[99] The magnifique

Guarding the entrance of The Magnifique stood two imposing beastkin figures - one a bull beastkin and the other, a horse beastkin. They were the gatekeepers, the first line of defense, and their towering presence was enough to deter any unruly behavior at the threshold of the luxurious establishment.

The bull beastkin was an impressive sight, standing at over seven feet tall. His physique was incredibly muscular and robust, a testament to the strength he possessed. He wore a uniform tailored to accentuate his massive build, a deep navy-blue suit with golden trims, signifying his role as a guard. His face was a mix of beast and man - a broad nose, sharp, alert eyes, and a pair of grand, curved horns that swept back from his forehead, polished to a gleam.

In contrast, the horse beastkin, although tall and well-built, had a more slender and agile build compared to his companion. His suit was identical, but the fit was more streamlined to his form. His face was long and featured a pair of expressive, intelligent eyes. His hair was a slick, dark mane that flowed down his neck, while a set of strong, compact horse ears protruded from the top of his head. His most defining feature was his large horse tail, which occasionally flicked side to side, betraying his calm demeanor.

Together, they presented a stark contrast, yet their presence was harmonious. The bull, symbolizing raw strength and power, and the horse, embodying speed and vigilance, made for a formidable duo guarding the entrance of The Magnifique. Their demeanors were stoic, their eyes sharp and always surveying the crowd, making it clear that they were not to be trifled with.

We walked past the bouncers without any problems.

Upon entering The Magnifique, we were greeted by the stunning grandeur of the lobby. The air buzzed with an atmosphere of luxury and excitement. An opulent chandelier, dripping with glittering crystals, hung from the gilded ceiling, casting a soft, mesmerizing glow across the room. The walls were adorned with lush tapestries and intricate murals depicting various scenes of merriment and gambling, each telling a story of its own.

Directly in front of us, a large, circular reception desk took center stage. It was crafted from polished mahogany, its dark hue contrasting sharply with the vibrant chaos of the casino around it. Behind the desk, uniformed staff bustled about, their faces alight with warm, welcoming smiles.

To the left and right, grand marble staircases swept elegantly towards the upper floors, their gleaming white railings lined with golden filigree. The marble steps were carpeted in plush crimson velvet, giving them a soft, luxurious feel. Flanking the staircases were large archways leading to the gambling areas, their entrances obscured by heavy, velvet curtains.

On either side of the lobby were rows of plush, upholstered seats and intricately carved tables. Here, guests could enjoy a drink from the bar, situated at the far left end of the room. It was a long, curved counter, behind which a selection of fine wines, spirits, and liquors from all over the world were proudly displayed.

The sound of laughter, clinking glasses, and the soft hum of chatter filled the room, creating a lively and inviting atmosphere. The grand lobby of The Magnifique was an impressive spectacle, a testament to the lavish, hedonistic lifestyle that the city of Mamoth was known for.

The receptionist, a young woman with golden curls piled high on her head, looked up at my arrival. Her eyes widened slightly at the sight of the black card I placed on the desk, an obvious recognition of its significance flashing in her eyes.

"Ah, Mr. Decor," she said, her voice was polished and professional, with a hint of respect lacing her words. "Welcome to The Magnifique. We have been expecting you."

She quickly picked up the black card, carefully swiping it through a small machine on her side of the desk. The device beeped, flashing a green light. She then looked back up at me, her demeanor growing more cordial.

"Right this way, sir," she continued, smiling warmly. "Our VIP lounge is located on the top floor. I'll have one of our staff members escort you and your companions. I trust your evening will be most...enjoyable."

The metallic door slid open, revealing the lush interior of the elevator. Its lavish details were something even I, was impressed by.

Sera's silver brows furrowed as she peered inside the elevator, trying to make sense of the contraption. "This is an...elevator?" She queried, her tone carrying a mix of curiosity and caution.

"Never seen one before, Sera?" Kuroko teased, her feline eyes twinkling with mischief. She stepped onto the elevator with a confident stride, unfazed by the novel experience.

