[101] Tracking

The energy in the nightclub was pulsating with the sound of music, chatter, and the occasional clink of glasses. Kuroko, with her feisty, daring, and kleptomaniac personality, was completely in her element. She was surrounded by a group of rather well-off men who seemed to be thoroughly enjoying her company. Each time she leaned in to laugh at one of their jokes, or place a hand on an arm, her other hand was quick to slip into their pockets. She'd extract their wallets with the grace of a seasoned pickpocket, slip it into her own bag, and carry on the conversation as if nothing had happened.

In another part of the club, Aurelia had drawn quite the crowd. Her fiery personality made her a strong contender in the numerous drinking contests she was being challenged to. One by one, burly men, filled with false bravado, approached her, confident that they could outdrink her. Each one, however, ended up face-first on the table, completely outmatched by Aurelia's impressive tolerance. After the tenth man went down, the crowd erupted into cheers, raising their glasses in her honor.

The ever-quiet Lila was standing off to the side, watching the activities unfold around her with wide eyes. Several men tried to approach her, probably thinking her an easy target. But each time, my death glare was enough to make them reconsider their actions and walk away.

Sera, however, was the exception. She remained seated, her gaze never straying from Maroth. Her eyes were narrowed and her jaw was set. There was a deadly calmness in her demeanor that could make anyone feel uneasy. The mood around her was palpable and kept everyone else at bay.

Seeing Maroth drunkenly rising to his feet, Sera's eyes flashed with determination. She leaned in close, whispering, "He's leaving."

At her words, a ripple of energy swept through our group. The jovial atmosphere was abruptly abandoned. Kuroko excused herself from the men, giving them a charming smile as she quickly rejoined us. Aurelia, in the middle of another drinking contest, slammed down her tankard and rose to her feet, leaving her flabbergasted opponent behind. Lila quickly joined us as well, a determined look on her face.

I shot a last warning glare at any remaining hopefuls near Lila, before rising to my feet. Sera was already heading towards the door, her eyes firmly fixed on Maroth's retreating figure. As we followed her through the crowd, I couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation. This was it, the moment Sera had been waiting for was finally here. And we were going to see it through together.

As we descended in the elevator, every second felt like an eternity. Sera's grip on the handrail was white-knuckled and I could see the fire in her eyes reflecting off the polished steel walls. The elevator finally arrived at the lobby, but Maroth's departure was already underway. Through the grand glass entrance of the casino, we could see his carriage gaining momentum down the cobbled streets.

Without skipping a beat, Aurelia swept forward. The transformation took only a few seconds, but it was a sight to behold. Her humanoid form began to expand and change, her skin transforming into gleaming blue scales. Within moments, she was a full-blown dragon, her size large enough for us to ride but small enough to navigate the city streets. Her majestic wings stretched wide and her eyes gleamed with a primal energy.

"Get on everyone!" she roared, her voice resonating with a deep, draconic echo. We all clambered aboard, grasping onto her large, sturdy scales for support. Kuroko was already rifling through the wallets she had stolen, looking for anything useful, while Lila clung tightly to one of Aurelia's spikes. Sera and I positioned ourselves near Aurelia's head, ready to guide her in the pursuit of Maroth. With everyone aboard, Aurelia flexed her powerful wings and took off, following the faint trail of the fleeing carriage.

Q: Do you like tracking missions in RPG games?