[66] The 4th floor

Turns out the 2nd and 3rd floor weren't much of a challenge either.

As we descended the steps into the fourth floor, we were greeted by a drastic change in scenery. Instead of the cold, rocky caverns we had encountered on the previous floors, we found ourselves standing in the midst of a vast underground forest. Gigantic, twisted trees with glowing bioluminescent foliage stretched up toward the cavernous ceiling, their gnarled roots reaching out like serpents across the forest floor.

This forest was far from ordinary, however. The trees pulsed with an ethereal light, casting shifting shadows on the ground. The air was filled with a sweet, almost intoxicating aroma, a stark contrast to the stale air of the previous floors. This intoxicating scent, however, was not a sign of safety, but a warning. The forest was home to monster plants known for their predatory nature.

Huge, monstrous flowers bloomed sporadically across the forest, their vibrant petals fluttering gently in the slight breeze that seemed to come from nowhere. The stamen of these flowers were eerily reminiscent of gaping maws, capable of snapping shut in an instant on any unfortunate creature lured by their sweet scent.

Thick, thorny vines slithered along the forest floor and wrapped around the trunks of the trees, waiting for any unsuspecting prey to stumble into their grip. Even the leaves on the trees had sharp, razor-like edges capable of slicing through armor.

Despite the forest's inherent danger, its beauty was undeniable. The interplay of light and shadow, the vibrant hues of the flora, the melodious hum of the wind whistling through the leaves - it all contributed to an otherworldly spectacle that was both haunting and enchanting. Yet, underneath its beauty was a lurking danger that kept us on our toes as we ventured deeper into this forest of monster plants.

The second Lila's foot made contact with the vine, it sprung into action with a life of its own. Before any of us could react, a flurry of coiling vines erupted from the forest floor, ensnaring her petite form. With a sudden jerk, she was hoisted into the air, dangling upside down. A surprised squeak escaped her lips as her dress fell down around her waist, revealing her lacy black panties to all present.

"Help!" Lila's distressed cry echoed through the forest, immediately snapping us out of our momentary shock. Our eyes darted between her, dangling helplessly in the air, and the monstrous plant that held her captive.

"No fire!" I quickly cautioned Aurelia, seeing her lips part to undoubtedly summon a burst of flame. The dry, oxygen-rich environment of the forest could quickly turn a small fire into a raging inferno, a disaster we could ill afford.

Instead, I reached into my pocket and adjusted the small device that controlled my limiter, cranking it up to B-tier. A sudden rush of strength coursed through my veins, invigorating my senses and pushing my reaction speed to heightened levels.

With a swift motion, I unsheathed my sword, its blade glinting with a deadly gleam in the eerie bioluminescent glow of the forest. A cold, hard determination settled in my gaze as I positioned myself underneath the vine that held Lila captive. With a precise, focused stroke, I slashed at the monstrous vine, my blade humming through the air.

No sooner had I cut the vine, a new set of tendrils shot out from the forest floor, snatching Lila mid-fall. My heart skipped a beat as a giant, sickeningly colorful flower erupted from the undergrowth, its maw wide open as it swallowed Lila whole.

Reacting almost on instinct, I lunged forward, sword in hand. My every muscle strained, screaming against the sudden exertion. The verdant backdrop became a blur as I launched myself at the monstrous plant.

With a primal roar, I slashed my sword downwards, slicing a wide gash into the plant's swollen ovary. A torrent of corrosive, yellow acid burst forth from the wound, spewing out in a nauseating gush. Lila slid out along with it, her figure tumbling down to the forest floor amidst the acidic liquid.

My eyes quickly scanned her condition. Her once-pristine black maid dress was now little more than a tattered rag, barely hanging onto her petite figure. The cloth had been eaten away by the plant's stomach acid, revealing the pale skin underneath. Her lacy black panties were left relatively untouched, stark against her exposed skin. Her usually well-kept hair was now disheveled, sticking to her face and shoulders due to the sticky fluid.

Despite the scene's clear danger, there was a certain alluring quality to her current state that I couldn't ignore. Her flushed skin, the disarray of her clothing and hair, the adrenaline still evident in her wide eyes... It painted a picture of untamed beauty that was both captivating and awe-inspiring.

My heart clenched at the sight of the angry red burns mottling her fair skin. The plant's corrosive fluid had done more damage than I had initially thought.

Swiftly, I plunged my hand into my void pocket, sifting through the infinite space until I found what I was looking for. I drew out a small vial, its contents glimmering in a myriad of colors. It was an exquisite potion, a top-tier healing draught capable of treating severe wounds in mere seconds.

Not wasting a moment, I crouched down by Lila's side. My hands, steady from years of battle, expertly twisted the vial open. The potent scent of the potion filled the air, a mixture of sweet herbs and rich spices that seemed almost intoxicating.

Cradling Lila's head gently, I lifted it slightly off the forest floor. Her eyes met mine, filled with fear, pain, and an implicit trust that had my heart aching. Ignoring the lump in my throat, I pressed the vial to her lips, tilting it slowly.

The vibrant liquid flowed into her mouth, its radiant sheen seeming to glow from within her. Her throat moved faintly as she swallowed, her eyes never leaving mine. As the healing potion took effect, I could see the tension in her features ease, her body relaxing as the pain was swiftly replaced by a soothing warmth.

Her eyelashes fluttered open, revealing eyes clear and bright. For a moment, she simply stared at me, her gaze half-dazed, half-awed. Then she blinked, as if waking from a dream, and the spell was broken.

"M-master?" Lila croaked, her voice weak but filled with relief. "You...you saved me..."

I nodded, trying to put on a reassuring smile. "Yeah, Lila," I said, my voice soft. "You're safe now."

"But... my clothes..." she started, her cheeks flushed red as she looked down at the remnants of her maid dress. The garment was in tatters, barely covering her modesty.

"Don't worry about it," I reassured her, reaching once again into my void pocket. "We'll find you something else to wear for now."

Her cheeks were still tinted with a blush, but a grateful smile spread across her face. "Thank you, Master... for everything."

"You're part of the team, Lila. It's what we do. Look out for each other," I said, trying to lighten the mood. Despite everything that had just happened, the small smile she gave me was worth it.

Kuroko's eyes widened as she picked up the empty vial from the ground, examining it with wide-eyed wonder. "Unicorn blood?" she repeated, holding the vial up to the dim light filtering through the forest canopy. "This...this is worth a fortune!"

I merely shrugged, giving Lila a small smile. "Money isn't worth much if you're not around to spend it, Lila. You're worth more to us than any amount of gold."

Lila's cheeks flushed a deeper shade of red, if that was even possible. "Master... I..."

Sera snorted, crossing her arms over her chest. "Always the smooth talker, aren't you, Chang?" she said, though I could detect a hint of warmth in her voice.

Aurelia, on the other hand, was studying the vial with a scrutinizing gaze. "Unicorn blood," she muttered, as if the concept was foreign to her. "Interesting choice, human."

Kuroko continued to stare at the vial in awe, but I could see her struggling with the decision. Finally, with a sigh, she carefully tucked the vial back into my hand. "As much as it pains me to give it back... it's yours, Chang. Just... just make sure it's worth it, okay?"

"Of course, Kuroko," I said, giving her a nod of thanks. "And don't worry, it already is." I looked to Lila. Her gratitude and safety were more than enough to justify the cost.

Q: How far are you willing to go to save a loved one?