God comes to judge the earth

Chapter 189 God comes to judge the earth

2022-04-12 Author: The writing is distracted

Chapter 189 God comes to judge the earth

A terrifying beam of light directly penetrated the Seraphim Shield. Nick Fury and others shocked to saw this scene. Before they could react, the powerful force breaks everything. The base they were in collapsed and disintegrated, countless fragments were scattered, and countless agents screams. Although they have experienced life and death, they have never seen such scene. Nick Fury flew out, and he still squatted on a piece of debris, feeling suffocated. Although he have never felt the temperature and vacuum of space. But for ordinary people, this is an absolute place of death, and the temperature is so extreme that the body may freeze quickly. However, Nick Fury strangely discovered that there was no feeling of death here, he could even breathe normally. He could also hear the voices of his companions around him, but they soon discovered that although some people spread out by the force of the impact, they did not feel the breath of death. Far above their heads, there was a strange red planet that absorbed this power.

 "what happened?"

Silver Surfer witnessed the collapse of the opponent's strong defense, it should be able to kill them all, but he did not expect that although the people in this huge base were blown away, they did not die. And his powerful strength seemed to be captured by some force after bursting it. He could feel his own energy were taken away, like a dam with its gate open. Not the one he wants to drive. Even his surfboard was a little overwhelmed.

 This is the first time he had encountered this situation in so many years. no one should be able to extract his energy like this. Even Galactus, who gave him power, couldn't do it. In the end what happened? Obviously, he blasted away the opponent's magic shield. Moreover, he also destroyed the base of the opponent's fleet. Why didn't he feel the joy of victory? Instead, he felt like he was being restrained.

Even if he wanted to take back his power, he couldn't. That inexplicable powerful force was absorbing his power like a worm in his bone. Even the strength of his body seemed to be completely absorbed. A large amount of energy was absorbed, and his originally shiny silver body and the surfboard under his feet became somewhat dim.

 "what have you done?"

Silver Surfer looked at Wang Yang floating in the void in the distance, confused. Wang Yang seem to control all the power. With a wave of his hand, everything around him was changing. The surrounding space distorted. The originally collapsed base merged at this moment. Nick Fury and many agents forced to return to their original positions, as if nothing had changed.

Countless wires sparkled with sparks, and countless sirens rang through the air. Nick Fury and others felt that everything happened was just an illusion. However, Wang Yang, who was guarding the crack just now, has disappeared and is now standing in the void. At this time, the void was still moving, twisting and folding with the movement of his palm.

 "This is incredible!"

"Yes, he seems to be able to control space. Is he still a human?"

   …" At this time, many agents could not help but express their shock and disbelief. Although they have seen many incredible events, they have not seen anything that can bend the universe. Even Nick Fury left shocked. Because Wang Yang is not controlling any entities, even space can be distorted. Needless to say how terrifying and unbelievable this is. However, he naturally didn't know and didn't care about the reaction of Nick Fury and others.

 "You, you did this on purpose?"

Silfer Surfer back to his senses, and spoke in shock. After all, Wang Yang's magic is so powerful, how could it be destroyed so easily? Even if it cannot be resisted, it should take some time. But now his power has penetrated the magic shield almost instantly.

 "It's too late for you to react now!" Wang Yang said, confidently.

Just as the silver surfer said, he did it on purpose. This silver surfer is indeed very powerful, but he may not be unstoppable. Just now when he was resisting, the Ego star in his mirror space react instinctively to absorb powerful and pure power. Ego is really dead, but all his cores were taken away.

  It is equivalent to being reborn in his mirror space, but it is just his thing. Now that Ego Star wants to become stronger, he will naturally wont refuse. However, it has to be said that Silver Surfer is extremely powerful. After absorbing so much powerful energy, there is still energy to spare. With Ego's star absorbing such energy, Ego's star has undergone drastic changes. But as he escaped from the absorbed power, Silver Surfer recovered a little. Immediately afterwards, the surfboard under his feet suddenly carried Wang Yang away.

