[135] Aurelia's story

We walked towards our Giant Gaiko, a lizard-like creature renowned for its strength and endurance. Resembling a gecko, but with the length of a horse and possessing eight legs, Gaikos were formidable creatures that adapted easily to the harsh conditions of the Abyss. They were reliable companions for adventurers like us who dared to venture deep into the perilous depths of the dungeon.

I approached the Gaiko and unhitched the heavy canvas bags that rested on its robust back. These sacks contained our necessities ranging from food to sleeping bags, and from tools to weapons. As the weight was lifted, the Gaiko gave a low sound of gratitude, its head bobbing in acknowledgment.

Kuroko and Sera quickly gathered the light, yet sturdy tents from our pile of equipment and started setting them up with practiced efficiency. These tents were specially designed to resist the extreme cold of the ice biome, providing us a warm shelter amidst the freezing cold.

Simultaneously, Aurelia was collecting chunks of ice from the surrounding area, while Lila was setting up our magical stove. This device was a marvel of magical engineering, generating heat without the need for fire. It utilized magical crystals as its power source, which could easily melt Aurelia's collected ice into boiling water, for warm meals and drinks.

Surveying our impromptu campsite, the ice biome felt distant, buffered by the warmth of our temporary shelter. The wind wailed and howled, whipping up icy gusts that carried tiny snowflakes into the air, yet the harshness seemed to steer clear from our haven.

As I approached Aurelia and Lila to lend a hand in preparing our meal, I was struck by how well we had adapted to this formidable environment. Our resilience was a testament to our willpower, the camaraderie we had developed, and our shared ambition of conquering the Abyss.

Settling down on the snow-covered ground around our magical campfire, the warmth engulfing us in a comforting embrace, we started unpacking the meals Lila had prepared. The aroma of the steaming food immediately filled the air, cutting through the frosty atmosphere of the ice biome and stirring our appetites.

"I hope you all enjoy it," Lila said, her voice timid but filled with anticipation. She was handing out bowls of a hearty stew that she had cooked using the ingredients we had packed for our journey - a medley of tender meat chunks, diced tubers, a variety of hearty vegetables, and a blend of seasonings that gave off a mouthwatering aroma.

Kuroko was the first to taste, blowing at the steaming stew before taking a cautious sip. Her eyes immediately lit up in delight. "Lila, this is amazing! It's so warming and hearty," she praised enthusiastically, causing a rare blush to appear on Lila's cheeks.

Sera, taking a more reserved approach, hummed in appreciation after her first taste. "You've really outdone yourself, Lila. This might be the best thing I've had in ages." She complimented, tucking into the stew with relish.

Aurelia, not one for many words, nodded her approval, her focused attention on her bowl a testament to Lila's cooking prowess.

I took a hearty sip from my bowl, the hot stew chasing away the cold from my body, a sense of homely comfort blooming within me. "Lila, this is excellent. You've managed to make this hostile environment feel a little like home," I said, giving her a genuine smile.

Looking a little overwhelmed but happy, Lila gave a soft, "Thank you," in response to our praises. We continued our meal in companionable silence, the cold winds of the ice biome unable to penetrate the warmth of our camaraderie and the glowing campfire.

Aurelia and I were left alone as the others fell asleep, the soft snores from Kuroko and the steady breathing from Sera and Lila were the only sounds besides the crackling of the fire. Aurelia was hunched over, her posture stiff and her face a mask of contemplation. It was clear she had something on her mind.

"Aurelia, is there something bothering you?" I asked, trying to catch her gaze.

Her eyes snapped to mine, irritation flickering across her face. "I said it's nothing, Yi-Fei," she snapped, but her voice lacked its usual fire. It was strained, burdened with something she was desperately trying to keep hidden.

"Aurelia," I persisted, matching her gaze with a level one of my own, "We've fought side by side for months now. I can tell when you're not okay. And right now, you're not okay. You can talk to me, you know?"

For a moment, I thought she would argue again, but instead, she sighed deeply, and a look of resignation washed over her. Her eyes glistened in the firelight, and for the first time, I saw a vulnerability in her that she had hidden well.

"It's... It's been almost two years," she began, her voice low and distant. "Two years since I fled from my family. My uncle, Rojinos, the crown prince, he...he wanted to get rid of me, to install his son in the succession instead of me."

Her grip tightened around the edge of her cloak. "He hired a group of adventurers to murder my parents. They fought to their last breath so that I could escape." Her voice broke slightly, and she swallowed hard, struggling to keep her composure. "Then, he claimed it was my recklessness that led the adventurers to our lair. That was a complete lie."

A bitter chuckle escaped her. "I've been on the run since then. Just when I thought I had found a hiding spot, I ran into you and the others. We had a brief struggle before I agreed to join your group." She finished her tale, her shoulders slumping as if a heavy weight had been lifted.

My heart ached for her. For the pain, she was carrying, for the burden that had been forced upon her. I reached out, placing my hand on her shoulder, hoping to offer her at least a shred of comfort. "I'm sorry, Aurelia. We will figure this out. You are not alone anymore. We're your family now and we'll help you fight whatever comes next," I said, my voice firm and resolute.

Aurelia didn't respond, but she leaned into my touch ever so slightly, and for now, that was enough.

"I am not weak," Aurelia muttered, almost defiantly. A tear traced its way down her cheek, glinting in the firelight before disappearing into the snow. Her proud eyes bore into mine, a fierce determination burning within them even as they welled up with more tears.

"You're right," I said, reaching out to gently pat her head. My hand sifted through her soft, fiery hair as I tried to offer her some comfort. "You're not weak, Aurelia. Not by a long shot."

"Everything you've been through, the fact you're sitting here now, it's proof of your strength. Surviving the plots of your own family, facing betrayal and loss... I can't even imagine what that's like." My voice was quiet and soothing, trying to break through the wall of stubbornness she had built around herself.

"And yet, you're still standing, still fighting." I continued, my gaze never leaving hers, "You've grown into a powerful dragonborne, someone who has proven her worth time and time again. You took on your destiny instead of letting it consume you. That is not a sign of weakness, Aurelia. That is the sign of a true warrior."

"I know you're not looking for anyone to save you. You've been saving yourself just fine. But remember this, it's okay to lean on others. We are your comrades, and we stand with you. In strength and in weakness, in victory and in defeat."

Aurelia looked at me, her fierce gaze softening just a bit, and I saw a glimpse of gratitude there. A wordless acknowledgement of my words. And with that, I knew I had gotten through to her, at least a little. We might still have a long journey ahead, but I was certain, with her indomitable spirit, Aurelia would rise above her past and forge her own destiny. And we would be right there, standing by her side.

Q: Would you seek revenge in this case?