John was out of the house before Charlotte awoke. He didn't want to risk another encounter with her in the bathroom.

His morning had been ruined by her was wearing short shorts and a tank top. That wasn't going to happen again.

Today was the day.

Ms. Lily was leaving his jurisdisction.

He asked his mother to give Alice a kiss for him. He always made sure to kiss her good morning, but things were different when Ms. Lily was living there. At lunch, he'd give Alice tons of hugs and kisses. He'd be in a better mood, too.

The district attorney, Wayne Greenwood, entered his office with his customary air of seriousness and a briefcase that always appeared to be attached to his hand.

"I would like to discuss the Lily case once more." He eased into the chair across from John's desk, placing his briefcase at his feet.

John slumped back, his chair's springs grumbling, primarily due to wear and tear, the chair's not his. "We've already discussed it, but I'm sure you've received a call from Henry."

"Yes, so we had best make sure to dot all our i's and cross all our t's."

When a prominent attorney visited the area, Wayne would occasionally become a bit anxious. For more than forty years, Wayne Senior, his father, served as the district attorney. He had retired following a stroke. At his request Wayne Junior had returned from Houston to run for the position. John had seen Wayne many times in a courtroom and knew he had no reason to worry.

"I believe the governor has officially requested the dismissal of all charges. Judge Fitzwater won't disregard that."

Wayne frowned. "So you're on board with this?"

John leaned forward and grabbed his pen. He felt offended by Ms. Lily getting away with everything. Still…

"Tosin put her through a night of terror," he said. "I guess that balances out the charges because it was my department's fault he escaped."

Wayne eyed him. "I thought you'd fight this," Wayne was two years older than John and knew Sarah's story and John's struggle to put her killer behind bars.

"Sometimes you just have to let go."

"Tell that to someone who doesn't know you."

John stared back at his friend, not willing to discuss his leniency with Ms. Lily. "Let's stick to business."

"Okay. Ira approved Tosin's admission to a psychiatric hospital for observation. Tosin was ready to go once I informed him that there were women there. This morning, a van will come to pick him up, and Asha Oglo will be there to make sure he settles in. We ought to have done this years ago."

"Yeah. I know the women of Horseshoe will be very grateful."

"I've pleaded out the Marcus brothers. They're doing six months' jail time."

"That should cause them to think about the error of their ways." John looked at his watch. "We better get over to the courthouse."

Wayne got to his feet and grabbed his briefcase. "When are you going to bring Ms. Lily?"

"Arthur is currently picking her up."

"What do you mean Arthur's picking her up? Isn't she in jail?"

"No. She is staying with my mother. I couldn't have her with Tosin. That had already created too many issues."

"Hmm." Wayne massaged his jaw. "It's a good thing the charges are being dropped, or we might have a problem."

"Listen, I took the necessary precautions to keep her safe. If Ms. Lily' defense lawyer's brother has a problem with his sister staying in a safe environment, then I say he is the one who has a problem."

Wayne mumbled, "I see," in a tone that suggested he had seen more than John had intended.

"You see nothing. Let's go."

Charlotte said her goodbyes to Alice and Hae and couldn't understand the lump clogging her throat. Lonely Alice insisting she wasn't a girl and Hae getting by on Elvis's songs. She had been profoundly moved by two persons and their peculiar ways. It was now time to return home.

The deputy drove her to the courthouse and barely spoke. He led her inside the old courthouse while she left her belongings in the patrol car. It had a slight dust and mildew odor. Their steps were echoed by the surrounding walls as they moved towards an old lift. On the second floor was where the courtroom was.

They moved along a hallway lined with towering portraits of former judges. They turned left and entered a small courtroom through double doors. Her eyes immediately found John standing with a man in a suit. They were talking with her brother. Finally, he was here.

Henry approached her side after spotting her. He took in her appearance with one glance. "What happened to you?"

She wore her capris, a knit blouse without sleeves, and shoes. Self-consciously her hand went to her hair, which was combed. She didn't think she looked that bad.

"What do you mean?"

"You don't have on any makeup, and there are red spots on your face and arms."

"Mosquito bites."

"Yes." His expression hardened. "I've just been hearing about everything that's happened to you and I'm out for blood. I don't care if the charges are being dropped. I'm going to do a number on this town, that sheriff and his department. How can he safeguard the people of this county if he can't even protect his own prisoners?"

Henry was saying everything she had told John he would.

He would make John pay for everything that had happened to her. In the end, Henry would make sure John lost his badge.

Just like she'd said.