 Then he punched Wang Yang. With silfer surfer speed and his strength, ordinary people simply can't resist it. Can't even dodge. Wang Yang's figure flashed, he raised his hand and waved, and the power of thunder and lightning spreads. Silver Surfer may be very fast, but Wang Yang is not slow either, and Silfer Surfer is afraid of thunder and lightning At equal strength, his powerful thunder and lightning power spreads directly on Silver Surfer's body.

 And this is not only the power of thunder and lightning, but also his magical power. At this moment, Wang Yang's power spread, and Silver Surfer's body tremble. As Silver Surfer's whole body shook, the surfboard under his feet began to show magical power. Using his magical power to seal and destroy the power and energy of Silver Surfer. Even surfboards are starting to crumble.

 This was given to him by Galactus, and it is also one of the most powerful forces in the universe. Silver Surfer became even more depressed. Wang Yang waved his hand. The silver surfer seemed to have been hit by a truck, flying toward the depths of the universe like a kite with its string broken. where the silver surfer flew to is unknown. Completely disappeared into the darkness of the universe.

 "Tell your master that the earth does not welcome him!" Wang Yang said calmly, and the powerful mana fluctuations were withdrawn. Countless glass fragments were also recovered from all around, and everything seemed to be restored. It was as if nothing had happened just now. Wang Yang also disappeared. As Wang Yang disappeared, everyone at the Heavenly Sword Bureau couldn't help but froze on the spot. They felt like the whole world was about to collapse just now, but why could they be dealt with so easily in front of Wang Yang? They almost gave it all.

Even the strongest base almost collapsed, but Wang Yang only used magic shield to block such a terrifying force. If it weren't for Wang Yang, they would all be dead. At this time, some of the agents of the Heavenly Sword Bureau have not yet reacted. Everything that happened today are unbelievable. They had faced many terrifying entities before, but none of them were as scary as this silver figure.

Even though they used so many powerful attack weapons, they didn't even take action on some of their alien tools. As soon as Wang Yang took action, everything was easily solved, and they didn't even understand what happened. Why were they all in space just now, and now they are back in the base? Although everything was a bit incomprehensible to them, at that time, they were relieved, at least the silver figure disappeared.

What happened at the space base also attracted the attention of various countries. Of course Nick Fury did not tell everything that happened here, selectively said his things. For example, they repelled the silver figure, which at least proved to the leaders of earth countries that their strength was at least capable of protecting the earth. As for Wang Yang's appearance, Nick Fury did not mention it at all.

 Otherwise, if the leaders of various countries knew about it, he afraid that the Heavenly Sword Bureau would be stopped. It would not even be able to withstand this kind of attack, and it would cost them so much money. The earth gradually calmed down. Of course the appearance of the silver surfer did not attract too many people's attention. Except for Ajak and Ikaris, the Eternals do not know anything about the appearance of God. However, they all noticed the arrival of the silver surfer, but the arrival of the silver surfer prevented them from taking action.

 After silver surfer left, they all breathed a sigh of relief. Just on this day, when Circe and her current boyfriend were walking outside, they looked at the people around them laughing, and couldn't help but smile.

"Actually, I looked up my family's history and found that my family's history is also a bit special!" Cercy's boyfriend Dane wanted to say something.  At this moment, Circe's eyes flashed with light, and then a light appeared on her body. Then Dane looked into the distance. In an instant, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and countless thunderbolts arose.

 Everyone who saw this scene horrified and panicked. Then a powerful impact spread, blowing away the dark clouds, and everyone fell to the ground. Dane looked at the sky in front of him in shock, as a huge head appeared. Three pairs of eyes were arranged in a strange way, looking at them. Like a god overlooking the earth. Immediately afterwards, countless circles of light appeared on Circe's body, and she flew towards the sky in an instant, leaving Dane shouting in the distance.

 As Circe flew towards the sky, a person was also pulled up into the sky in the distance. They are all Eternals all over the world. In front of them was a huge star-like god, standing there, his whole body red with fire and filled with lava.

 "You chose to sacrifice a Celestial Clan for the people of this planet!" Circe and others all looked puzzled. Only Ajak and Ikaris knew why the god Alitham said this.

 "You thought I would spare them!" Alithem's voice sounded like a judgment.

 "Your memory will show whether you deserve to live!"

 "But I will judge them first!"

 (End of this chapter)