[63] Gearing up

With the advice given from the previous group last night, we went to the beast center to rent a beast for our journey. The beast center was pretty much an open air ranch, but with extraordinary beasts instead.

We then found the beast we were looking for, the giant Gaiko. The beast was similar to a gecko one would find in their house, but on an exponentially larger scale, and it had eight muscular legs instead of four.

The Gaiko stood at about the height of a tall dog and the length of a horse, its lithe and agile body covered in scales, which glistened in myriad shades of green and yellow under the sunlight. Its bulbous eyes, with vertically slit pupils, constantly flickered around, taking in its surroundings with a keen awareness that seemed almost out of place for such a large creature.

Its mouth was filled with tiny, sharp teeth that looked more suited to grinding plant matter than capturing prey, indicative of its herbivorous diet. The most striking feature was its tail, thick and elongated, and covered in the same scaly skin that protected its body. The tail, which was almost as long as the rest of its body, was curled upwards in a distinctive spiral, an adaptation that, I imagined, must aid in balance and maneuverability.

Eight powerful legs, each ending in large suction-cup-like feet, held up the creature's robust body. Their structure was fascinating – they seemed to be designed to grip and climb almost any surface with ease, much like their smaller, real-world counterparts. It was a beast designed for carrying heavy loads, traversing tricky terrain, and possibly even scaling vertical surfaces if necessary.

Lila, ever gentle, approached the giant Gaiko, her hand extending cautiously towards its scaly body. The creature eyed her with curiosity, its large eyes blinking slowly as Lila's hand connected with its scale-coated side. She petted it gently, a soft, warm smile spreading across her face.

Sera, leaning against the wooden railing, watched the scene unfold with an amused smile. "Well, look at you, Lila. Never thought you'd make friends with a giant gecko," she teased, her eyes sparkling with mischief. Her tone, despite the words, was light and affectionate, the tsundere elf unable to mask her fondness for the soft-hearted maid.

Kuroko, with her feline beastkin instincts, was a bit wary. Her cat-like eyes widened, observing the interaction between Lila and the gaiko. "It's... interesting," she mumbled, tilting her head in a bird-like manner, her gaze fixated on the large creature.

Meanwhile, Aurelia, in her lizard beastkin disguise, crossed her arms over her chest, a faint grimace on her face. "It's a decent creature, but nothing compared to the majestic beings of the dragon kingdom," she huffed, her proud and fiery personality shining through. However, there was a note of intrigue in her eyes as she observed the giant Gaiko, her curiosity piqued.

As for me, I just chuckled, amused by their reactions. "This Gaiko here is going to be our lifeline in the Abyss. Treat it well," I said, patting the beast's thick, scaly tail.


The unloading process was an affair of its own, as we carefully secured our gear to the sturdy frame of the Gaiko. On its back, we had a variety of survival gear, each meticulously prepared for our upcoming venture into the Abyss.

For food, we had a plethora of dried fruits and meats, well-preserved and vacuum-sealed for longevity. We also brought sacks of grains and beans, alongside containers of purified water. There were pouches filled with foraged nuts and seeds, and to add flavor, small jars of various seasonings and herbs.

In terms of survival tools, we brought multi-purpose knives, which served as both a weapon and a tool for foraging and hunting. We had magical waterproof torches that gave off bright, white light, flint and steel for creating fires, as well as magical fire-stones that could start a fire with just a simple command word.

We carried numerous ropes, of both standard and magically enhanced varieties, for climbing and trapping. We had portable tents that could be magically expanded to accommodate all of us, as well as enchantment-imbued sleeping bags resistant to extreme temperatures.

We also packed a simple, compact alchemy set for brewing essential potions, a first-aid kit filled with bandages, antidotes, salves and healing potions. A compass, a map of the known layers of the Abyss, and a magical crystal that could potentially communicate with the surface were also essential.

Lastly, we carried several spare sets of clothing, including weather-resistant cloaks and sturdy boots, and basic toiletries. A few magic scrolls for emergencies were also tucked in among our gear.

Every item was tied down securely, the Gaiko seemingly unaffected by the weight. Its eight powerful legs moved with surprising agility, demonstrating why it was the creature of choice for this dangerous expedition. We were prepared as we could be, ready to face whatever the Abyss had in store for us.

Q: Do you have any lizard pets?