The new life awaiting 2

He told Ann

"You wanted something that binds her to you, wasn't it because you knew this day will come and you were willing to let her go" Ann said

he remembered his words

He had been avoiding Aileen since Julius came by that early morning, Aileen went to the kitchen after Julius left to get water and they met. She avoided his gaze and wanted to get what she wanted quickly and leave but he stopped her

"Let's not make our last day together awkward.....please " he said and Aileen hugged him and cried

"Hey don't cry" he said

"I will miss you " Aileen said

"And I will more, now wipe your tears I don't want you to leave with sadness"

He wiped her tears and said

" get ready, I know it's late I wasted the day sulking when I could have created more memories with you... I am going to do everything I wanted to do with you before you leave tomorrow "

He took her out to eat at a fancy restaurant, they went to the playground and went for skating too, he took her to all his favorite places and then when they got home Aileen refused to let him go

"Let's spend more time together "

"What else should we do ?" He asked

"Let's watch the stars together"

They stayed in each other's arms as they laid down to watch the stars

"Aileen I am selfish when it comes to you but I understand you "

"You heard us talking?

He sat up

"Listen Aileen tomorrow is not the end of our story and I know you know that but I just want you to wait for me, don't fall in love with another let me be the only one in your heart and life. I love you and promise me you will wait for me to come for you so we can be happy as husband and wife, I promise to be the best husband for you "

Aileen kissed him, he was talking too much and he needed not to because she was going to wait for him she was planning on telling him to wait for her as she finds a place for her mom, she was surely going to tell her mom about the angel she met

Husband and wife? Wasn't it too much to dream

But she was happy she was in his future,

They kissed with longing knowing tomorrow their lips will miss each other and they fell asleep in each other's arms

The following day, Rìan escorted her to the airport as they bid each other goodbye


Aileen went to the hospital to see her mom when she landed and she took her home, she did all the duties and made her mother rest

At night before she sleeps she thinks of the moment with Rìan and sleep with both happiness and sadness, she really missed him

"Something have changed about you?" Her mom said

"What ?"

" you have grown up"


"I am not kidding Aileen you seem more realistic you know our situation and now you're not so worked up about the things that woman does "

Maybe her mom was right she now knew it wasn't going to be easy to get them out of here and she no longer let that woman's words get to her, she was free, she felt free and came into realization what matters to her the most her mom, sister and Rìan.

School reopened and her classmates saw a different side of her, she didn't care about what they thought of her. She right from school went to her jobs and then helped her mom out and then study and at night think about what seems to be a dream three months ago


Three months passed and everything was back to normal until she heard the news of the prodigal son returning