[130] Cake walk

The ruined arena on the 8th floor of the Abyss dungeon was an eerie place, a haunting reminder of the vibrant battles that once took place. The stones were worn and weathered, covered in layers of moss and lichen. Vines climbed the ancient walls, their tendrils reaching into the cracks and crevices, embracing the dilapidated structure. Scattered shards of weaponry littered the cracked stone floor, remnants of bygone battles.

From the shadows of the ancient battleground, the Undead Champion emerged, a hulking figure of darkness and death. It's hollow eyes glowed an eerie blue, sending shivers of dread through the already chilling air. Despite being an S-tier opponent, there was no fear in our eyes.

Sera, with her blood magic, swiftly constructed a crimson shield around us, deflecting any incoming attacks. At the same time, she manipulated her blood whips, turning them into sharpened spears that she sent flying towards the Undead Champion. Each spear that hit its mark sapped a portion of the Champion's energy, returning it to Sera to fuel her blood magic further.

Kuroko, our rogue, utilized the shadows of the ruined arena to her advantage. She became one with the darkness, her presence almost undetectable. In an instant, she darted out from the shadows, striking the Undead Champion from unexpected angles. Her quick, precise strikes aimed at the weak points of the Champion caused it substantial damage.

Aurelia, the dragonborne, showcased her SS-tier power with immense pride and ferocity. Her scales shimmered as she transformed into her dragon form, a magnificent sight against the backdrop of the ancient, ruined arena. Flames engulfed her as she launched a barrage of fire towards the Undead Champion.

As the fiery onslaught met the Undead Champion, it roared in defiance, attempting to retaliate. But our combined attack was overwhelming. With each passing second, the Champion's form wavered, its defenses crumbling under our relentless assault.

With a final, concerted attack, the Undead Champion fell, its skeletal frame collapsing onto the moss-covered stones of the arena. It was a swift victory, a testament to our significant growth and the harmony of our teamwork.

The sense of triumph filled the air as we stood in the heart of the ancient arena, victorious and stronger than ever. Our quest for power had taken a major step forward and the prospect of the approaching war seemed a little less daunting.

Kuroko's voice broke the triumphant silence, an undercurrent of amazement lacing her words. She kicked away a piece of the Undead Champion's broken armor and crossed her arms, her confident smirk widening. "Wow, guys," she began, her voice echoing across the silent, ruined arena, "this was a walk in the park. Much easier than I remembered."

Her sharp, catlike eyes twinkled with satisfaction as she glanced at her compatriots, a wild, playful grin spreading across her face. "We've gotten pretty strong, haven't we?" Her words, more of a statement than a question, echoed in the once foreboding arena, turning it into a symbol of their growth and unwavering determination.

The sight of their formidable adversary lying defeated at their feet served as an affirmation of their readiness to face any threat head-on. And as Kuroko's words rang out, it was evident that the approaching war no longer held the same sense of dread it once did. Now, it was a challenge they were ready to meet.

The pride in my voice was unmistakable as I looked at each of them in turn, my smile brimming with warmth. The battle-worn arena bore silent witness to our camaraderie, the fallen champion evidence of our progress. My eyes moved from Sera's fiery determination, Kuroko's feisty strength, and Aurelia's majestic power, the pride for them welling up in my heart.

"Your girls," I began, the term of endearment making them smile in return, "have grown quite a bit." I looked at them, my gaze sweeping over their faces lit by the victory and the rising sun behind me. The quiet confidence in their expressions made my smile widen.

"But," I continued, my voice dropping a bit, "we can't rest on our laurels. There's still so much more to achieve, so much more to fight for." A pause, letting the gravity of my words sink in. "It's time to move onto the next level."

The glint of renewed determination in their eyes confirmed their readiness. They were not only my companions but also my pride, and we were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, together.

Q: What video game do you find to be a total cakewalk for you?