John changed into new clothing and took a shower after dinner. Since he was short a deputy, he was going back to work. Charlotte wondered how he kept going. He had not slept at all. He was likely used to the long hours, though, being a law enforcement officer.

She, Haetel, and Alice watched 'Kid Galahad' on video. Except for Elvis, none of the actors were known to Charlotte. All of his films were produced before her time, but Haetel was mesmerized and the music was good.

Later, she and Alice took baths and went to bed. They left Hae watching 'Roustabout'.

Charlotte applied lotion to her face, arms, and legs as part of her evening ritual after taking a bath.

"Why do you put that stuff on?" Alice questioned, running into the room from her bath, her pajamas hanging on her thin body.

Charlotte was getting a little tired of the questions. But it made her think. Why did she do this every night? The cream on her face was supposed to keep her skin young. At twenty-eight how old could she look? Well, she was sure she had aged in the past few days and she had to keep those wrinkles at bay.

"For protection," she replied, applying lotion on her legs.

"From what?"


"Are you old?"

"Ancient." She smiled covertly.

Alice sniffed. "That stinks."

"I'll have you know that this is Gardenia Blush." She inhaled deeply from the bottle. "Heavenly. Makes me envision the South, moonlight and a tall, hands---" Charlotte stopped when she realized she was talking to a child.

"You're weird as Grandma."

Charlotte charged her phone so she wouldn't have to argue that one. She didn't want to miss a call.

Alice gestured to the lower bed while keeping her hands on her hips. "That's where you sleep."

Charlotte mumbled, "I know," before stooping to crawl under the cover. She was dressed for sleep as usual: cotton shorts and a matching tank top. Luckily she had that with her. She'd been planning to spend the night in Dallas.

Alice climbed up into the top bed after turning out the light. "I sleep here. Dolittle does as well." After a brief period of silence, Alice continued, "I still don't like you."

Charlotte was lying on her back and gazing into the night. She found the girl's revelation upsetting. Maybe she was a little spoiled and self-centered. Still... "Why?"

"You called me a girl and a brat."

Charlotte turned onto her side, facing Jody's direction. "You do realize that you are a girl, don't you?"

"I am Alice."

"Mmm." Charlotte lacked the knowledge necessary to assist Alice, who appeared to be having a serious issue with her gender. But she wanted to. What might cause Alice to deny being a female? Charlotte had a sneaking suspicion that her father was involved.

"I'm sorry I called you a brat."

"Thanks, and I'm sorry I said you snore. Daddy found it hard to believe."

She jerked her head up. "You told your daddy I snore?"

"Yep. He said that you didn't appear to be a woman that snores."

Well, well, the sheriff had at least complimented her. She was curious. "Did he say anything else?" she asked, feeling as if she was in junior high.

"Only that you needed our help because you had been through a difficult time with Tosin."

So he was remorseful over what had happened. Somehow that made her feel better. "Good night, Alice," she said as she rolled over onto her back.


Dolittle barked.

"Night, Do," Alice said softly.

"Night, Do." Finding herself mimicking Alice, Charlotte almost burst out laughing. What was happening to her?

The night came, but Charlotte had trouble falling asleep. There was a lot of silence. The sidewalks in Horseshoe, Texas, must be rolled up at night. Apart from the TV's buzz in the adjacent room, there was no sound anywhere. So different from Austin, where there was always something going on and the nightlife, especially the clubs, had an allure unlike any other.

She would be out having a good time with her friends if everything on her trip had gone as planned. 'Her friends'. For the first time, she thought about them. Not Bree, Mindy, or Brielle had texted or called. Why did they not worry about her absence? Didn't friends worry about friends?

She curled up, feeling more alone than ever. The same way she'd felt since her father's death, but now the burden seemed heavier. Her father had cared about her welfare, and when she lost that security, she'd lost everything.

He'd been a history professor. He was lost in the past, which her mother frequently bemoaned, but Charlotte adored that about him. He was extremely cultured and intelligent. He would spend hours talking about old sites and ancient cultures when she would accompany him on his summer trips overseas. She would pay close attention, but a part of her was more intrigued by the Italian hottie, Greek tycoons, or French sex aficionados.

Now, life was very different. She was genuinely all alone and unprepared for life without her father's care and protection. She wasn't ready for the real world. Hell, she had never done laundry or dishwashing. For a woman her age, it's pitiful. She felt certain that the sheriff would concur.

She hugged her pillows closer.

'When are you going to take responsibility for your actions?'