
Julius couldn't hide his smile and happiness neither could Aileen

"I will be spending time with my Julius" she said in her mind

"We have a lot of things to do tomorrow, we are going to do all the things we used to do, why did we stop doing all those stuffs?"

"It's not we, you did" Julius said


"Yes Aileen, you did. You stopped showing up, I continuously did what I was already doing but I understand maybe you got bored with doing all those things. I promise this time I will do better" Julius said

Aileen hugged him tightly as she remembered

It was true, he was still sending her food, he was looking after her from afar how did she know? Because it's Julius the one who has always been there for her

She noticed and remembered what sel said about her distancing herself when Rìan returned

"I am sorry, thank you for being there for me even when I am stupid. This time I will do better nothing is going to come between us" she said

"Nothing is going to come between us? I hope so Julius but I am scared of Nina's presence. I can't lose you and I know this is me being selfish but what can I do, it's only when it comes to you that I become selfish" she thought as she saw Nina looking at them

They spent some time together

"I am going to prepare something for us to eat" he said

Aileen was sitting in the draw room but it was too quiet that she went to the kitchen to help him and Julius was so happy

"This can make you this happy?" Nina thought as she watched him and then her eyes shifted to Aileen

"Or is it because she's here?" She murmured

She went back to her room, they were too immersed with each other that they didn't notice her presence

They set up the table for dinner and Julius called Nina

She came downstairs and sat down

Julius smiled and served Aileen

"Here eat it's your favorite" he said

Nina just scoffed as she stared at the dishes on the table

"What did you do in the kitchen?" Nina asked Aileen

"I helped Julius out, sorry"

"Sorry? I haven't said anything" Nina was so cold

"So this menu is yours"

"Nina I made these, these were the dishes I wanted to make"

Nina got up and Julius followed

"Wait Nina aren't you eating? What's wrong with you"

"This is no longer my place julius, everything has changed and I don't like it"

"What do you mean?" Julius asked

"You! Have changed. Julius I just don't belong to that table especially when I look at the dishes"

"It's just food, come on let's go and eat"

"Julius answer me now please, who's Aileen to you"

"My friend, my best friend" he said

"That's what she thinks of me and it will remain like that" he thought

Aileen followed them and heard

When she heard him address her as just friend she didn't know why but it hurt her a little

"Are you sure?"


"Maybe it's because you guys have become so close when I was away that that table is made up of all her favorites, it's like you cooked just for her and it hurts Julius"

"I didn't notice, I just missed my friend and wanted to do something for her"

"Was that the only reason?"

"Nina please let's eat"

Aileen went back and saw the table and it was true it was all her favorites, she smiled unknowingly but got back to her senses

"Nina is right to feel jealous after all you're her boyfriend, if this is how special you make a friend feel then I want to know how you treat your lover and that's where I also become jealous of you Nina. He's just amazing that you wouldn't want to share him with anyone else why didn't I realize this sooner, I met you first" Aileen knew that was a selfish thinking but what could she do he was a great person

Nina came to the dinner table and ate

After eating she opted to clean the dishes with Aileen and Julius went upstairs to change so he could drive Aileen home

"Aileen we used to be friends right?"

"Used to? Nina you're still my friend"

"If that's so then stop whatever you're doing"

"What are you saying Nina"

"I had been away from Julius for years and I know you two grew closer but I am here now and you can't keep getting this close"

"Nina Julius and I were friends before you came into the picture. We used to spend time together as three so what changed now"

"Because I feel you want to take him away from me"

"I can't you're his girlfriend and he's so loyal so don't worry" Aileen said with assurance

"Please stay away from him please I don't like feeling this insecure. Please do me this favor"

"Nina!!!!" Julius came there

"What are you saying?" He asked

"Aileen wait for me" he said as he took Nina away from there to talk

"What's wrong Nina" he asked with a calm voice

"Julius tell her to stay away from us, she's ruining things"

"How can she ruin something that was ruined years ago! Nina it's because of her that I became closer to you she was my friend before you and she's the reason we became closer. Nina why can't it become like before when it was us three in high school??"

"Julius in high school you were my boyfriend can we go back to that??"

"Nina we were the three musketeers before I dated you, please don't push her away from me and force me to choose between you two

Please don't let our past ruin our friendship"

He said and left

"Thank goodness you waited for me" he said and hugged Aileen