[78] Miss dragon and little miss knight

Me and Aurelia won our group stage and quarter finals without much of a hassle. Our party then went to the local tavern to celebrate.

Alicia's sudden arrival turned every head in the tavern, her golden hair gleaming under the ambient light. The entire room went silent, the mirthful chatter and laughter from a moment ago replaced with a hushed expectancy.

"Ah, it seems we have a visitor," I remarked casually, breaking the silence. The air was thick with tension, but I strove to keep the atmosphere light. "Is there something you need, Alicia?"

"No, no, not at all," Alicia said, shaking her head and sending her golden curls bobbing. Her smile was broad and confident, bright eyes sparkling with mischief. "I merely thought it was fair to let you know. The list for the semi-finals is up."

Her sapphire gaze shifted towards Aurelia, her grin widening. "And it seems, Miss Dragon, we'll be crossing blades. May the best woman win."

A murmur ran through the room, a wave of anticipation rippling through the crowd. It seemed our relaxing evening just took an exciting turn. The semi-finals were going to be more interesting than we had thought.

Aurelia gave a derisive snort, tilting her head back haughtily. Her fiery eyes twinkled with amusement as she subtly lifted her chest, causing her generous bosom to jiggle, a clear mockery of the young Alicia's developing figure. "Woman?" She scoffed, her tone dripping with disdain, "You are nothing but a little girl, Alicia."

The words hung in the air, casting a sudden hush over the tavern. Alicia's sapphire eyes widened, her face flushing a bright pink. She seemed at a loss for a moment before regaining her composure. Anger replaced surprise, and she slammed her hands down onto the table, making the cups and plates rattle.

"Hey!" Alicia's voice rang through the silence, her childish features contorting in a scowl. "You take that back!"

Aurelia merely chuckled at Alicia's outburst, her lips curving into a smug grin. "Or what, little girl?" She provoked, a challenging gleam in her eye. The tension in the room spiked as the patrons watched the brewing clash, breaths held in anticipation.

Alicia's blue eyes flashed with determination, her hands balling into fists on the table. "A duel!" She spat out, her voice echoing in the silent tavern. "Right now!" Once again, she slammed her hand against the wooden surface, causing drinks to slosh out of their cups.

Before any of us could respond, two figures surged forward from the crowd. They were tall and dressed in ornate armor, each with a distinct crest emblazoned on their chest plate. They moved with a practiced grace, their expressions stern as they laid their hands on Alicia's shoulders.

"We apologize for our princess's outburst," one of them - a woman with short, chestnut hair - addressed us with a bow. "She sometimes gets a bit too passionate."

"Let go of me, Mira!" Alicia squirmed in their grip, her cheeks flushed in embarrassment. She then turned her attention to the other knight, a tall woman with wavy blonde hair, "You too, Fleur!"

The knights, Mira and Fleur, merely tightened their hold, exchanging a glance between them. They began to guide Alicia towards the exit, the princess still struggling against their hold. As they neared the door, Alicia craned her neck over her shoulder, her gaze locking onto ours.

"I'll be back!" She yelled, her voice growing fainter as they disappeared into the night. The door swung shut behind them, the clang resonating through the now quiet tavern. The scene left a silence behind, quickly replaced by the murmur of resumed conversations and the clatter of dishes, returning us back to reality.

"Arrogant brat," Aurelia scoffed, her eyes glinting with a mix of amusement and annoyance.

I couldn't help but chuckle at her words. Raising my glass, I tilted my head towards her with a wry grin, "Isn't it ironic hearing that from you, Aurelia? You two are quite similar in that regard."

Her fiery eyes turned to me, an indignant snort escaping her, "What? Me and that child?" Her voice echoed with disbelief. The girls around the table, including myself, burst into laughter at Aurelia's feigned outrage. This was turning out to be quite an entertaining night.

Q: What would you do if a stranger taunted you in public?