[49] Dragon sighting

While me, Sera and Kuroko was still wandering though the fields, an enormous silhouette filled the sky, casting a monstrous shadow over the field. We looked up.

The skies above us were clear, making the sight of the enormous azure dragon all the more astounding. Its wings, adorned with shimmering azure scales, flapped rhythmically, generating gusts of wind that stirred the tall grass below.

As we watched in awe, the azure dragon swooped down, its deadly, sharp talons extended towards the ground. The sheep, oblivious to the imminent threat, continued grazing, their gentle bleats echoing across the field. Then, in a flash, the dragon snatched one of the sheep, its piercing shrieks drowned out by the dragon's victorious roar.

The sight of the beast rising back to the sky with its prey clutched tightly in its talons was both awe-inspiring and terrifying. Even Sera, as headstrong as she was, couldn't help but gulp in trepidation at the sight.

We then followed the azure dragon in the general direction where it flew off too. We came to a dead end at a waterfall. "You should take off that cloak of yours Kuroko. And be yourself more." I said.

With her back towards the waterfall, Kuroko tilted her head slightly, looking at me through the corner of her eyes. "What's this all about now? You getting sentimental on me?" she snorted, her tail flicking playfully.

I shrugged. "Not at all. I'm just saying, we're in this together now. No need to hide yourself, is all."

Kuroko crossed her arms, a thoughtful expression on her face. After a moment, she let out a sigh, a small, amused smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. "Well, I never took you for the touchy-feely type. But I suppose there's no harm in loosening up a bit. Don't get too comfortable though."

With that, she reached up and pulled off the cloak, revealing her in her full beastkind glory. Her long, silky black hair fell freely, dancing with the breeze, and her emerald green eyes sparkled with mischief. Her tail flicked contentedly, adding to her alluring feline charm.

"I'm still a thief at heart," she added, her smirk widening. "But for now, I suppose we're partners."

I grinned in response, then turned to my head towards the direction of the waterfall.

"You girls wanna go for a swim?" I asked.

"We didn't bring any swimsuits, you pervert!" Sera protested.

Kuroko, still smirking, shrugged nonchalantly. "Eh, why not? It's not like we haven't seen it all before. You're blushing, Sera."

Sera, a flush rising to her cheeks, sputtered indignantly. "I-I am not! I just don't see why we need to go for a swim right now!"

"It's not like I'm asking you to strip, Sera," I chimed in, grinning. "We could just go in with what we're wearing. We need to relax a bit, don't you think?"

Kuroko nodded in agreement, already kicking off her boots. "Yeah, Sera, stop being such a prude. It's just a swim. Besides, I don't mind getting a bit wet."

"But— I mean— Ugh!" Sera groaned, throwing her hands up in the air. "Fine! But if any of you get any funny ideas, I swear I'll—"

"What, gonna give us a good scolding?" Kuroko interjected, laughing. She was already halfway into the water, her clothes clinging to her form. "Don't worry, I'll protect you from the big, bad wolf over here."

I couldn't help but laugh at the banter between the two. As Sera finally gave in and started undressing, a small, content smile spread on my face.

I then stripped down to my underwear.

Sera blinked, blushing furiously, quickly turning her back towards me. "C-Chang! What the hell are you doing?"

Kuroko, on the other hand, merely raised an eyebrow, smirking as she rested her arms on the water's surface. "Well, well, well... Getting comfortable, are we? Didn't peg you for an exhibitionist."

"Says the one who jumped in without a second thought," I retorted, grinning. "I'm just following suit."

"Alright, alright," Sera grumbled, still refusing to look. "Just... Just get in the water already, you show-off."

"As you wish, princess," I replied teasingly, before jumping in with a splash. I could hear the girls' laughter echoing off the waterfall as I surfaced, feeling the cool water against my skin.

"Alright, let's get to work. That dragon won't find itself." I grinned.

Q: How would you try to track down an animal?