[143] Bull head and horse face

The Magnifique lived up to its name, standing majestic and grand at the heart of Mamoth. The casino was a grandiose spectacle of opulence, an architectural masterpiece that towered above the cityscape with a presence that commanded awe. The exterior was a mesmerizing blend of gothic and baroque influences, the facades adorned with intricate designs of gargoyles, demons, and mythical creatures sculpted from stone and gleaming gold.

The building stretched across what seemed like an endless expanse, its girth equally impressive as its height. It was framed by two imposing towers, their spiraled peaks reaching skyward, adorned with grotesque figures that seemed to watch over the throng of patrons below.

A plethora of gleaming neon signs highlighted the name 'The Magnifique' in striking calligraphy, sparkling with an array of multicolored lights that illuminated the night. Above the casino, a colossal hologram of a roulette wheel rotated lazily, casting vibrant colors that danced across the nearby structures.

The red carpet, broad and plush, was flanked on either side by high stakes poker tables, extravagant fountains that spewed sparkling water, and an array of statuesque demons in various poses, their gazes fixed on the steady stream of guests who ascended the grand staircase towards the grand double doors of The Magnifique.

All around, the chatter of the crowd, the clinking of chips, and the soft music wafting from inside the casino added to the pulsating energy of the place. It was an intimidating display of extravagance, and it was clear that The Magnifique was the beating heart of Mamoth.

As we approached the gate, we saw a cluster of nobles, bedecked in fine silks and jeweled accessories, animatedly trying to negotiate their entry. "I assure you, we've been invited! There must be some mistake!" one noble, a rotund man with a monocle, protested loudly.

"Well, I'm sorry, sir, but if your names aren't on the list, we can't let you in," the horse beastkin bouncer, a muscular and towering figure with a mane of wild black hair, responded firmly. His voice was as deep as a bass drum and carried an edge of finality.

"This is preposterous!" a noblewoman wearing a lavish feathered hat retorted, her painted lips curling into a scowl. "We've attended the ball every year. Check the list again!"

"I've checked thrice, ma'am," the ox beastkin, a burly creature with two impressive horns and a stern countenance, responded in a tone as immovable as a mountain. "No sign of your names. Now, kindly move along."

"But this is absurd, we're nobles! You can't just-" the rotund man started but was cut short as both bouncers leaned forward, their imposing figures shadowing the group. Their eyes flashed menacingly under the casino's bright lights, and their stern, unyielding expressions said it all. There was no room for negotiation.

With a few yelps of dismay, the cluster of nobles quickly turned on their heels, their faces flushed with humiliation and indignation. They disappeared into the crowd, leaving us next in line at the gate.

As soon as we stepped forward, both bouncers' gazes landed on me. A flicker of recognition passed through their eyes, and they immediately straightened up, their demeanor shifting from stern to surprise.

"Wang-Yi-Fei..." the horse beastkin uttered, his deep voice holding an undertone of awe. His large eyes widened, making him look almost comical, but the respect in his gaze was unmistakable.

The ox beastkin's eyes flicked up and down, appraising me for a moment, before he gave a low whistle. "Blimey! If it isn't the number three of the world... The top-ranked human adventurer himself!" He exclaimed, a grin breaking out on his rough face.

The horse beastkin quickly elbowed his companion, as if to tell him to keep his voice down, but the shock in his eyes didn't fade. "We didn't expect to see someone of your... stature here, Sir Wang-Yi-Fei," he said, struggling to regain his composure. His tone had switched from firm to deferential in an instant, underscoring the respect my reputation commanded.

A murmur of whispers ran through the crowd lining up behind us, the word 'Wang-Yi-Fei' repeating like a broken record. Their faces turned to me, eyes wide with awe and curiosity, their complaints about the wait momentarily forgotten.

The ox beastkin cleared his throat, his eyes darting between me and the other bouncer. "Um, Wang-Yi-Fei, if you don't mind... Could we perhaps get your autograph?" He asked, a hint of embarrassment creeping into his voice as he held out a small notepad and a pen.

With an easy smile, I took the notepad and pen from him. "Of course," I said, signing my name onto the notepad in smooth strokes.

The horse beastkin chimed in, "If you could make it out to 'Zephyr and Boreas', that would be...that would be great." His voice was filled with excited anticipation, and his hands shook slightly as I handed him back his notepad.

"I was just about to present my invitation," I began, reaching into my pocket.

Zephyr, the horse beastkin, waved me off with a chuckle. "No need for that, Sir Wang-Yi-Fei. Your name's already on the list. It would be an embarrassment not to have the strongest human adventurer on it." Boreas, the ox beastkin, nodded vigorously in agreement.

"Go right in," Boreas said, standing aside to open the way, a wide grin stretching across his face. He pointed a massive hand toward the entrance of The magnifique. "Enjoy the Ball of Kings!" He added, his eyes twinkling with excitement.

A low murmur of envy swept through the crowd as I walked past the bouncers and headed into the opulent casino with the girls flanking my sides.

Q: Have you ever met any bouncers IRL?