[26] Fast travel

Rising early in the morning, I stretched out on the worn bed and turned to my two female companions who were still lost in sleep. With a deep sigh, I stood up, walked over to a basin of water and refreshed myself before waking the two girls.

"Alright ladies," I began with an air of finality, causing Sera to groan and pull her pillow over her head, and Lina to blink sleepily, "We've got work to do. Since we can't take on any quests higher than C-tier due to my rank, we have to opt for open quests. For that, we're going to need to travel."

Sera's muffled grumble came from beneath the pillow. "And how do you suggest we do that, Mr. Noob Experience? Walk?"

I shrugged, a small smirk playing on my lips. "No, we are taking the teleportation gate."

Lina, who had been silently following the conversation, looked up at me with wide eyes. "But isn't that really expensive?" she asked, her voice barely a whisper.

"It is," I acknowledged, "But it's the fastest way to get to where we need to go. Besides, we can't always stick to the 'noob experience', can we?" I shot a teasing glance at Sera, who emerged from beneath the pillow to shoot a glare in my direction.

"Why do I get the feeling you're doing this just to annoy me?" she huffed, folding her arms across her chest.

"Oh, wouldn't dream of it," I responded, my smirk broadening. "Now get up. We've got a teleportation gate to catch."


The teleportation gate was a majestic sight to behold, housed inside a colossal arch building which was adorned with intricate carvings and filled with a peculiar energy that seemed to crackle in the air.

As we walked towards the gate, we were met by the gatekeeper - a stocky dwarf with a red, bushy beard that seemed to cover half his face. His eyes shone with an inquisitive gleam as he sized us up. "Where are you off to?" he grunted, his voice as rough as the rocks he likely spent his days around.

"We need to get to Veridian City," I said.

"Veridian, eh? That'll be 1000 gold per head," he stated, extending a gnarled hand out.

I reached into my pouch and handed over the coins without hesitation. Sera shot me a sidelong glance, a mixture of surprise and annoyance in her eyes.

"So much for your noob experience," she muttered under her breath.

"Priorities, Sera," I replied with a grin. The dwarf counted the gold and motioned for us to step onto the platform.

I looked at both of the girls and realized they haven't moved yet.

"Are you scared Sera!"

"You are the scaredy cat!" she fire back instinctively. "It's just...This is my firs time using a teleportation gate."

"What about you Lila?" I asked.

She quietly nodded in response.

"I figured this was the first time you both used the teleportation gate." I I turned to them, a wry smile on my face. "Well, let me tell you, it's quite an experience. But don't worry, you'll get used to it."

Sera crossed her arms, her eyebrows furrowing in a frown. "Is it dangerous?" she asked, her voice a bit shaky, clearly trying to hide her nervousness.

"Well, if it was, they wouldn't be using it as a standard means of transportation, would they?" I quipped. "Just remember, keep your arms and legs inside the ride at all times, and no flash photography."

Sera rolled her eyes at me, but I noticed her relax slightly at my jest. "You're impossible," she muttered, but I could see a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

Lila, however, was looking at the gate with wide eyes, her face pale. "I...I'm not so sure about this," she said, taking a step back.

I placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder, offering her a gentle smile. "It's okay, Lila. Just think of it as a really fast elevator ride. Close your eyes if you have to. We'll be there before you know it."

The trepidation in her eyes lessened somewhat, and she nodded slowly, taking a deep breath. "Alright...if you say so, Master Chang."

I nodded and gestured towards the gate. "After you, ladies." I said, my voice full of faux gallantry, eliciting a chuckle from Sera and a shy smile from Lila.

Once the dwarf pulled the lever, the teleportation gate began to come alive. The gate was an impressive, towering structure, a circular arch made from some kind of pale, luminescent stone that glowed softly with a radiant, ethereal light. The interior of the gate was marked by a series of inscribed runes, which began to hum and pulsate with energy as the teleportation process was activated.

Suddenly, there was a deep, resonating thrum that seemed to vibrate the very air around us. The gate itself shone brighter, the once soft glow now a brilliant, pulsating radiance. The runes carved into the arch began to swirl and shift in a dance of light and magic, their movements creating intricate patterns of arcane symbols in the air that glowed a bright, neon blue.

Then, a shimmering portal sprung into existence within the confines of the gate, the interior a swirling mass of vibrant, kaleidoscopic colors that seemed to twist and shift in an otherworldly display of raw magic. The air around us grew cold, and a faint breeze whipped around us, seemingly drawn into the portal.

The portal seemed to hum with an unseen energy, the air around it rippling like heat haze in the desert. Looking into it was like staring into the heart of a star, beautiful and mesmerizing, but also filled with an overwhelming sense of raw, untamed power.

In one heart-stopping moment, a force seemed to tug at our very beings and we were pulled into the swirling vortex. The world around us became a blur of color and light, our senses overwhelmed by the rush of teleportation. It was an exhilarating, dizzying sensation, like being swept up in a torrent of pure, unadulterated energy.

Lila looked back at me with wide eyes, clearly anxious. I gave her a reassuring smile and a nod, silently encouraging her to go ahead. She took one more hesitant glance at me before stepping forward into the gate. In an instant, she too was gone, the light of the portal flaring up briefly as she entered it.

I took a moment to steady myself before stepping into the vortex. The instant I did, a sensation akin to being pulled through a high-speed tunnel washed over me. It was as if I was being stretched and compressed all at once, my vision blurring as the colors of the portal mixed together in a swirling maelstrom.

Just as quickly as it began, it was over. I stumbled out the other side of the gate, catching myself before I fell. The bright lights and bustling noise of a different city met my senses. As I regained my balance and looked around, I saw Sera and Lila nearby, both looking as disoriented as I felt.

"Don't worry you will get used to it. Let's go now." I waved.

Q: Do you go on planes often?