[3] Ambush

The night air was crisp as I blended in with the shadows, my hood drawn up to conceal my face. The bar, a raucous, lit establishment was a stark contrast to the quiet, darkened alley I lurked in. The laughter and merriment spilled out from its open doors, the patrons inside oblivious to the dark deeds brewing outside.

And then, he emerged. Maroth. A B-tier human, high-ranking and influential, stumbled out into the cool night air, drunk and loud. Flanking him were two burly bodyguards, their attentiveness dulled by the alcohol and the late hour.

I watched them from my hiding spot, gauging their movements. Timing was critical. Too soon, and I might alert the bodyguards. Too late, and they'd be too far.

But as they passed by my alleyway, I stepped out into the dimly lit street, my eyes fixed on Maroth. The demon paused, his bleary eyes narrowing at me as he swayed on his feet.

"Who's that?" He slurred, a clumsy hand gesturing towards me. The bodyguards, more sober than their charge, immediately tensed, their eyes alert on the potential threat.

"Just a wanderer," I replied calmly, keeping my voice steady despite the pounding of my heart. There was a thrill to this, a mix of danger and exhilaration.

"I don't like wanderers," Maroth grumbled, his drunkenness making his words slur. "Why're you here?"

I drew my hood back slightly, allowing him to see my face. I held his gaze, my brown eyes steady. "I'm here for you, Maroth."

His laughter echoed in the still night, a crude, abrasive sound. "For me? And why would that be?"

"Because your reign of corruption ends tonight," I declared, my voice ringing out in the silent street.

The laughter stopped, Maroth's eyes widening in surprise before they narrowed into slits. His bodyguards, caught off guard by my boldness, immediately sprung into action, drawing their weapons.

With a careless flick of Maroth's hand, the bodyguards advanced, their eyes gleaming with malicious intent. They moved swiftly, weapons drawn, aiming to make quick work of the supposed noob standing before them. They were big and burly, carrying the unmistakable aura of seasoned fighters.

My heart pounded in my chest, not with fear, but anticipation. My hand twitched to the device hidden under my cloak - the power limiter that kept my immense strength concealed. Carefully, I adjusted it, raising my power level to the C tier. It was more than enough to handle these bodyguards without revealing my true nature.

The first bodyguard, a boar beastkind with sharp tusks and bulging muscles, lunged at me. I moved to the side, agility coming into play, as I gracefully sidestepped his attack. A quick jab to his exposed flank sent him crashing into a nearby wall, the force of my punch amplified by my adjusted power level.

The second one, a dwarf with an intimidating battleaxe, was more cautious. He moved in calculated circles, trying to gauge my movement. But I didn't give him the chance. A swift kick to his kneecap had him staggering, a follow-up punch to his chest sent him flying back, landing with a thud next to his beastkin companion.

It was over in a matter of seconds. The once confident bodyguards were now sprawled on the ground, gasping for breath. I hadn't even broken a sweat.

I turned my attention back to Maroth, who was watching the scene in wide-eyed disbelief. The reality of his predicament was slowly sinking in.

"I..." he stuttered, staggering back. "Who are you?"

I stepped closer, adjusting my cloak to hide the limiter once again. "I am nobody," I said, my voice echoing in the now silent street. "And tonight, your corruption ends."

Before I could close the distance, Maroth threw up his hands, a chant falling from his lips. A dark energy pooled around him, swirling and sparking as he drew on his magic. It was a powerful attack spell, I could tell, and I didn't have the time to evade it.

In the split second before the spell was unleashed, I reached for my limiter again, raising the dial to the B-tier. My body hummed with the influx of power, my senses sharpening to an almost superhuman level.

The spell came hurtling towards me, a ball of dark, crackling energy. With my newly unlocked speed, I sidestepped it, the destructive magic narrowly missing me and crashing into a building behind me. Dust and debris filled the air, obscuring vision.

I didn't let it deter me. With the haze of dust as my cover, I advanced on Maroth, the man panicked chanting echoing through the alley. Another spell was forming, but I wouldn't give him the chance to complete it.

Drawing on my enhanced speed, I closed the distance between us in a blink of an eye. Before he could react, I landed a solid punch in his gut, the force of my B-tier strength sending him sprawling to the ground.

The chanting stopped abruptly, the forming spell dissipating into harmless sparks. Maroth lay on the ground, gasping for breath, the wind knocked out of him. His wide, terror-filled eyes looked up at me, the fallen bodyguards and the damaged building bearing testament to the power he had underestimated.

"I..." he gasped, a pitiful wheeze escaping his lips. "What... are you?"

I looked down at him, the B-tier human who had once been feared and untouchable. Now, he was nothing more than a helpless man at my mercy.

"I'm just a noob adventurer," I said, the corners of my mouth lifting in a small, sardonic smile.

Maroth scrambled to his feet, staggering as he tried to flee. But my attention was diverted, my gaze lifting to the rooftop overlooking the alley. There she was - the silver-haired woman who'd given me this job. Her violet eyes were wide, her face ashen as she took in the scene below.

"So," I called out, my voice echoing in the empty alleyway. "You've been watching this whole time."

She flinched, caught off guard. Slowly, she climbed down from the roof, her movements graceful and swift. She landed lightly in front of me, her cloak fluttering around her.

"I..." she began, struggling to find her words.

"I think I understand now," I cut her off, my gaze piercing into hers. "You wanted me to act as bait for Maroth, didn't you? You had a score to settle with him."

The girl looked away, her jaw clenching. She didn't deny it.

"Well," I continued, a cold smile on my face. "Didn't quite work out the way you planned, did it?"

Q: What would you do if someone tricked you?