John took the Horseshoe shortcut. Nothing else was said, and he knew that he had no other choice. His mum wouldn't give a damn. Everyone was invited inside her house. He had been considering purchasing a home for him and Alice for years, but like many other things, he kept putting it off.

He had upgraded his mother's home by installing central air and heat and completely repainted the entire property when he had first returned to Horseshoe after Sarah died. He occasionally considered adding something "girly" to Alice's room. But she always put a stop to that notion before he could even finish speaking.

He quickly checked the time: 5:30 a.m. His mother typically rose at five. It depended on how late she was up watching a movie. On Mulberry Street, he made a left turn before swerving into the backyard, where he always parked his patrol car.

"Where are we?"

"My mother's house."

"Oh. You're going to let me stay with your mother?"

"I live here, too."

"Oh." This time there wasn't as much enthusiasm in the word. Her face worked into a frown. "You live with your mother?"

"Yes. We do, my daughter and I."

"You have a child?"

"It doesn't matter!" he snapped. "This is the only solution I can think of. For the next few hours you'll be on the honor system. You are aware of what that is, right?"

"Well--" she began, tucking her knotted hair behind her ear. "--I do, but I need to hear your interpretation. I have a feeling it's different from mine."

He bet it was. "I trust you to carry out orders and treat my mother and daughter with respect. I trust that you won't attempt to flee or persuade anyone else to assist you. I'll simply issue a warrant for your arrest if you do. Are we clear?"


He took his pistol belt off its buckle and cinched it around his holster.

"Do you always carry a gun?" she asked.

"When i have escaped prisoners." He popped open the glove box, put the gun inside, and locked it. Even though she was filthy, even though he was inches away from her, she still exuded femininity. He found he was eager to pull away; she was too close for comfort. "Let's go in now and find out how my mother feels about having you here."

The kitchen light turned on as they approached the back steps. He opened the door and allowed Ms. Lily to enter the house before him.

His mom, in a flowered robe, her gray hair mussed, turned from the coffeepot on the counter. "Oh, you're... Oh, we have company," she said.

"Mom, this is Charlotte Lily. Do you mind if she stays here a few hours?"

Observing Lily, Hae asked, "What happened to you, hon?"

John responded in her place, "Tosin broke out of jail and took Ms. Lily with him. Her brother is coming this morning to pay her bail and I can't have her at the jail with Tosin."

"'That's All Right, Mama'." His mother waved a hand and then looked at Ms. Ross. "Do you like Elvis?"

Oh, God, why couldn't his mother give Elvis a rest for one day? She had a habit of responding with the name of an Elvis song. It could be confusing at times.

As it was for Ms. Lily now.

John leaned over and whispered. "Just say yes."

"Yes," she replied.

"Good. I'm making coffee, and it will be ready sooner than Elvis can shake his hips." She gave a wink. "Maybe not that quick, and definitely not that fun."

"Okay." Ms. Lily cast a wary gaze from him to his mother. "I'd really like to take a bath."

His mother spoke before he could and said, "John, show her where the bathroom is."

"Mom, would you kindly do that? I have to speak with Arthur and get Ms. Lily's belongings."

"Come on over here," Hae said. "You can use anything. Just don't touch my Elvis soaps."

She said, still seeming perplexed, "Okay?"

"Ms. Lily," he said, and she turned, her eyes huge.

"Remember what we talked about."

She nodded and he saw how exhausted she was. Her hair was matted with dirt and her skin was caked with it. Her face and arms were covered with red mosquito bite marks. He felt guilty for being powerless to defend her. He could only now assure her safe return to her family because there was nothing else he could do.