[55] "Rules"

As the three of us walked into the Wyndham public guild hall, an immediate hush fell over the place. All eyes turned to us, taking in our new, high-end outfits. We could feel the curious gazes on us, the sudden shift in the atmosphere from regular everyday hustle to stunned silence.

The scruffy adventurers, who moments ago had been lost in their rowdy banter, now sat dumbfounded. Their ale-filled mugs paused midway to their lips, and their eyes widened in awe. Amongst the worn-out armor and leather that usually filled the guild hall, our new attire stood out like a peacock amidst pigeons.

Several of the older adventurers squinted their eyes at us, as if trying to ascertain if they knew us. Murmurs filled the room as they began whispering amongst themselves, trying to place us. Sera's maroon dress was like a bright flame amidst the more dull colors, attracting many admiring, and some jealous, glances.

Kuroko, with her striking black leather attire, drew the attention of many. Her outfit screamed rogue, yet the quality of the material and the stylish cut was leagues ahead of what the usual thieves or assassins wore.

As for me, in my three-piece suit, I seemed to be an enigma. The suit implied wealth and high birth, yet my presence in a guild hall full of grizzled adventurers added a dangerous edge.

It was clear we had made quite an entrance. We moved to the counter, ignoring the stares and whispers.

"I would like to speak to the guild hall master." I said to the front desk clerk.

"Apologies, sir," she said, her voice a bit too high-pitched due to surprise. She was a young woman, barely out of her teens, and her face was a mix of awe and slight confusion as she looked at us. She recovered quickly though, clearing her throat before speaking again.

"The Guild Master is currently in a meeting. He isn't to be disturbed..." she said, trailing off when she noticed my unimpressed gaze. She gulped, before quickly adding, "However, if you'd like, I can send a message for him. He should be available shortly. May I ask the purpose of your meeting?"

"I will only speak about it in private." I said.

Before the clerk could reply, Kuroko cuts in:

"Master is an impatient man. Don't keep him waiting." Kuroko leaned forward, she then looked at me with a wink.

"Of course, I will send word to him right away!" the girl scurried off.

"Look, I understand the Guild Master is a busy man," Kuroko said, stepping forward and placing her hands on the counter, leaning in towards the young woman with a playful smirk. "But, well, you see... our Master here," she continued, pointing a thumb over her shoulder at me, "He's an even more impatient man. And he doesn't like being kept waiting."

Her words hung in the air for a moment, and I could almost see the gears turning in the receptionist's head as she processed this. I crossed my arms and nodded, the faintest hint of a smirk playing on my lips. I had to give Kuroko credit; she certainly knew how to get a reaction.

The girl's eyes widened a bit, and she gave a nervous chuckle, before nodding frantically. "O-of course! I'll send word to the Guild Master right away!" she exclaimed, before turning on her heel and rushing off, leaving the three of us in the relative quiet of the guild hall, a murmur of curiosity already starting to buzz around us.

The receptionist quickly returned, a sense of urgency in her steps. "The Guild Master will see you now," she informed us, gesturing towards the grand staircase at the back of the hall. We followed her up the ornate steps, our footsteps echoing in the otherwise hushed silence.

Reaching the top, we were led down an elegant hallway, the walls adorned with stunning paintings and antique weapons. At the end, we arrived at a large double door adorned with the guild's emblem. She gently knocked, and after hearing a gruff voice beckoning us inside, she pushed the doors open and stepped aside.

The Guild Master's office was vast and imposing. A large, polished mahogany desk sat in the middle of the room, towering bookshelves filled with scrolls and texts lined the walls, and a large stained glass window provided a stunning view of the cityscape below.

Behind the desk sat the Guild Master himself, a grizzled, battle-hardened man with a thick beard, peppered with grey. His eyes were sharp and calculating, studying us with a look that could pierce steel.

"Welcome," he said, his voice booming and echoing through the room. "I hear you've got business with me. Not often I see new faces daring to make such a direct request. Let's hear it then. What brings you to my office today?"

"Well, you see," I began, holding up the glistening azure scale for the Guild Master to see, "this scale belongs to the Azure Dragon in question."

The Guild Master squinted at the scale, his experienced eyes noting its unique glow. "And what do you want me to do with that? We require proof of the beast's death or capture."

"You misunderstand," I replied, my voice steady. "The dragon isn't dead. She's been tamed and won't be causing any more trouble. As for the farmers, I'll personally see to it that they're compensated for any damages."

His gaze hardened. "We have rules here, you know. The bounty can't be lifted without concrete evidence of death or capture. It's not negotiable."

I tilted my head slightly, giving him a knowing look. "Rules are made by people, right? And people can change them, especially when there's a good reason." I gestured towards Sera, who swiftly unclasped the briefcase she was carrying, revealing the shining piles of gold within.

The room fell silent for a moment as the Guild Master's eyes widened in surprise, quickly replaced by a shrewd gleam. He then began to chuckle softly, leaning back in his chair.

"Well, aren't we full of surprises," he mused, stroking his beard thoughtfully. "You've certainly given me something to consider."

With a sly grin on my face, I extended my hand towards him. "Consider it... a generous donation to the public adventurer guild of Wyndham."

The Guild Master looked from my offered hand to the shining gold on the table, then back to my hand. His face slowly spread into a wide, welcoming grin as he grasped my hand in a firm shake, leaning back in his chair in a more relaxed posture.

"A generous donation indeed, sir," he chuckled, his eyes glinting in the dim light of his office. "Quite a generous one, I must say."

As he shook my hand, he tilted his head slightly, peering at me with newfound interest. "And might I know the name of our generous benefactor?"

I smiled back, maintaining my relaxed posture.

"Zahare Decor." I said with a grin.

Q: Have you ever bended the rules before?