[90] Heads up

We slowly picked ourselves off the ground, shaking off the fatigue and weariness that clung to us like a second skin. Lila was the first to approach the gaiko, walking towards the colossal eight-legged creature that patiently waited nearby.

With a gentle pat on the creature's scaled hide, Lila began to unload our gear. One by one, she carefully removed our sleeping bags, neatly rolled and strapped, and placed them onto the ground. She then moved onto our supplies, which included rations, water flasks, and a variety of tools and equipment.

Once the gaiko was relieved of its burden, we all began to set up our makeshift camp. Aurelia and Kuroko helped with the heavy lifting, dragging the large chunks of rubble away from our chosen spot to create a clear space for us to set up.

Sera, on the other hand, busied herself with the magical firestone. She handled the glowing crystal carefully, placing it in the middle of our camp. With a single incantation, a gentle fire sprung forth from the stone, bathing our small camp with its warm, flickering glow.

I worked on unrolling our sleeping bags and setting them in a semi-circle around the fire. Meanwhile, Lila started preparing some food from the rations we had brought along, using her skills as a maid to create a comforting meal despite the limited resources.

With each passing minute, our camp took shape amidst the ruins of the ancient city. What was once a desolate and lifeless space transformed into a tiny oasis of warmth and comfort, a sanctuary where we could rest and regain our strength for the challenges that lay ahead.

Gathering everyone together, I took a deep breath, preparing to share our next challenge.

"All right, everyone," I started, my voice bouncing off the ancient stone walls of the ruined city. "We've made good progress so far, but we're about to face a much bigger challenge. Our next opponent is not just any regular monster. On the next floor, we're going to be facing the Undead Champion."

A sudden silence fell over the group, the grim title hanging heavy in the air. Lila was the first to break the silence. "The Undead Champion?" she asked, her eyes widening.

I nodded. "Yes. It's a boss monster, stronger than any creature we've faced before. It's not going to be easy. This will test us in ways we've never been tested before."

Sera furrowed her brows, determination flashing in her eyes. "We've faced strong opponents before. This won't be any different. We'll just give it our all like we always do."

Aurelia and Kuroko shared a look, their faces set with resolve. "We've got your back, Chang," Kuroko added, her voice steady. "No matter what we face, we'll face it together."

"I wouldn't expect anything less," I grinned, touched by their unwavering commitment. "Let's rest well tonight. Tomorrow, we face the Undead Champion."


As the others slumbered, Lila and I stood guard over the camp, taking turns to keep watch. As the silence stretched between us, Lila fidgeted nervously, her face illuminated by the magical firestone.

"Master..." she started hesitantly, her voice barely above a whisper. She chewed on her lower lip, looking unsure. "I... I don't know if I can ask this question..."

Her unease piqued my curiosity. "It's fine, Lila," I assured her, giving her an encouraging nod. "You can ask me anything."

Taking a deep breath, she gathered her courage and posed her question. "Alright, um... What type of girl is your type, master?" Her cheeks colored a soft pink in the firelight, betraying her embarrassment.

I raised an eyebrow, surprised by her question, but decided to answer honestly. "Well," I began, pausing for a moment to gather my thoughts. "I appreciate kindness, that's for sure. And introverted... I think there's something really special about someone who keeps to themselves, yet is so full of thoughts and feelings. As for being submissive, I wouldn't necessarily say I prefer that, but I do appreciate someone who is willing to trust me, to let me guide and protect them."

Her blush deepened, but there was a relieved smile on her face. "I see, master. Thank you for sharing," she said, her eyes shining with unspoken thoughts.

Feeling a bit playful, I decided to return the favor, asking, "And what about you, Lila? What's your type of guy?"

Lila, taken aback by the sudden question, paused and fidgeted her fingers, as if trying to collect her thoughts. "Um..." she hesitated, her cheeks blushing brighter in the firelight. "Well, I... I suppose I like someone who is strong..." She paused again, casting a sideways glance at me before continuing, "...But not just physically. I mean, someone who is strong of character, strong in their beliefs, someone who is reliable." She dropped her gaze to the ground, her voice softer as she added, "And someone who is caring and kind, too."

Her words made me grin and I leaned back, closing my eyes as I murmured, "I see." The honesty of her answer and the earnestness in her eyes brought a warmth to my heart. I could tell her words were sincere, and that she had put a lot of thought into it. It made me appreciate her even more.


A few hours later, the rest of the girls woke from their slumber. I stood in front of them, my gaze moved over each face. I could see the anxiety, the tension, but also the determination. They were ready. Clearing my throat, I began to speak.

"Everyone," I began, my voice steady and clear, "We stand here at the edge of a great challenge. The Undead Champion that awaits us is a formidable opponent, but I have faith in every single one of you."

I paused for a moment, ensuring I had their full attention. "I've watched you all grow and improve every single day. You have become stronger, faster, smarter. You are not the same people who first stepped into this abyss."

"The battle ahead is going to be tough, no doubt about it," I continued, my tone serious but not without hope. "But I believe in us. I believe in our strength, our resilience, our unity. Together, we can overcome anything."

I met their eyes one by one, an encouraging smile tugged at the corners of my lips. "No matter what happens, remember this: we are a team. We stand together, we fight together, we rise or fall together. And together, we will face this Undead Champion and emerge victorious."

The air around us was charged with anticipation. I could see the determination burning brighter in their eyes now, their spirits lifted. They were ready. We were ready. Together, we were going to conquer the abyss.

Q: Are you good at team prep talks?