[126] Back and forth

Asus's voice rolled out, a playful edge within the resonant tones, "So aggressive, Yi-Fei-chan," he cooed. A sly wink accompanied his words, before his countenance shifted into a mask of concentration. With a swift wave of his hand, the space behind him shimmered and rippled, as if the very air had turned to liquid.

Suddenly, out of the void, sprung 36 ethereal rapiers. They materialized in an eerie luminescence, casting a cool blue hue that contrasted starkly against my golden blades. They hovered menacingly in the air, thin, elongated forms gleaming with a supernatural light, their lethal tips pointed in my direction.

With a flick of his wrist, Asus sent his rapiers hurtling towards me. They moved like piercing arrows, streaking across the arena in a terrifyingly coordinated assault. The light they cast was akin to a lightning storm on a clear night, their high-speed trajectories leaving a lattice of blue contrails crisscrossing the air as they bore down on me. The crowd held its breath, as the waves of oncoming rapiers closed the distance rapidly.

In contrast to the sudden onslaught of rapiers, I remained immovable, a statue rooted firmly in the middle of the chaos. My demeanor was calm, a tranquil island amid a sea of turmoil. I raised my hand in a seemingly casual gesture, but my eyes betrayed an intense focus. The crowd held its breath, anticipating my move.

Then, in a mind-bending show of power, the rapiers froze mid-air. A sudden, all-encompassing silence befell the arena as 36 rapiers, once hurtling towards me at blinding speeds, hung suspended in the air, a mere 10 feet from me. It was as if time had been frozen, each lethal blade caught in a standstill, their lethal momentum halted, leaving only an echo of their chilling, metallic hum.

It was a scene straight out of a movie, a moment of surreal silence amid a raging battle. The whole arena held its breath, caught in the magic of the spectacle before their eyes. The blades of doom, frozen in mid-flight, glowed with an eerie light, their halted movement testament to a power that seemed almost otherworldly. The arena, once filled with the cacophony of cheering crowds and clashing blades, was silent save for the collective gasp that echoed through the stands.

With a swift, commanding gesture, my hand pushed through the air. The signal was silent but the results were anything but; the frozen rapiers sprang back to life, each one racing back towards Asus, who was still recovering from the stunning display of power. The crowd erupted in a deafening roar as the projectiles flew, the tension palpable in the electrified air.

But Asus was not finished either. With a graceful, almost dismissive, flick of his hand, his rapiers started to disintegrate. The ethereal blue blades began to fracture, turning to dust that sparkled in the air like a cloud of tiny stars. Within moments, all 36 rapiers had disappeared, leaving nothing but the glowing particles of dust suspended in the air. The crowd fell into an awed silence at the sight, their cheers dying in their throats. The beautiful spectacle, however, belied the deadly power Asus held.

The arena filled with a hushed silence once more, the golden dust of Asus's rapiers fading into nothingness, leaving an empty battlefield filled with nothing but anticipation for what was to come next.

Like a beautiful yet deadly dance, our hands moved simultaneously. An array of 49 ethereal swords sprouted around me, golden and radiant under the glaring arena lights. At the same time, Asus conjured his own legion of 49 blue ethereal rapiers, their cold, icy glow providing a stark contrast to my blazing weapons.

With a shared, unspoken signal, we launched our weapons. The air was torn asunder by the force of our combined assault. The golden swords and blue rapiers raced toward each other, their paths destined to intersect. The crowd was hushed, the tension in the arena palatable, as every eye was drawn to the oncoming clash.

And then, they met.

The spectacle was breathtaking. The swords and rapiers clashed mid-air, creating a symphony of lights and sound. Each impact echoed through the arena like a lightning strike, and the ethereal weapons shattered on contact, disintegrating into countless shards of light that scattered across the field. The explosive collision of golden and blue fragments created a dazzling, otherworldly spectacle, as if a thousand stars were birthed and extinguished in an instant right in the middle of the arena.

The audience gasped collectively at the spectacle, the raw, primal power on display rendering them awestruck. The battlefield was then filled with lingering particles of golden and blue light, like a cloud of stardust, slowly fading away into nothingness.

With a sudden burst of energy, we launched ourselves towards each other. Our bodies moved as fast as a bolt of lightning, so swift that we left afterimages in our wake. The space between us shrank within a heartbeat. Our eyes locked on each other, the determined glares reflecting the resolve that pushed us forward.

With my golden ethereal sword firmly gripped, I raced towards Asus, each step shaking the ground beneath. A similar fervor burned in Asus' eyes as he held his blue ethereal rapier, sprinting towards me with an imposing momentum. It was like two unstoppable forces destined to collide, a testament to our strength and willpower.

