Severing the Cosmic Connection


With a small crack in the powerful spatial barrier, immense force bursts through, shattering the barrier into pieces. Countless space rifts spread out, and the Space Blade, carrying tremendous power, surged toward Annihilus.

Seeing this, Annihilus was stunned. He couldn't believe such a tiny being could possess such immense power. The previous Space Blades were just probes, waiting for the spatial barrier to show some damage, finding a flaw to exploit and breakthrough instantly.

The universe seemed to be torn apart. Restoring it would take an unknown amount of time to heal slowly.

Watching the rapidly approaching and continuously tearing space, even Annihilus had to take it seriously.


Annihilus said calmly. Without any visible change or movement, the Space Blade, which carried a terrifying and unstoppable force, began to crumble. This attack was formed by space power, a force beyond mere physicality. Yet, even so, it easily crumbled under Annihilus's power. The Space Blade disintegrated inch by inch.

Nothing seemed capable of stopping this force of destruction. Annihilus stood in the void, seemingly invulnerable.

"Useless, boy. My power is annihilation. Even in the entire multiverse, there is nothing I cannot annihilate!"

Annihilus spoke slowly, asserting his strength.

"Oh, can you annihilate Eternity and Infinity as well?"

Wang Yan was not surprised to see his Space Blade disintegrate. However, he was taken aback by Annihilus's claim. He didn't expect Annihilus to be so powerful.

Annihilus paused. He could annihilate reality but couldn't annihilate beings of equal standing. He couldn't defeat Eternity or Infinity, two equally formidable entities. Even against beings of his level, he couldn't guarantee victory. He could be more potent than those two, but eliminating them would require erasing the concepts of Eternity and Infinity, which he couldn't do.

Annihilus didn't dwell on the topic and said, "Boy, I underestimated you. You are indeed one of the stronger beings in this universe!"

"Unfortunately, you still can't harm me as long as I choose to block you."

Annihilus shook his head. Wang Yan's strength exceeded his expectations, but it was still far from touching their level.

"I'll give you another chance. Let me study you, and you can become my servant. It will be far better than slowly cultivating on your own!"

This time, Annihilus was more serious. Previously, he wanted to study Wang Yan; now, he saw his potential. If he could harness Wang Yan's power and mystery, it would be invaluable.

"You should understand the rarity of this opportunity in the multiverse. Don't waste it!"

Annihilus looked at Wang Yan.

"Many may want to be your lapdogs, but many others refuse to be anyone's lackey!"

Wang Yan responded coldly. "Since you want to spare me, show me your godly power!"

If Annihilus intended to spare him, he would have done so already. Since he hadn't, Wang Yan had no choice but to confront him head-on.

Facing Annihilus was indeed a unique opportunity. While it might be a dead end for others, Wang Yan could potentially absorb Annihilus's power, reaching Annihilus's level.

Annihilus shook his head and said, "Boy, after our battle, I respect your strength. If you submit to me, I'll overlook your offense."

"No need, Annihilus. Attack!"

Wang Yan had weighed the risks and benefits. He would not easily bow down, whether it was his secrets or becoming someone else's subordinate. Now, he hoped Annihilus would use his full power, allowing him to strengthen himself and survive this battle.

Facing Annihilus, Wang Yan didn't overestimate himself. Powerful magic gathered around him, and the Seraphim Shield formed, surrounding him.

The Seraphim Shield reached its peak power at this moment. Annihilus, seeing the powerful magic, looked at Wang Yan with a mix of disappointment and pity.

He had never seen someone so stubborn, clearly not understanding the significance of the Five Great Gods. These gods represented the pinnacle of the universe, the source of everything in the multiverse. A single thought from them could alter reality.

"Boy, you're the most impressive mortal I've encountered!"

"Sadly, you don't understand the power of the Five Great Gods!"

Annihilus said slowly. "Do you know how many have challenged the Five Great Gods, and do you know their fate?"

Wang Yan looked at Annihilus, unsure of his history.

"I don't know."

Annihilus raised his head and looked down at Wang Yan. "They all died. Now, you challenge a Great God, and your fate will be the same!"

As Annihilus spoke, the universe underwent a massive change. The cosmos cracked open, the sky splitting apart, revealing a dark void more profound than the usual darkness of space. The rift seemed to collapse upon Wang Yan, pressing down with immense weight.

Wang Yan's body trembled under the immense pressure, his muscles quivering from the overwhelming force. Annihilus looked at Wang Yan and said, "Boy, do you still want to continue? This is just a fraction of my power!"

Annihilus's power was immense, as he could restart the multiverse with a thought. When Wang Yan saw Thanos snap half the universe out of existence, he wondered why these terrifying entities didn't intervene. Now he understood—they didn't care. They could revive these beings or reset the timeline with a thought.

Annihilus used a fraction of his power to suppress Wang Yan, like moving a small thought.

Feeling the immense pressure, Wang Yan grew severe. Annihilus was indeed formidable. Despite being prepared, he couldn't imagine the full extent of Annihilus's power.

"Ding, detected cosmic membrane power. Fuse with it to strengthen the Seraphim Shield?"


As Wang Yan struggled under the pressure, the system's prompt sounded. With the fusion, he felt the universe's power gathering within him, enhancing his strength.

The Seraphim Shield's three pairs of angel and dark wings merged into a massive shield— the Cosmic Aegis.

The universe before him transformed with this fusion, revealing countless materials that made up the universe. Annihilus controlled this power, tearing through space.

Wang Yan saw two forces extending from Annihilus, controlling the rift in the sky. Severing these forces would restore the sky.

Gathering his will, Wang Yan summoned magical energy above. With Ebony Maw's telekinesis, he could easily concentrate magic from afar. The fusion of cosmic power increased the Space Blade's sharpness.

The Space Blade cut through the void with a swift slash and severed Annihilus's power. As Annihilus's control broke, the rift in the sky began to heal, like a wound mending under the universe's power. The massive crack disappeared, and the pressure on Wang Yan vanished.
