[103] The basement of depravity

The guard led us to a seemingly innocuous area of the mansion's ground floor. He fumbled with a ring of keys for a moment before unlocking and lifting a well-hidden trapdoor. We peered into the revealed entryway and saw a dimly lit staircase leading down to the mansion's sinister underbelly.

The air in the basement was heavy, filled with the musty scent of dampness, metal, and an undercurrent of human despair. We followed the guard down a steep, creaky wooden staircase that seemed to descend into a world far removed from the opulence of the mansion above. The low, hollow sound of our footsteps echoed eerily throughout the space, joining the soft murmur of hushed voices, occasional weeps and whimpers that permeated the silence.

As our eyes adjusted to the poor lighting, the true nature of the basement came into stark view. It was a labyrinth of cages, stacked one on top of the other in a cruel parody of a city skyline. Each metal enclosure was bare and cramped, and the desperate, fearful eyes that peered out from them bore the unmistakable mark of despair and dehumanization.

The slaves were of various races, from elves, beastkin, and dwarves, to races we could not immediately recognize. Each was thin, their faces gaunt and marked by the hardships they had endured. The sight of children among them, their faces too mature for their tender age, was a sobering reminder of the absolute ruthiness of the man we sought.

The basement was filled with the low hum of subdued conversations, sobbing, and occasional fits of coughing. The air was heavy with despair and the stench of confinement. The overall sight was a stark contrast to the luxurious facade of the mansion above, a hideous underbelly hidden beneath an elegant exterior.

"Exactly what did Maroth do to these children?" My voice came out strained, barely above a whisper as I questioned the guard.

The guard swallowed hard, his face pale and slick with sweat. He trembled under my gaze. "He...He traffics them to Mamoth, selling them off for an exorbitant price. Those he deems...amusing, he retains for his own...entertainment..." His voice cracked, a testament to the horror of the truth.

"And where might he be right now?" I demanded, my voice cold.

The guard's eyes darted nervously as he stuttered, "I...I saw him coming down here a while back. He...He could be anywhere now..." His voice shook and he seemed to shrink under the weight of his own words.

His words trailed off into silence, leaving a bitter taste in my mouth. I stared at him for a moment longer before delivering a swift punch to his jaw, knocking him unconscious.

Turning to the girls, I couldn't mask the fury in my eyes. "Aurelia, Kuroko, and Lila. Stay here and free these children. Don't leave anyone behind." My voice cracked slightly, the raw emotion barely contained.

"Sera, come with me," I added, my voice barely audible as the echoes of the guard's confession lingered in the air. The time for Maroth's retribution had finally arrived.

Q: Have you ever watched "Rise of the shield hero" before?