiment.

Wang Yang pondered for a moment. It seemed Stark's concerns were valid. The scale of destruction could be immense, even if they emerged victorious.

"Indeed, it's a problem. In that case, let's change the battlefield. Titan, Thanos' home planet, seems like the most suitable place to fight. He probably frequents it, and it's on his turf," Wang Yang suggested.

The Eternals, a branch of humanity, had undergone genetic modifications by the Celestials, similar to the Mutants. Thanos, being part of the Eternals, experienced a genetic anomaly, making him look different from others. Due to his appearance, he faced discrimination and abuse on Titan, eventually leading to his exile. Now, Titan was an abandoned planet, perfect for a battlefield.

"Titan is quite distant from us. Traveling there will take time even with our current technology," Stark expressed his concerns.

"That's not a problem; we can use a portal to teleport directly there," Wang Yang responded casually.

Hearing this, the Avengers felt a mixture of complexity and awe. Wang Yang's ability to handle interstellar travel seemed effortless compared to their struggles.

"But, even if we go there, won't Thanos still cause trouble on Earth?" Thor raised another concern.

"Thanos only wants to invade Earth for the Infinity Stones. If we inform him that the stones have already been taken to Titan, he'll likely come there himself," Wang Yang assured them.

"As for the army, since Kamar-Taj's sorcerers are also going, we'll open a massive portal. Everyone can enter through it," he added.

Thor thought about the potential repercussions, considering the threat they were facing.

"Alright, let's organize our forces immediately!" Black Panther, the King of Wakanda, suggested, showing a practical mindset.

"Good. Once Kamar-Taj is ready, we'll inform you," Wang Yang agreed.

However, just as they were about to conclude their discussion, an alarm sounded in the room.

"Sir, unidentified flying objects have entered Earth's atmosphere!" Friday, Stark's AI, reported.

After numerous invasions, Tony Stark, being a top-tier tech genius, had set up surveillance for extraterrestrial threats.

"Let's organize our forces later. We have an incoming threat to deal with now," Wang Yang said, turning his attention to the new development.

"Once a spaceship approaches Earth, we would detect it. Last time, when the ship appeared in New York, it was detected quickly thanks to Tony Stark," Wang Yang explained.

With Friday's alert, the Avengers members stood up, ready to take action in case of any potential threat to Earth.

However, Wang Yang frowned, using his powerful telepathic abilities to scan the surroundings. Was Thanos already preparing to invade?

Originally, they had planned to wait for some time, at least until they were fully prepared. But it seemed that events were unfolding faster than expected.

As Wang Yang's mental awareness expanded, he soon sensed the approaching spacecraft. However, upon seeing it, he couldn't help but be surprised.

"No need to worry; it's our ally who's arrived!" he declared, opening his eyes.

"Ally?" Tony Stark raised an eyebrow, puzzled.

The rest of the Avengers shared the same confusion. When did they gain another ally from the cosmos?

Wang Yang assured them, "I'll go meet them."

He stood up, drew a circle in the air, and walked through it. The golden portal closed behind him.

In the mountainous region near Kamar-Taj, a spacecraft descended, causing a powerful gust of wind that bent trees under its force.

As the ship landed, a group of individuals disembarked.

"Star-Lord, are you sure about finding this kid? Can he really help us?" a raccoon with dual legs voiced skepticism.

"Gamora has been taken, and we're no match for Thanos. Finding this sorcerer might be our only chance to team up against him!" Star-Lord clenched his fist angrily.

He had watched Thanos take his girlfriend away, feeling helpless. Initially, he had considered trying his luck on Titan, but Star-Lord knew he couldn't face Thanos alone. Hence, he remembered the powerful sorcerer who had aided them before.

"However, do you really believe this sorcerer will help you? Thanos is a formidable force in the universe. No one willingly seeks trouble with him!" Rocket the raccoon laughed, shaking his head.


Groot, the sentient tree-like creature, spoke the only word he ever said.

"Star-Lord, are you looking for me?" a voice echoed, and Wang Yang emerged.

Having overheard their conversation, he already knew the reason for their visit.

"Master, he's talking about that blue-skinned girlfriend of his. You've met her before," Rocket informed.

"I know. But your girlfriend has likely been sacrificed to obtain the Soul Stone," Wang Yang sighed.

Star-Lord rushed forward, desperation evident in his voice. "Wang Yang, you have to help me. What happened to Gamora?"

Wang Yang hesitated for a moment, then explained, "She was sacrificed to obtain the Soul Stone."

Star-Lord collapsed, sitting on the ground in shock. "No, it can't be true. She can't be dead. No!"

Wang Yang, understanding the pain of loss, empathetically stated, "We are preparing to face Thanos. Will you join us?"

Star-Lord, despite the overwhelming grief, shouted, "Against Thanos! I'm going to kill him! I'm going to kill him!"

Wang Yang, aware of their limited capabilities, suggested, "Your strengths are needed here."

"I can get Yondu to help. I'm going to kill Thanos!" Star-Lord declared vehemently.