The crowd watched with bated breath, their eyes tracking our blurred forms. They could barely register the lightning-fast movements, but the tension was undeniable, and a wave of anticipation washed over the arena.

And then, the inevitable collision. Our swords met mid-air, golden against blue, an ethereal clash of powers. The resulting shockwave rippled across the arena, sweeping a gust of wind that stirred the dust around us. Each clash, each parry, and each strike of our weapons created a cacophony of resonating sounds, a symphony of metal against metal that echoed throughout the arena.

Sparks flew from the points of contact, illuminating the battleground with a brilliant flash of light. We pushed against each other, the pressure between our weapons palpable. The force was so immense that it left cracks on the arena floor beneath us. Still, we didn't falter, our determination unyielding, as we continued our rapid exchange of attacks and parries. The fierceness of our battle was undeniable and drew a collective gasp from the crowd.

The air around us thrummed with intensity, charged with the sheer speed of our battle. Our movements melded into an explosive blur, so fast that the human eye would fail to keep up. Only the echoing clang of ethereal weapons told a tale of the furious combat that was unfolding.

Asus and I were like two tempests, tearing through the arena with a storm of thrusts, parries, and ripostes. His blue rapier danced against my golden sword, each meeting of our weapons erupting in a shower of sparks. We clashed, parted, then clashed again in a dizzying rhythm, our forms weaving through the air, an intricate ballet of lethal intent.

In one second, a whirlwind of ten strikes ensued between us. Each attack was met with an equally fast and precise defense, an invisible push and pull that played out at breakneck speed. Asus aimed for my torso; I parried, spun, and responded with a swift strike towards his shoulder. He deflected it in the nick of time, his rapier moving in a blue streak as he retaliated with a series of rapid jabs.

Our speed was such that the echoes of our strikes lingered in the air, the sound of one still resonating as the next two or three had already taken place. A sonic mirage of clashes filled the arena, reverberating against the walls and causing the ground to tremble beneath our feet.

Each second seemed to stretch, crammed with a flurry of actions that would have taken a regular fighter minutes to execute. Yet, for us, it was as natural as breathing. Amidst the rapid dance of our blades, our focus remained locked on each other, our gazes sharp, searching for the slightest hint of a weakness, an opening in this high-speed combat.

The crowd was awestruck. Gasps echoed throughout the arena as each strike clashed against the other in a blinding flurry of motion. The audience sat on the edge of their seats, captivated by the high-speed battle unfolding before them. Every eye was trained on the blur in the center of the arena, each person trying to catch a glimpse of the individual strikes, but only catching the vibrant afterimages of our swift movements.

"Woah, their speed is insane!" an excited voice rose above the hum of the crowd.

"Is this even humanly possible?" another voice questioned, disbelief evident in their tone.

"This is beyond epic, they're like two gods fighting!" a young man exclaimed, his eyes wide with awe.

"Yi-Fei, come on!" A group of fangirls cheered, their voices carrying in the still air.

The arena reverberated with the echoing sound of thousands of voices, gasping in shock, cheering in admiration, or whispering in awe. However, amidst the cacophony, the fanatical yaoi fans were not to be silenced, "Oh my God! The tension between them... I ship it! Asus and Yi-Fei forever!" Their squeals of excitement were almost deafening, adding to the electric atmosphere.

The sheer intensity of the battle had drawn everyone in, and time seemed to slow down as the crowd held its collective breath, waiting for the decisive moment when one of us would land a decisive strike. The aura of anticipation was palpable, a heavy blanket of excitement hanging over the vast expanse of the arena.

Asus flashed me a roguish smile, brushing a lock of white hair from his eyes. "That was impressive, Yi-Fei," he drawled, his voice carrying over the hush that had fallen on the arena. "But I can't let you have all the fun, can I?"

I straightened my posture, my grip tightening on my ethereal sword. I couldn't afford to let his antics get under my skin. "I didn't come here for fun, Asus," I responded coldly, my voice echoing in the silence. "And I'd appreciate it if you would take this seriously."

"Oh, but I am," he replied smoothly, an enigmatic glint in his sapphire eyes. "It's not every day I get to dance with the famous Sword Master, after all."

His flippant demeanor seemed to infuriate some of the audience members. "Stop fooling around and fight!" one of them yelled, while others started booing at his casual attitude.

"Always so impatient," Asus chuckled, his gaze never leaving mine. "Very well then, let's continue our dance, shall we?" His tone carried an undertone of challenge, the amusement in his eyes replaced with a focused determination that was all too familiar.

This was the real Asus - the formidable prince of demons. A wave of anticipation surged through me as I readied myself for the next round. The crowd held their breath, awaiting the next clash of our swords.

Q: What will you do if you meet a formidable opponent?