[10] An open quest

As we stepped back into the guild Hall, we were greeted with a scene of controlled chaos. Adventurers were gathered around the notice board in a tight knot, their voices a cacophony of excitement and speculation.

"What's all this fuss about?" I muttered, and Sera shrugged beside me.

With curiosity piqued, we managed to push our way through the crowd, arriving just in time to see a new parchment being pinned to the notice board. It was an open quest, a call to all adventurers, regardless of their tier or number. The task? To slay a wild Nemean Lion that has been attacking farmers at the country side of Erindale.

"An open quest?" Sera muttered, her eyes scanning the details on the parchment. "That's a golden opportunity for us, Chang."

I nodded, observing the commotion around us. "Seems like it, but it's not going to be a walk in the park. Nemean Lions are known to be tough opponents."

"And that's exactly why it's perfect," she said, crossing her arms and looking up at me. "We can show everyone what we're made of."

"Well, what you're made of, you mean," I teased, nudging her lightly. "Remember, I'm just an F-Tier."

She rolled her eyes but smiled nonetheless. "Fine. I'll show everyone what we're made of."

As we were still standing there around the notice board, a large figure careened into us, knocking me slightly off balance. I stumbled backward, managing to regain my footing just in time to see a towering B-tier adventurer, his badge gleaming proudly on his chest.

"Watch where you're going, noob!" he snarled, his cold gaze sweeping over me disdainfully.

I met his eyes calmly, offering a curt nod in response. "My apologies," I said, though my words were laced with a touch of amusement.

Beside me, I could feel Sera's indignation rising. Her petite frame bristled with anger, her fists clenched tightly at her sides. "Hey, you jerk! You bumped into him! You should apologize!" she shouted, stepping in front of me defensively.

But before she could continue, I gently held up a hand, effectively silencing her. I met her fiery gaze and shook my head subtly, a small smile playing on my lips.

"Let's not start a commotion, Sera," I said, my voice low and calm. "Remember, we have a quest to complete."

Her eyes held mine for a moment, tension evident in her posture. Then, with a final glare thrown at the B-tier adventurer's retreating back, she huffed in annoyance and turned back to me.

"Fine," she muttered under her breath, her gaze still flashing with defiance. "But only because we have more important things to do."

Q: What would you do if someone bumped into you rudely?