[33] The black market

Turning away from the main streets, the three of us ventured into a dimly-lit alleyway situated beside the local baker's shop. As we passed by, the delectable aroma of freshly-baked bread and pastries filled the air, the comforting scent sharply contrasting the grimmer task at hand.

The buildings on either side of us loomed tall, their stone facades streaked with age and weathering, the spaces in between them cloaked in shadow. All around, the din of the city had faded into an eerie silence, punctuated only by the faint sound of dripping water echoing off the walls.

Ahead, a crimson door stood out against the drab surroundings, a vivid contrast to the grimy, soot-streaked bricks surrounding it. It was a stark and conspicuous sight, painted in a bold, vibrant shade of red as if daring passersby to take notice.

Approaching the door, I reached out, gripping the cold, iron handle firmly. With a nudge, the door creaked open, revealing an even darker interior. The door groaned in protest, its rusted hinges squealing with every inch it moved. The sound reverberated off the high walls of the alley, cutting through the heavy silence.

I turned towards Lila, her wide, innocent eyes reflecting the faint ambient light in the shadowy alleyway. Her hands clutched the hem of her newly acquired black maid dress, a telltale sign of her unease. She had never seen the darker underbelly of the city like this, but she had chosen to follow us into danger without any complaints.

"Lila," I began, my voice steady and assuring. Her gaze met mine, a spark of curiosity and apprehension flickering within them. "I need you to stay here with Sera. Don't wander off, and don't speak to anyone unless Sera or I am with you, understand?"

A moment of silence passed as she processed my words. Then, she gave a small nod, "Yes, Master. I understand." Her voice was soft, barely more than a whisper, but filled with determination.

"Good girl," I responded with a gentle smile, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry, I won't be gone for long. I'll return as soon as possible."

Leaving Lila in Sera's capable hands, I then turned my attention back to the dark entrance, steeling myself for what lay beyond.


The black market was a whirlwind of activity. Murky light filtered down from obscured windows set high in the walls, casting an array of shadows that shifted and melded with the comings and goings of the crowd. The labyrinthine pathways wove their way through the cavernous space, leading to clusters of ramshackle stalls and makeshift shop fronts, each one cluttered with a variety of wares that ranged from mundane to decidedly illicit.

From the corner of my eye, I spotted a dodgy vendor peddling dark artefacts, the items gleaming with an ominous light. Just a few stalls away, a cloaked figure traded softly glowing potions in exchange for unmarked gold. I saw a wide array of weaponry, spell scrolls, illegal magical items, contraband from all corners of the realm, and even a few cage-covered stalls that held exotic, possibly endangered creatures, their eyes gleaming with a combination of fear and defiance.

But perhaps the most distinctive feature was the smell – a heady mix of spice, grime, and desperation, all tinged with the metallic undertone of blood. The atmosphere was electric, bristling with tension and barely veiled threats. All around me, hushed whispers filled the air as buyers and sellers haggled over prices, their eyes never straying far from the daggers strapped to their belts or the spell components tucked away in hidden pouches.

As I moved deeper into the crowd, I couldn't help but feel a sense of wariness. Here, in the underbelly of the city, one wrong move could mean disaster. But I was not deterred. I knew I had a mission to accomplish, and I was prepared to see it through, no matter what it took.

Q: Have you been to any shady areas before?