Mom!! I have seen an angel

Mika went outside with some of her friends with the intention of making her feel less.

when they got outside, they didn't know how the guy was able to convince Aileen but they met them on the hallway and that was good enough


"who is this girl?!" one of Mika's friends said

"and what is she wearing" another said

they said it so out loud that, Aileen heard them, she ignored them and decided to go back to where she was sitting, as she walked towards them, Mika intentionally bumped into her

"watch where you are going?" Mika said

"sorry" Aileen said, she looked at Mika carefully and realized, it was her, the girl who came to Rían's house

"you?!" Aileen said

" you know this classless girl" Mika's friend said and Aileen became annoyed, she was not one to be bullied, she just didn't want trouble for Rían, so she ignored her

"no..I don't" Mika said and Aileen smirked

"this is a private party, who invited you here" Mika's friend asked

"did you sneak in here" another said

soon, some students passing by started to gather around

"she might have, looking at her, she doesn't even attend our school" another one of Mika's friends said

Aileen couldn't stand it, so she said

"you're right I don't attend your school and I don't know if you can call it sneak when I came inside as a plus one with my fiancé!!!" Aileen emphasized on the fiancé to annoy Mika

some of the students around began to murmur, wondering who her fiancé might be


"and who from our school, will choose someone like you" Mika's friend asked

the last thing Mika wanted was letting people know about Rían having a fiancée that is not her, she tried to pull her friends away to avoid the reply but Aileen found satisfaction in her state.

"where are you going? don't you want to know him" Aileen said and they stopped, Mika became angry and said

"no need"

"of course there's a need, especially when you asked" Aileen said

she was sorry to Rían, she knew what she was doing was selfish but she wanted to put her in her place, at least after here Rían can refute this claim she was about to make, since he was not here to respond.

"I believe most of you all know him already, he's every woman's dream and as a bonus to his incredible personality and nature, he's very very!! handsome. my fiancé in my eyes is one in a million,.....haha! how can he be one in a million, when he's the million, he's the only one that I see... Rían is such an amazing lover" she said

yes she did it she said that

"Rían " the Rían" it can't be" Mika's friend said

the students murmured amongst themselves,

Mika was so angry but she saw something on her neck, a tattoo, she was so sure he didn't like tattoos because the other time she wanted to get one with Rían name but he

"why would you get a tattoo for me? what will that prove? that you're mine or what? I hate it" said.

"you have a tattoo, if you were his fiancée you would know he hated it" Mika said and Aileen wanted to cover it but a Loud voice spoke from the crowd

"and thats because I didn't want anyone else, getting a tattoo for me, only she has that right. when it's her, I love it. how can I not love it when it was I who got her that tattoo....

sunfill green sunflower representing my unwavering faith and unconditional love for her

light blue Lily flower representing her purity, the peace, serenity and tranquility, I find in loving her and making her the root of my life and happiness. tell me how can I not love it" he said as he walked towards her,

as he was approaching, she felt she has seen an angel.

"Mom!!! I have seen an angel" she thought