Tell me Are you?

"you not only went through my phone but you dared interfere in my life. who gave you that right?!" Rìan was very angry when he said that and Mika could tell, so she responded

"she's a cheat and she doesn't love you like I do. I am just saving you from heartbreak"

"hahaha who said I want her to love me like I do her? loving her is my choice, having a heartbreak will be my fault, I loved her without expecting her to love me back and even if she doesn't choose me I will still love her.."


"Mika can't you see it, can't you see it in my eyes and soul that she's the only one I love and will ever love, although I am Young but this I know for me to fall in love with another will be my most painful cross I will have to bear, if I don't have her, although it will kill me, I will have to endure "

Mika left there angry.

Rìan stepped out when Aileen wasn't back, he saw her with Julius at the hospital cafeteria and she was smiling.

his heart sank, he was scared. was this it, was everything that happened a dream.

with questions on his mind he went inside as he waited for her return.

Aileen was smiling because she was talking a lot about Rìan and Julius was making fun of her,

she and Julius talked about a lot of things, she asked about her mother and, he told her she was doing great and he also told her about how he had searched for her when he came abroad to her telling him about her experience and adventure till now.

"how did you know I was here?"

"that Mika girl called me here, she said you asked her to call me since you don't have a phone"

"that liar, anyways I am glad you're here"

"uhm so will you be coming with me to where I stay?"

"no I have to take care of him" she said

Julius walked her to Rìan room, and Rìan pretended to be asleep

"so I will be leaving next week, you will come with me right?" Julius asked and Rìan heart ached. Aileen looked at rian and Julius realized maybe this was not the place to discuss this.

"think about it carefully, I will see you tomorrow, so call me" he said and left


"loving you is my choice, having a heartbreak will be my fault, loving you is my happiness but will having you be my pain? what if you don't love me, what if you don't feel the same for me? would I be able to let you go?".... a love letter to my beloved


"if she leaves what am I going to do?" Iris asked himself.

Aileen went out to get him something to eat


"you seem off" Dr Ann said

"a little"

"what happened?"

"I have less than a week" he said but before he could continue, Aileen came in pretending not to have heard anything.

what Rìan was trying to tell Dr Ann was that he has less than a week to be with Aileen if she decides to go with Julius.

"I see your fiancée got you something to eat, I will see you in 30 for us to talk" Dr Ann said and left

Aileen fed him and he was too quiet

"he seems too quiet, he's not joking around neither is he flirting. what did he meant by less than a! I am scared" she said in her mind as she watched him eat.

Dr Ann as promised came to see him and she brought police officer Noah along

"Why did you bring him?" Rìan said to Dr Ann

"I thought it will cheer you up" Dr Ann said

"bringing him here to discipline me with his words is what you call cheering?"

"Discipline of love " dr Ann said but he didn't smile