Aurelia, maintaining her usual composed demeanor, simply observed the elevator for a moment before stepping in with grace. "Fascinating piece of engineering," she mused, her tone calm but intrigued.

On the other hand, Lila seemed apprehensive, her eyes wide with anxiety as she clutched the hem of her dress. She cautiously took a step onto the elevator, clinging onto my arm. "Master, is this safe?" She asked, looking up at me with uncertain eyes.

"It's perfectly safe, Lila," I reassured her, giving her arm a comforting pat. "Just think of it as magic."

Their reactions were understandable. Such a contraption wasn't common in the everyday lives of adventurers like them. As the doors closed, we were surrounded by a brief moment of silence before we began our ascent.

As the elevator started to ascend, we were greeted with the stunning bird's eye view of Mamoth. The city unfolded before us like a vibrant canvas, dotted with various hues of neon lights that twinkled against the dark canvas of the night sky. Buildings of all shapes and sizes sprawled across the cityscape, their rooftops glistening with the city's radiant illumination.

From the glitzy streets that housed countless eateries, bars, and boutique stores, to the winding lanes that offered a peek into the city's vibrant nightlife, every nook and corner of the city buzzed with life. Large billboards bearing colorful advertisements added to the city's neon spectacle, creating an enchanting kaleidoscope of colors that reflected off the polished glass surfaces of the buildings.

Further out, the residential districts were quieter, interspersed with occasional green spaces and playgrounds. Beyond them, the outskirts of the city led to a darkened expanse where the city's lights gradually gave way to the wilderness.

Back at the center, the casino was the heart of it all, towering over the cityscape like a beacon of extravagance. From our elevation, the bustling traffic seemed like tiny ants moving in synchronization, and the hum of the city was a distant symphony that floated up towards us.

The sight was nothing short of mesmerizing, a testament to the city's lively charm and endless energy. It was a spectacle that left my companions gazing out in awe. The city of Mamoth truly was a sight to behold.

As the elevator came to a gentle stop, the doors opened, revealing the top floor of The Magnifique. The VIP section was noticeably more opulent than the rest of the casino, with plush velvet carpets lining the floor and crystal chandeliers hanging from the high ceilings. Gold accents adorned the tastefully decorated space, creating an atmosphere of wealth and decadence.

I approached the VIP receptionist, a slender woman dressed in a sleek black dress, her hair styled in an elegant updo. Her eyes widened as I leaned in, whispering into her ear. A wave of fear crossed her face, quickly replaced by shock, and then understanding. Nodding quickly, she rose from her chair, leading us further into the VIP area.

She guided us through a pair of large, glossy black doors which opened to reveal a breathtaking nightclub. The club was bathed in an alluring blend of soft purples and blues, casting an ethereal glow across the dance floor where elegantly dressed patrons moved to the beat of the music. On the far side, a stage was set with state-of-the-art lighting and sound equipment, ready to host the night's entertainment.

Above the dance floor, a large transparent glass ceiling offered a stunning view of the night sky. Around the dance floor, luxurious leather booths were placed, offering privacy and comfort to the guests. Towards the back, a well-stocked bar stretched the length of the club, where expert mixologists worked their magic, creating colorful cocktails that added to the ambiance of the club.

The entire place exuded an air of high-class indulgence. The intoxicating mix of music, lights, and the ever-present hum of conversation created an electrifying atmosphere, a world away from the battles and adventures we were used to. The girls looked around in amazement, their eyes wide with excitement. This was an entirely new world for them.

With a nod, I gestured for the girls to stay put while the receptionist guided me further into the club. "Wait here, I won't be long," I reassured them, and they exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of intrigue and anticipation.

The receptionist and I ventured on, our footsteps muffled by the plush carpeting that lined the corridor. We approached a pair of grand white doors at the end of the hallway, their smooth surface reflecting the soft lighting that lined the passage.

Her fingers rapped against the wood in a practiced rhythm – three swift, firm knocks that echoed slightly in the quiet of the corridor. The thudding sound seemed to hang in the air as we stood, waiting. The anticipation was tangible, the silence of the hallway a stark contrast to the lively pulse of the club we'd left behind.

Q: Have you been in a high end night club before?