[53] The dragon girl's choice

"How dare you kiss me you underling!" Aurelia's eyes flared, but quickly coughed water again.

My eyebrows shot up as I stared down at her, trying to mask my relief with amusement. "Well, pardon me, your Highness," I retorted, laying the sarcasm on thick. "I didn't realize I was supposed to let you drown."

"I didn't... didn't ask for... your help," Aurelia sputtered between coughs, her sapphire eyes glaring at me with all the fury of a stormy sea.

I shrugged, leaning back on my hands as I looked up at the sky, a small smirk playing on my lips. "Sure didn't seem like you were in a position to refuse it, though."

She huffed, attempting to push herself upright, but her strength failed her and she flopped back onto the sand. "I'm not... not some damsel... in distress," she growled, glaring at me once again.

"Never said you were," I quipped, glancing back at her with a smirk. "But even a dragon can use a little help now and then."

Her cheeks turned a shade of red that almost matched her eyes, whether from embarrassment or anger, I wasn't sure. Either way, it felt like a small victory.

"Well, in that case," I added, unable to resist one more jab, "you're welcome for the rescue... and the kiss."

"I will burn you to ashes!" she began to regenerate flames from her mouth, but before she could breath fire, she turned to the side and coughed up more water.

"Laugh at me all you want..." she covered her mouth with one hand.

"I will." I said teasingly.

With her threat cut short by more coughing, Aurelia shot me a venomous glare, which I met with a broad, irrepressible grin.

"Believe me, your highness," I chuckled, lying back onto the grass and lacing my fingers behind my head, "I'm finding it quite hard not to."

This time, Aurelia could only growl in response, clenching her fists as she continued to expel water from her lungs. The fire in her eyes told me she wasn't giving up on her threats anytime soon, but her coughing fit told another story.

"You're quite a sight, you know," I continued, watching her out of the corner of my eye as I pretended to study the clouds above. "I can just imagine the stories they'll tell. 'The mighty Aurelia, vanquished by a puddle of water.'"

The glare she shot me could have melted steel, but she was too busy coughing to retort.

"Aww, what's the matter, princess?" I mocked, shifting to prop myself up on one elbow and grinning down at her. "Cat got your tongue?"

"I will..." she began, but was cut off by a particularly violent cough. She scowled at me through the gaps in her fingers.

"Oh, I can't wait to hear what you'll do," I said, laying back and grinning up at the sky. "But take your time. I'm not going anywhere."

And with that, I settled in to watch the show, a thoroughly amused smile playing on my lips. Little did she know, I was enjoying every second of this.

"How do you know I am a princess?" Aurelia frowned.

"Well, you didn't deny being one when I called u one back there." I said.

"Very well then underling, let me tell you..." she said, as she stood up, drawing herself to her full height. Shen then brushed off her dress with a huff. Her eyes, filled with indignant fire, fixed onto me.

"I am Princess Aurelia Ira Ignis," she declared, her voice echoing across her field, her chest swelling with pride. "The 9th princess of the Dragon Kingdom. I am a descendant of the mighty Elder Dragons who once ruled over the realms and skies. A princess whose breath can melt mountains, whose flight can split the clouds, whose roar can shatter the earth."

She paused for dramatic effect, a haughty smile spreading across her face. "And you... you are nothing but an insect compared to my greatness. A mere human who dared to tangle with a royal dragon. A fool who has caught the interest of the mighty Aurelia. Consider yourself... honored."

With her introduction finished, she crossed her arms and looked down at me expectantly, as though waiting for me to kneel or bow. I, however, just stared back at her for a moment before breaking out into a fit of laughter.

"Oh, that's rich! Princess of the Dragon Kingdom, eh? Well, Your Highness, you sure have a way with words!" I chuckled, grinning up at her, "I must say, I am indeed honored to meet someone as... 'mighty' as you."

Her face turned a shade redder as my laughter echoed off the cave walls. I had to admit, her introduction was impressive, but her indignation made it all the more amusing.

"The moment I regain my strength, I will burn you to the point your ashes would be gone!" she growled.

Ignoring her threats, I pointed out:

"Then how come you were hiding in a cave, far from from your homelands?"

Aurelia frowned, her eyes falling to the ground as her haughty demeanor seemed to falter a bit. She kicked a small stone into the water, her brow furrowing as she hesitated before speaking.

"You think I was here by choice? This... this isn't my home. But it's safer than being back in the Dragon Kingdom," she admitted, her voice softer than before. Her eyes held a hint of sadness, a far cry from the fiery pride she had displayed just moments ago.

"My family... well, let's just say that not everyone is thrilled about the existence of a 9th princess," she continued, her gaze drifting to the horizon. "To them, I'm a threat. An obstacle. A pawn in their endless games of power and dominance. They'd see me dead rather than share the throne."

She heaved a sigh, crossing her arms over her chest. "So, here I am, hiding out in a cave, eating sheep from a nearby farm, just to avoid assassination attempts from my so-called family. Not exactly the royal life you'd expect, is it?"

"Well princess, I offer you two choices, one, you join my party. Two, I turn you over to the authorities." I said.

"I will not submit to anyone who has no power level then me." her voice resolute.

With a sign, I adjusted my limiter to SS tier and let out a pulse of my power.

Aurelia's eyes widened as the wave of energy washed over her. She took a step back, her confident posture slightly wavering. The very air seemed to grow heavy with the immense pressure radiating from me, bending the tall grass around us. I could see her chest rise and fall more rapidly, a faint shimmer of awe reflecting in her eyes.

For a moment, she was silent, studying me with a new perspective. Then, the corners of her mouth twitched into a faint smirk, the glow in her eyes reigniting.

"Well, well, well. You've got more going on than meets the eye, don't you?" she admitted, her voice carrying a newfound respect.

She crossed her arms, a playful glint sparking in her eyes, "I suppose it wouldn't hurt to... tag along. After all, it's better than being hunted down by my dear siblings. But remember," she pointed a finger at me, "you're not my master. We're partners."

"Well, that's a start." I smiled, satisfied with her decision. After all, turning an azure dragon over to authorities was not exactly on my to-do list. "Welcome to the team, Aurelia."

Q: Do you know how to do CPR?