[87] The grind

Over the next month, our swords clashing and magic sizzling became the soundtrack of the 6th floor. Each day was a symphony of battle, our wills tested against the relentless onslaught of A-tier monsters that roamed the mushroom forest.

At the end of the week, amidst the battle-worn landscape, Sera stood tall, her robes slightly tattered but her spirit unbowed. As the final monster of the day dissolved into dust before her, a new power coursed through her veins. Her level had increased - she was now an A-tier mage.

"Sera, you've levelled up to A-tier!" I couldn't help but announce, a grin spreading across my face at the sight of her accomplishment.

"Really?" Sera blushed a little, trying to mask the excitement in her voice. "I mean, it was about time. You've been pushing me pretty hard."

"See, hard work does pay off." I teased her, enjoying her attempt to maintain her cool composure.

"Hmph, it's not like I needed your approval or anything!" she snapped back, crossing her arms, but I could see the corners of her mouth curling into a smile. She was proud, and rightfully so.

Seeing Sera's progress, Aurelia clapped her on the shoulder with a grin, "Well done, girl. You've grown quite a bit. Keep it up, and you'll be S-tier before you know it."

Sera blushed harder at the praise but managed a small smirk. "We'll see about that, dragon lady."

Kuroko, who had been observing from the side, gave a small smile. "Excellent work, Sera. Your dedication to your training is admirable. You've come a long way."

A giggle escaped from Lila, who was usually the quiet one. "Oh, Sera! You're so strong now! Just like a real heroine!" Her eyes sparkled with genuine admiration.

Sera glanced at Lila, a fond smile playing on her lips. "Thanks, Lila." Her gaze turned back to the group, her eyes glistening with determination. "I promise I won't let you guys down."

"Everyone," I called out to the girls, bringing the excited chatter to a halt. They all turned to me, curiosity alighting their faces. "We're about to enter the seventh floor. This isn't like the previous floors we've been to." I paused, ensuring I had their full attention.

"The seventh floor is a significant jump in difficulty," I explained, my tone serious. "Every monster there is at least S-tier. That means we're going to be dealing with adversaries far more powerful than what we've faced so far."

The air became tense at my words. The reality of our journey was hitting us all, hard.

"But," I added, raising a hand to quell any worry. "That doesn't mean we should be afraid. It just means we need to be more cautious, more focused. We have to rely on each other and the skills we've honed up to this point."

Aurelia cracked her knuckles, a fierce grin on her face. "Bring it on. We're not going to back down from a little challenge, are we?"

"No, we're not," Sera replied, determination etched onto her features.

Lila nodded, a fire in her eyes I hadn't seen before. "We can do this."

Kuroko gave a confident smile. "Yes, we can. Together."

Their responses, their unwavering resolve made my heart swell with pride. We were ready for this. Together, we could face anything that came our way.

Q: When was the last time you grinded in a video game?