[7] Stats checking Sera

"You got a crystal orb on you?" I asked, glancing over at Sera.

"Yes? What do you want to use it for?" she asked, reaching into a pouch attached to her belt and pulling out a small, clear orb.

"Let's check out each other's stats," I proposed, already drawing out my own orb from a hidden pocket. We both held up our orbs, peering through the clear crystal towards each other. An array of numbers and words floated within my orb, displaying Sera's stats:

Race: Elf

Strength: 1000

Speed: 1000

Stamina: 3000

Mana: 20000

Magic power: 20000

Health: 10000

Defense: 1000

Accuracy: 2000

Agility: 1000

Magic Resistance: 1000

Overall Power: 6000 (C-Tier)

"An impressive score," I commented, peering at her from over the top of my orb.

She glanced at me, a smirk crossing her features. "Hmph, of course it is. Unlike some people, I don't have to pretend to be weak," she retorted, her gaze back on the orb.

I laughed at her remark, shaking my head. Despite her harsh words, I couldn't help but look forward to the adventures that lay ahead with this fiery elf mage.

There was a moment of silence before Sera shifted her gaze to me, a hint of a blush painting her cheeks. "Um...Chang...Can I please see your full power?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

I blinked at her, surprised by her sudden request. She wanted to see my full power? That was unexpected, especially given her tsundere nature. I smirked at her, amused by her curiosity. "It wouldn't work, these small crystal orbs have an upper reading limit of 1 million power." I replied casually.

She looked taken aback for a moment, her violet eyes wide with surprise. Then, her gaze narrowed, her usual fiery personality reemerging. "Then get a bigger orb! I mean...it's not like I really care about your power or anything... I just... I just don't want to get stuck with a weakling, okay?" she huffed, turning her head to the side as she tried to play off her obvious interest in my power.

I chuckled, shaking my head at her antics. "I'll keep that in mind, Sera," I said, storing my crystal orb back into my pocket.

This is gonna be more fun than I thought...

Q: Are you a tsundere?