[128] The afterparty

The night air was pulsing with joyous energy as the streets of Roma transformed into a vibrant carnival. The cobblestone paths that usually housed the hustle and bustle of daily life were now decked in alluring shades of red, gold, and green, the celebratory colors shimmering under the warm glow of thousands of lanterns and fairy lights strung from building to building.

Grand marquees, each filled with an assortment of captivating games and delectable food stands, lined the main avenue. Stall keepers enticed passersby with the scent of freshly baked pastries, skewers of succulent meats, and the tantalizing aroma of exotic spices. Children darted between adults, their laughter ringing out as they chased each other, their faces painted in vibrant hues, each carrying a trinket or toy won from the myriad of game booths.

Majestic floats, each more spectacular than the last, made their way slowly down the main street. They were adorned with sparkling lights and elaborate decorations, each representing a different story or theme, from mythical beasts to legendary heroes. Performers atop these floats entertained the crowd with their acrobatics, fire juggling, and magical displays, the spectators gasping in delight and awe.

Music filled the air, a symphony of live bands and solo performers stationed at every corner, their melodies melding together in a harmonious cacophony that was somehow perfectly suited to the atmosphere. Jesters and jestresses danced through the streets, enchanting the crowd with their rhythmic movements and witty banter.

At the heart of it all was the grand stage set up in the piazza, where the final ceremonies were to take place. Towering above the sea of people, it was a spectacle to behold, lit up with an array of lights that painted the sky with their luminescence.

In every corner, laughter and cheers echoed, joy was shared, and memories were created. This was a night Roma would remember for a long time, a night filled with celebration, spectacle, and most importantly, unity.


Inside the bustling tavern, the sound of clinking glasses, boisterous laughter, and lively chatter filled the air. At a sturdy oak table in the corner, the girls and I were sharing a toast.

Raising her mug, Kuroko declared, "To our champion, Wang-Yi-Fei, for defeating that demon prince and making us all proud!" Her eyes sparkled with mischief as she took a hearty swig of her drink.

Sera, with a blush coating her cheeks from the ale, huffed. "Yeah, well, he wouldn't have done it without us cheering him on," she grumbled, trying to hide the pride in her voice. Her tsundere nature came out as she raised her glass in a less enthusiastic, but sincere toast.

Aurelia, holding her goblet with an air of elegance, chimed in, "Indeed. We mustn't forget that our collective strength played a part in this victory as well." The fiery girl flashed a competitive grin at me, her eyes burning with determination for the battles to come.

Lila, holding her glass shyly, was more reserved in her celebration. "We're all very proud of you, Wang-Yi-Fei," she said quietly, her cheeks turning pink as she looked down at her drink.

Feeling the warmth of their company, I raised my own glass and said, "Here's to a victory well earned, and to the most supportive friends a guy could ask for." As our glasses clinked together, we all shared a moment of victorious celebration.

In the midst of our jubilant celebration, a figure approached our table. The figure was none other than Alicia, the 7th princess of Ayre, an accomplished adventurer in her own right, and a familiar face.

A playful smirk adorned her beautiful face, her long, wavy blonde hair catching the tavern's dim light. Her sapphire eyes twinkled with mischief as she stood confidently in her light knight armor. The energy around her was electrifying, a testament to her strength and charm.

"Wang-Yi-Fei," she addressed me, her voice ringing out over the clamor of the tavern. "Congratulations on your victory." She extended her hand, offering a knight's salute.

I nodded, accepting her congratulatory gesture.

Her smirk widened. "I must say, I'm disappointed. You've defeated me again, despite my best efforts." She let out a small, disappointed sigh, but the twinkle in her eyes never faltered.

Then, leaning onto the table, she looked me straight in the eye. "Remember what you promised, Wang-Yi-Fei. One day, I'll defeat you and then, you'll have to marry me," she declared, her voice filled with determination.

Her bold words caused a stir at our table, but knowing her playful nature, I simply smiled and responded, "That's a promise, Alicia. I look forward to our next duel."

Her laughter rang out in the room, lighting up the festive atmosphere even more. She gave a playful salute before making her exit, leaving our table with a promise for the future.

As the laughter following Alicia's departure faded, a group of giggling figures approached our table. It was a colorful mix of fan girls from various races – elves with their ethereal beauty, human girls with their enticing charm, and even some alluring beastkin. The sight of such diversity was a testament to the reach of the grand tournament.

They crowded around me, all jostling for a position closer. Their eyes were wide with admiration, their voices filled with giddy excitement. My personal space was invaded as they casually brushed against me, their touch electrifying in its own way.

"Yi-Fei-sama!" one of the elf girls exclaimed, her sparkling green eyes locked onto mine. "Congratulations on your win today. We were rooting for you the entire time!"

A human girl with fiery red hair leaned in closer, her arm brushing against mine. "Your skills are legendary, Yi-Fei-sama," she whispered, her voice a sweet symphony. "You are an inspiration to us all."

A beastkin girl, a fox with silver fur, sidled up to me, her furry tail gently swaying as she moved. "You were magnificent, Wang-sama," she purred, her golden eyes full of admiration. "We would be honored to spend the evening celebrating with you."

The girls continued to shower me with praise and flirtatious comments, their gazes filled with an almost insatiable curiosity. The tavern's festive mood seemed to heighten, echoing their enthusiasm.

Sera, her emerald eyes slightly narrowed, crossed her arms over her chest. "Tch, look at you, all popular. Don't let it go to your head, Yi-Fei," she huffed, the tsundere nature of her personality shining through. Her cheeks were tinged pink, but whether from the alcohol or something else, it was hard to tell.

Kuroko, with a smirk on her face, nudged my arm. "Didn't know you were such a lady killer, boss," she teased. Her feisty personality was on full display as she winked at me, a playful glint in her eyes.

Aurelia, her golden eyes filled with a fiery spark of competitiveness, leaned back in her chair. "Don't forget about us in all this adoration, Yi-Fei," she said, her voice brimming with pride and arrogance. "After all, we've seen you at your worst, too."

Lila, ever the quiet one, just smiled and shook her head at the spectacle. She lifted her glass to me, her eyes soft and understanding. "Congratulations, Yi-Fei," she said quietly. "You earned all this." Her kind and introverted nature making her the calm amidst the storm.

As the last sight of my disappearing back was seen, the girls' expressions shifted. The corner tavern they occupied suddenly became a venting ground.

Sera let out an indignant huff, her arms still folded. "Really, just who does he think he is? All those girls just... just hanging off him like that!" she blustered, her tsundere demeanor causing her to stumble over her words.

Kuroko snorted, her smirk morphing into a wry smile. "Well, he is the champion. It's only natural he'd be popular," she reasoned, though a slight hint of annoyance was perceptible in her voice. She took a deep sip of her drink, her gaze wandering around the room, avoiding eye contact with the others.

Aurelia's golden eyes were ablaze, her fiery pride obviously wounded. "That idiot, letting those shallow girls distract him. He's better than that," she grumbled, knocking back her drink with a grimace. "And he left us here to fend for ourselves...The nerve!"

Meanwhile, Lila just silently sipped her drink, her gaze on the wooden grain of the table. Her soft voice, barely audible amidst the loud chatter of the tavern, slipped out, "He's...he's worked hard, he deserves some fun, right?" Her submissive personality made her voice sound more like a question than a statement, and she didn't meet anyone's eyes as she spoke.

Q: Have you ever been to an afterparty?