[133] The magma salamander

With a deafening roar, the magma salamander lunged at the girls, its jaws opened wide to reveal fiery molten teeth. As the gigantic beast lunged, the surrounding magma followed its movement, sending waves of red-hot liquid splashing towards the stone pathway.

In response, Kuroko, with her nimble agility, vaulted up into the air, evading the cascading waves of magma and darted towards the salamander's flank. Her daggers slashed in an arcing pattern, leaving a shallow wound on its molten hide. The creature screeched in irritation, writhing as the cooler air hit the exposed area under its skin.

Aurelia, not wasting any time, charged head-on, her dragon scales protecting her from the intense heat. Her fist slammed into the salamander's side, her dragon strength driving the force of her punch deep into its hide. The salamander hissed, its serpentine body twisting and turning in pain.

Meanwhile, Sera, with her staff raised, began to weave complex symbols in the air. Her eyes glowed as she channeled her magic, sending a series of blood spikes toward the salamander's underside, looking for a weak spot. The spikes found their mark, and the beast's screams of pain echoed through the chamber.

The girls' coordination was seamless, their attacks coming together to deliver significant damage. The magma salamander, though enraged and writhing, was quickly realizing that it had formidable opponents to deal with.

With a guttural growl resonating deep within its gargantuan form, the magma salamander reared back, a pulsating glow emanating from its gaping maw. It tilted its head upwards, letting loose a gut-wrenching roar that echoed through the chamber. As the sound faded, it swung its head downward and aimed towards the girls.

Suddenly, from the depth of its gullet, a torrent of bubbling, viscous lava surged forward. It was a cataclysmic expulsion, a terrifying show of the beast's elemental might. The crimson, molten rock burst forth like a superheated geyser, splattering in a wide arc as it was directed towards the girls.

The lava flew through the air, casting eerie, flickering shadows over the chamber as it rained down. Each drop sizzled and steamed upon hitting the stone pathway, the intense heat causing the rock to warp and crack under the pressure. The barrage of magma was not only lethal but also served to reshape the battleground, limiting the girls' mobility and furthering the salamander's advantage.

Seeing the imminent danger that the girls were in, I leapt into action. Springing from my position beside Lila, I drew my ethereal sword and charged forward, moving with such speed that the world around me seemed to blur.

Upon reaching the center of the lava's path, I planted my feet firmly on the scorching hot stone pathway and raised my golden glowing blade high above my head. In a swift, decisive movement, I brought it slashing downward, the force from the motion creating a shockwave that blasted outwards from me.

The blade didn't physically touch the lava, but the impact of the shockwave was powerful enough to create an invisible barrier in its path. With a deafening roar, the torrents of lava abruptly split into two, diverted from their previous trajectory as they wrapped around the barrier created by my sword.

The molten streams passed harmlessly on either side, roaring and hissing like serpents denied their prey. The path they left in their wake glowed a dangerous red, radiating with an unbearable heat. But, for the moment, the girls and I were safe, the potentially lethal attack effectively thwarted by my intervention.

With my intervention providing a brief respite, the girls were quick to seize the opportunity and mount their counterattack. Sera, her eyes blazing with a dark, blood-red light, called upon her magic with a powerful incantation: "Bloody Chains!"

From the ground at the magma salamander's feet, dark, crimson chains shot up, entangling the behemoth in their grasp. Each link seemed to pulsate with a life of its own, constricting tighter with every movement the salamander made in its attempts to break free.

Kuroko, meanwhile, was already on the move, darting forward with an agility that made her seem like a shadow in the flickering light of the magma. "Shadow Strike!" she called, and in a blink, she was beneath the salamander, twin daggers lashing out in a blur of silver as she targeted its vulnerable underbelly.

Aurelia, the fiery dragonborne, held nothing back. As Kuroko's attack created an opening, Aurelia swept in, eyes alight with a fierce determination. "Dragon's Fury!" she bellowed, her voice rising above the sounds of battle. Twin streams of fire erupted from her hands, enveloping the salamander in an inferno that matched the heat of the surrounding magma.

