[5] Awakening

The girl woke with a start, her eyes darting around the unfamiliar room. The dimly lit interior, the sound of soft snoring from the bed, the sharp pain in her neck - it took her a moment to piece it all together. Then her gaze fell on me, lying beside her, and her eyes widened in alarm.

"Wh-wh-why are you sleeping next to me?" she stammered, recoiling in surprise.

I stirred, lifting myself up on one elbow and rubbing my eyes sleepily. "Hey," I yawned, looking at her with a half-amused, half-exasperated expression. "I am only human, after all. I need sleep too."

Her cheeks flushed a bright red, but she didn't look convinced. I watched as she checked herself, apparently relieved to find she was still fully clothed.

With a furious glare, she got off the bed, striding over to where I was lying. I saw the flash of her hand as she raised it to slap me, but I was quicker. I shot out my hand, catching her wrist mid-air.

"Hey, calm down," I told her, trying to keep my voice level. "Nothing happened. I merely found a place for us to stay after you passed out. You're not my type anyway."

Her cheeks blushed deeper, a mix of embarrassment and anger. But she didn't pull away, instead glaring at me as if trying to discern if I was telling the truth.

"Who are you really?" she demanded, her grip on my wrist tightening.

I grinned at her, a mischievous twinkle in my eyes. "That's a secret," I said, giving her a wink.

She scowled, but didn't let go. Instead, she looked me square in the eye, a determined look on her face. "Why...Why did you accept my deal?" she questioned, her voice softer now.

I shrugged, a sly grin spreading on my face. "For my own entertainment," I admitted, chuckling at her surprised expression.

"Weirdo," she muttered, releasing my wrist and turning away from me.

"Where are you going?" I asked, a hint of amusement in my voice. I knew she was likely headed nowhere in particular, just wanting to put distance between us.

"Why are you still asking? It has nothing to do with you," she fired back, not even bothering to turn around.

I let out a soft laugh, pushing myself up from the bed. "I'm not going to kill Maroth myself," I started, catching her attention. She paused, turning to look at me. "But I have a better solution."

She crossed her arms over her chest, her violet eyes narrowing suspiciously. "What? Just spit it out already!"

"I'm going to make you stronger," I stated, my voice serious now. "So you don't have to rely on others to do it."

"Really?" she asked, her tone skeptical as she halted mid-stride. Turning to face me, her violet eyes narrowed suspiciously. "No hidden strings attached?"

I shook my head, raising my hands in a show of innocence. "Not at all," I reassured her. "But well..." I started, watching as her suspicious gaze intensified. "...there is one condition."

She frowned, crossing her arms over her chest, her eyebrows shooting up in a silent question. She didn't speak, but the silent demand hung heavy in the air between us.

"You have to be my teammate in my adventure party for the time being," I finally spilled out, grinning at her wide-eyed surprise. "That's all."

Her face scrunched up as she processed my condition, her violet eyes flickering with indecision. I leaned back against the bedpost, watching her with a satisfied smile. She was a puzzle, this silver-haired girl, and I was starting to enjoy this game.

"Fine," she agreed, her tone begrudging as she met my gaze. I could see the resolve shining in her eyes, the determination that had first drawn me to her.

"I shall remain in your party for the time being," she stated, "until I become strong enough to kill Maroth."

I chuckled at her declaration, clapping my hands in approval. "That's the spirit," I praised, grinning at her unamused expression.

"Now that we're party members," I began, my voice taking on a teasing note, "don't you think it's about time you introduced yourself?"

Q: How would you introduce yourself irl?