[117] Sword meets spear

A concentrated aura of power started to gather around me as I called upon my ability. Six ethereal swords appeared, summoned from my inner reserves. They floated gently beside me, a sharp contrast to the deadly battle about to take place.

I willed them to move, the six golden ethereal swords obeying my silent command. They started to rotate in front of me, their speed gradually increasing. Like golden blurs, they moved faster and faster until their individual forms were indistinguishable, merging into a single entity. A powerful hum filled the air as the swords converged into one brilliant golden ethereal sword.

There was a split second of silence, a moment of pause as if the world itself was holding its breath. The word echoed around the arena, a declaration of what was about to unfold.

"Six meridians sword!"

As the last syllable fell from my lips, I launched forward. Propelled by a sudden burst of energy, I moved at a blistering speed, the golden ethereal sword held tightly in my grip. My footfalls were barely a whisper against the sand as I charged, the golden light from the sword casting long shadows around me.

Time seemed to slow, each second stretching out as the distance between Zhao-Feng and me rapidly decreased. The golden ethereal sword cut through the air, a clear path of my intention. It was a direct challenge, a promise of a fierce confrontation.

The crowd roared, a wave of sound rolling through the arena. Everyone was on their feet, hearts pounding in rhythm with the unfolding clash. As I drew closer to Zhao-Feng, a sharp, anticipatory thrill ran down my spine. This was it - the moment of collision, of ultimate confrontation.

"Dragon's ascent!"

At Zhao-Feng's cry, the atmosphere around him began to shift dramatically. There was a surge of energy, a ripple that emanated from him and swept across the sands of the arena. He gripped his spear tightly, the knuckles of his hands standing out white against his tanned skin. With a swift motion, he started spinning his weapon, creating a whirlwind of movement so fast, it blurred into a spinning jade drill.

Suddenly, a majestic jade dragon erupted from the sands, its ethereal form wrapping around Zhao-Feng's spear. It coiled around the weapon, adding to the drill's visual impact and reinforcing its deadly potential. The dragon's fierce, gleaming eyes mirrored Zhao-Feng's own determination, while its scales glistened under the harsh sun, reflecting off the jade armor Zhao-Feng wore.

Then, with a yell that echoed around the silent arena, Zhao-Feng lunged forward, spear in hand. The jade dragon roared, as if ready for a hunt, adding a primal, wild note to the tense air. Sand flew up around him, creating a billowing trail behind him as he moved at an incredible speed towards me.

The crowd gasped, watching this incredible spectacle, a showdown between two of the world's top fighters, each at the peak of their abilities. The intensity of the situation could be felt by all, their breaths held, their eyes riveted on the two figures that dominated the arena.

At this climax of the battle, the arena was silent but for the pounding rush of our heartbeats and the screeching clash of our weapons. My golden ethereal sword, pulsating with fierce energy, rushed forward to meet Zhao-Feng's jade-infused spear.

Time seemed to freeze as the tip of my sword and the point of his spear collided, a shockwave of energy erupted from the point of contact. The air warped and twisted around the weapons, the intense force creating a bubble of distorted space. The sand around us was picked up by the ferocious energy, swirling in a cyclone of dust and debris.

Bright sparks flew as the ethereal golden blade grinded against the jade spear. The high-pitched screech of grinding metal echoed throughout the arena, a harsh symphony to our battle's climax. Our weapons, locked together in this intense struggle, shone under the harsh light of the sun, casting long, warped shadows on the sands of the arena.

Both of us strained against each other, neither giving an inch. Our eyes met across the sparking gap, filled with determination and respect. Every muscle in our bodies was tensed, every sense focused on this one, crucial moment. The crowd held its breath, the tension palpable as we held our deadlock, a testament to our equal power and skill.

This moment, frozen in time, showcased the fierce clash between two of the most powerful warriors, our spirits as much a part of this battle as our physical selves. It was a standoff, a deadlock that had all watching in bated breath, unsure of the outcome yet unable to tear their eyes away.

With a final, powerful surge of energy, my golden ethereal sword split Zhao-Feng's jade spear down the center. The moment was marked by a flash of brilliant light as the jade spear splintered under the force of my ethereal blade, the jade shards scattering in a green, sparkling shower. The crowd gasped, the sound echoing around the stunned silence of the arena.

As the spear broke, I quickly pulled back my sword, aiming to avoid a lethal hit. But the residual energy was still forceful enough to send Zhao-Feng flying back. Like a ragdoll caught in a storm, his body was hurled back a staggering hundred meters, a trail of dust marking his path across the sand pit. The spectators watched, their breath hitched as he hurtled towards the colosseum walls.

With a thunderous crash, he slammed into the solid stone of the arena wall. Dust and debris flew into the air as his body collided with the solid structure. The impact echoed around the silent arena, and for a moment, there was a stunned silence. Zhao-Feng's jade armor, once a brilliant green, was now dulled and scarred, a testament to the force he had just withstood. His body slumped against the wall, the strength seemed to have left him.

Once Zhao-Feng's jade dragon aura dissipated into the air, leaving him unconscious on the ground, the arena fell into a tense, expectant silence. After a few moments, the host's voice echoed through the amphitheater, shattering the quiet.

"Ladies and Gentlemen," the host's voice trembled with excitement, "What we've just witnessed is the true prowess of a L-tier swordsman, the strongest human, rank 3 in the world, Wang-Yi-Fei!"

The crowd erupted into a roar of applause and cheering, the noise echoing throughout the massive structure. The host had to raise his voice to be heard above the din.

"With Zhao-Feng unable to continue, the winner of this bout is Wang-Yi-Fei!" the host declared, his voice echoing through the packed arena. The crowd's cheering grew even louder at the announcement, a sea of faces turned towards me, their applause resonating with the intensity of their excitement.

"Give it up for our quarterfinal victor! Let's hear it for Wang-Yi-Fei!" The host's words only served to further ignite the crowd, their cheers reaching a thunderous crescendo as they celebrated my victory.

Q: Do you prefer sword or spear?