Together, their combined assault was a sight to behold – a symphony of teamwork and power that left the magma salamander reeling under their relentless onslaught.

The girls continued their coordinated onslaught. Sera, with her hands outstretched and eyes aflame with power, sent waves of blood magic surging through the crimson chains. The arcane energy flowed like a river of power, constraining the salamander further, limiting its movements and leaving it vulnerable to Kuroko's and Aurelia's attacks.

"Shadow Veil!" Kuroko's voice rang out, and in an instant, a veil of darkness cloaked her form, making her even more elusive to the beast's attempts at defending itself. She weaved through the battleground, her daggers striking at the salamander's weak points with surgical precision. Every slash and stab she made were swift and lethal, exploiting the salamander's vulnerabilities and leaving it disoriented.

Aurelia took to the skies with a leap, propelled by her draconic wings. "Molten Rain!" she cried, her voice resonating through the air. In response, the very air around her shimmered and twisted, distorting with the immense heat she was gathering. Suddenly, a rain of molten fire rained down onto the salamander, scorching its scales and further weakening it.

The battle scene was intense, the air filled with the sounds of roaring flames, clashing steel, and the pained cries of the magma salamander. With each passing second, the girls continued to wear down the salamander, their combined efforts showcasing their exceptional skill and teamwork.

As the magma salamander teetered on the brink of defeat, it was Sera who made the final move. "Blood Surge!" She called out, her voice echoing in the fiery chamber. The crimson chains that bound the salamander pulsed with a renewed surge of energy, tightening their grip and forcing the monster to the ground with a resounding crash.

With the salamander incapacitated, Kuroko capitalized on the opportunity. Swift as a shadow, she darted forward, her daggers glinting ominously in the fiery light. "Shadow Strike!" She cried, plunging her blades into the salamander's exposed underbelly. The creature let out a final, earth-shaking roar, its body convulsing in a futile attempt to dislodge the lethal weapons.

It was Aurelia who dealt the final blow. Sweeping down from the air, she roared, "Inferno Wrath!" A colossal fireball formed in her palms, its heat so intense it distorted the air around it. With a primal roar, she hurled the fireball at the salamander. The ensuing explosion was deafening, engulfing the salamander in a fiery maelstrom.

As the flames subsided, the once formidable magma salamander lay defeated, its form slowly cooling and hardening in the aftermath of Aurelia's attack. The girls' coordinated efforts had paid off - they had successfully vanquished the formidable beast that lurked in the heart of the abyss dungeon's tenth floor.

A satisfied grin spread across Sera's face, and she wiped a bead of sweat off her brow. "Well, it's about time we got this over with," she said, the satisfaction in her voice was evident.

Kuroko, ever the fiery one, sheathed her daggers with a snappy flourish, chuckling lightly. "Man, that was fun. But I hope we don't have to deal with any more oversized lizards anytime soon," she added, her eyes sparkling with excitement despite her words.

On the other hand, Aurelia, standing tall and proud, crossed her arms and puffed out her chest. "That was hardly a challenge. But I must admit, the coordination was impeccable," she noted, her tone carrying a hint of pride.

Lila, who had been watching the entire battle from the sideline, stepped forward. Her soft voice broke the silence that had settled in the aftermath of the battle. "Master, you should be proud. The girls have truly outdone themselves." Her kind words were met with nods and smiles from the others.

With a commanding tone, I beckoned the girls towards the descending stairs. "Alright, enough chit-chat. Let's head down to the next floor. Our journey isn't over yet. Remember, we're here to grow stronger and become better versions of ourselves. Every floor is a challenge and an opportunity. Brace yourselves."

The determined look on their faces and the fire in their eyes showed they were ready. Our adventure in the Abyss dungeon was far from over. As their leader and their friend, it was my duty to guide them, to support them, and to challenge them. And I had every intention of fulfilling that duty.

Q: What is your favorite fire type Pokemon?