The next few days were tense to say the least. But John set aside his personal feelings and focused on his duties as the sheriff. It was difficult for him to fit Charlotte into his schedule.

He had no problem calling her by her first name now. He just wished it wasn't so... natural.

He wanted someone to sweep the office and clean the restrooms because he still lacked a deputy.

She enquired, "May I have rubber gloves, please?" after hearing about her responsibilities.

"They're in the rear room, among the cleaning supplies."

He entered the space after noticing her perplexed expression and opened a cupboard. "Supplies here." Swinging open a closet door, he added, "Broom and dustpan here. Any questions?"


"Don't ask me how to do it. Figure it out."

He waited for her to object but she didn't. In fact, she did exactly as she was told. Although her sweeping technique looked more like dancing and he had to look away. Crazy woman!

The fact that there were no inmates made things simpler, but his mother had taken Charlotte to the dollar store where she had purchased T-shirts and denim shorts. Charlotte walking around his office in shorts wasn't doing his blood pressure any good.

The Bramble police chief, Adonis, called John the following day. There had been a significant altercation at the neighborhood saloon and his jail was full. Four prisoners were transferred to Horseshoe.

He sent Charlotte to the café at lunchtime to get lunch for the prisoners. The next thing he knew all hell was breaking loose. The inmates were whistling, whooping, and shouting.

He immediately stood up to investigate what was happening.

"Hey, Sheriff!" one prisoner shouted. "Adonis didn't tell us you had Daisy Duke working for you. Hot damn, this is service!"

"Shut up and settle down," John said, taking Charlotte's arm and pulling her into his office.

"They're just being guys," she said. "You know, idiots with too much testosterone."

She was managing the situation pretty well, he thought as he cast a quick glance her way. "Does it not upset you when men behave in such a manner?"

"Yes. However, I don't believe I have the ability to alter nature."

"Mmm." John took his seat as Arthur came into the office.

"All set." Arthur said

"Arthur going to take you on a trash detail. The judge had suggested it, and it will be less stressful."

His phone started ringing nonstop an hour later. Wives were complaining. Their husbands were driving by just to watch Charlotte pick up trash. They wanted him to do something with 'that woman', as Charlotte was becoming known around town.

He instructed Arthur to drive Charlotte to his mother's house over the phone. Her day was over. It was all he could take; the thumbtack was firmly embedded in his last nerve.

The next day he called Betty Tompkins, who was head of the Meals on Wheels program. She was eager for help, so John sent Charlotte over, feeling this was foolproof.

He was wrong. By the end of the day his phone was ringing. Betty claimed that Ms. Lily assistance was causing problems. Men who were in perfect health were calling and asking for food to be delivered. She had to discharge Ms. Lily.

John had run out of options. He wasn't sure what to do with Charlotte. But it was the weekend, so he thought he'd give it a rest until Monday. He wished Ira had allowed her to go home. It would have given them all a break.

And he needed a break.

On Saturday he stayed away from the house. He'd been doing a lot of that lately. It bothered him that Alice didn't seem to mind. That evening he was home in time to take everyone to the shindig on the courthouse lawn. Once a month the townspeople gathered to share their lives, their problems and good food. John always attended to make sure the event went off without incident. Alice and his mom loved it, too. Charlotte went along and he was hoping there wouldn't be any trouble with the town's women.

But with Charlotte sporting shorts and a T-shirt with the phrase "Make My Day" across the front, he was prepared for anything.

Almost everyone gave her space. Women were staring at her with their eyes like daggers as she sat alone on a bench. Their better halves couldn't take their eyes off her. But no one socialized with her. Alice brought her a hot dog and introduced her to Hardy and Curtis.

"This is Charlotte,' Alice said. "She's staying with us."

Curtis took her hand and kissed her knuckles. "Just as pretty as a brand-new speckled pup in a shiny red wagon."

Hardy slapped Curtis on the shoulder. "What kind of talk is that? Forgive my brother, ma'am. He's not much of a poet." He took Charlotte's hand. "You're as breathtaking as a field of bluebonnets."

"Thank you, I think, Charlotte said, glancing at John and noticing how women flocked to him. He was presently conversing with a brunette.

Alice fixed her gaze on the brothers. "What's the matter with you two? Why are you acting odd?"

Curtis retorted, "Now, little bit, we're simply being courteous."

Charlotte believed his name was appropriate. She questioned how he managed to keep those worn-out jeans up being tall and emaciated. He lacked hips or a butt. He had grey hair around his ears, which he tucked back into a low ponytail despite having a bald top.

Hardy was just the opposite, short and portly and completely bald.

Alice sat on the bench next to Charlotte. "I learn a lot from Hardy and Curtis."

"Do you?" Charlotte asked, wondering why Jody wasn't playing with the other kids.

"Yep." Alice bobbed her head. "When the weather is bsd, sleep with your boots on. Always say you're sorry, even if it makes your mouth taste like a bull nettle, since you never know when you might need to make a swift getaway. And even though it hurts like someone is poking a needle in your eye, be nice."

Charlotte took a bite of the hot dog. "I can honestly say that's the first I've heard of that."

"They have all kinds of sayings. When they were kids they had to walk ten miles in the snow to school uphill- both ways."

"Really?" It rarely snowed in Texas. Uphill both ways? The two old geezers were pulling Alice's leg. And telling some mighty tall tales.

"On that note, we'll bid you two lovely ladies farewell." Curtis made a waist-level bow.

"They don't normally act like that." Alice told her as they walked away. "You want popcorn? I'll will buy popcorn. She vanished in an instant.

Charlotte observed everyone chatting, sharing, and laughing as they moved about. She was aware of the looks directed towards her.

'Right back at you' she wanted to say

She ate the hot dog in its entirety before relaxing. On the grass, people were scattered all around. A few men were preparing hot dogs and hamburgers in a huge mobile barbecue pit that was parked off to the side. Both a cotton candy maker and a popcorn maker were operating at full capacity. Additionally, a bunch of women were making ice cream. Watermelons were iced down in washtubs. A band was tuning up and the twang of a guitar echoed through the tall live oaks. Cotton Pickin' Playboys was etched on a set of drums.