[107] Headlines

The morning light filtered through the windows of the White Phoenix's cabin, illuminating the space within. The newspaper of the day - Adventure Times, sat on the table in front of us, fresh off the press.

Sera, her eyes wide with anticipation, picked up the paper. Her gaze skimmed over the bold, captivating headlines before coming to rest on one particular title. "Look at this," she said, a hint of disbelief and pride mixed in her voice as she read aloud, "'We saw evil, we came after evil, we conquered evil.'"

Her words hung in the air, a palpable echo of our actions. The article detailed our daring rescue of the slaves from Maroth's clutches. It was a thrilling recounting of bravery, selflessness, and heroism, and we were at the heart of it.

"Wow," breathed Lila, her eyes shining brightly as she leaned over to read the article. "We...we actually did this. We made a difference." Her words were soft, but they held a weight that filled the cabin.

"Of course we did!" Kuroko interjected, a grin spread wide on her face. "We're not some everyday adventurers after all. We're the real deal." The usual mischief in her voice was tempered by a swell of pride.

Aurelia picked up the paper, her sharp gaze scrutinizing every word. "This is merely the beginning," she stated, her fiery spirit unabated. "Let this be a warning to all those who dare to commit such heinous acts. We won't stand by and watch."

As for me, I sat back, a small smile playing on my lips. "It's only the beginning indeed," I echoed Aurelia's sentiment. I was filled with pride for my companions, my friends, for the difference we made. But I knew better than to rest on our laurels. The path of righteousness was not one easily tread, and our journey had just begun.

Sera flipped the pages, her brows furrowing as she continued reading. "Wait, there's more," she said, surprise coloring her voice.

She began to read out loud, "Chang, an F tier adventurer until less than a year ago, skyrocketed to SS tier in record-breaking time, capturing the attention of the world. In addition to his rapid rise, Chang also emerged as the champion of the Roma Arena, securing an undisputed reputation as a formidable force."

There was a brief pause as she took in the words, her eyes sparkling with amusement before continuing, "Chang is not only known for his remarkable abilities, but also his incredible wealth. He is the proud owner of a 10 million dollar flying ship, the White Phoenix."

A chuckle escaped her as she read on, "Known to always travel with his four beautiful companions, Chang has also gained a reputation for being quite the ladies' man."

Lila blushed at the statement, Kuroko chuckled heartily and Aurelia rolled her eyes. As for me, I couldn't help but grin. My journey, our journey, was quite the story. It was surreal to see it written out and celebrated in black and white. But as they say, truth can sometimes be stranger than fiction.

Looking out of the cabin window, I caught sight of people on the ground below. Some pointed upwards, others shaded their eyes with their hands, all of them craning their necks to catch a glimpse of us in the White Phoenix. The sight of it made my heart fill with anticipation for the journey ahead.

"Alright, let's get out of here," I announced, turning my attention to the control panel in front of me. The hum of the Phoenix's engines grew louder, its mechanical heartbeat throbbing with life.

"Where are we going, master?" Lila asked, her soft voice barely audible over the din of the engines. Her question brought an excited smile to my face.

"To Roma for the grand tournament," I replied, feeling a surge of adrenaline at the thought.

Without further delay, I pushed the throttle forward and the Phoenix leapt into the air, the ground shrinking away as we gained altitude. The four girls clung on, their expressions a mix of excitement and anticipation. As we soared higher and higher, leaving the city behind, I felt the familiar thrill of adventure surge within me.

With the wind in our hair and a clear sky ahead, our journey to Roma had begun.

Q: Have you ever won a tournament before?