[148] Two choices

A slow, rhythmic clapping echoed throughout the ballroom, pulling everyone's attention away from the tense scene. Their eyes landed on a man, lounging casually with a devilish smirk on his face.

"Well, well, well... This certainly brings back some old memories," Asus drawled, leaning against a pillar, his white tuxedo perfectly fitted to his tall, slender form. His ruby red eyes gleamed under the chandeliers, a mischievous spark present in his gaze.

"Always one to stir the pot, aren't you Fei? Even after seven decades, it seems you haven't changed," he continued, chuckling to himself. His long white hair was pulled back into a sleek ponytail, adding to his regal demeanor. "But let's not turn this party into a battlefield, my friends. We're all here to enjoy the evening."

His voice was soothing, almost hypnotic, drawing all attention to him, and easing the escalating tension. The crowd around them murmured in agreement, their faces shifting from curiosity and shock to amusement and intrigue. Asus was, after all, a prince of temptation - even his words held an alluring pull.

With a playful tilt of my head and a mischievous glint in my eyes, I quipped back at Asus, "Well, if I'd known this was going to be a reunion with my exes, I might've prepared a speech."

The tension hanging in the room immediately evaporated as laughter bubbled up from the crowd. A chorus of chuckles and giggles filled the space, the melody of mirth bouncing off the high ceilings and sparkling chandeliers. Even the stern faces of the women who had been ready to grill me, broke into grudging smiles. Asus himself let out a hearty laugh, his hand coming up to ruffle his long white hair in amusement.

"You've still got it, Fei," Asus said through his chuckles, "you always did know how to turn a crowd." His voice held a note of genuine admiration and the room reverberated with the remnants of shared laughter, setting a much lighter atmosphere for the night.

Leaning forward, I met Asus' gaze straight on, a hint of steely determination underlying the light-hearted banter. "Alright Asus, it's time for the punchline," I said, folding my arms across my chest. "Why exactly have you brought together all the leaders of Pangu to this little party of yours?"

His laughter faded, his ruby eyes gleaming with a seriousness that mirrored my own. He straightened up, his demeanor shifting as he addressed not only me, but the entire room.

"I believe," he started, his voice carrying a weight that commanded attention, "that there is a pressing matter that we must address collectively. There's a threat looming over Pangu, one that could disrupt the balance of our world if not attended to immediately."

Asus' proclamation echoed in the room, making the guests' jovial chatter recede into a hushed whisper. The atmosphere thickened with anticipation, everyone eagerly awaiting the next words from the demon prince of temptation.

His ruby-red eyes scanned the room, a deep silence falling over the crowd as his words echoed. Then, Asus' voice rang out again, this time with a chilling finality that made the room feel a few degrees colder.

"Direct from the throne of the Demon King, a declaration has been made." His eyes found mine, locking on with an intensity that made it clear his next words were not to be taken lightly. "In his wisdom, he has extended an offer to the free peoples of Pangu."

He paused for effect, letting the anticipation build. Then, he continued, his voice carrying an eerie calmness. "His message is simple. Unite under the banner of the Demon King. Bend the knee. Join him. Or... be wiped from the face of this world."

His words hung heavily in the air, casting a thick pall of tension over the previously jubilant crowd. The implication of his message was clear - it was a warning and a threat, all wrapped into one. And it was directed not only to me, but to the leaders of all the races present in the room. It was an ultimatum that bore the weight of potential war.

A wicked grin spread across Asus's face as he reveled in the shock his message was creating. His ruby-red eyes gleamed with a mixture of delight and malice. His voice, however, remained unnervingly calm as he delivered the next part of his message.

"The Demon King has extended his graciousness and given you a timeline for this decision," he said, sweeping his gaze over the gathered audience, his voice echoing in the silent room. "You have precisely one month. No more, no less."

He paused for a beat, his smile widening further, if that was possible. "After that, expect a visit," he continued, a sinister undercurrent to his words. "The King's fleet will make its way to your shores. And his majesty, the Demon King himself, will arrive on Pangu."

His words settled into the air like an ominous fog. A shiver of fear passed through the room, but Asus seemed to only derive satisfaction from it. His smile remained, fixed and terrifying, as he enjoyed the turmoil his announcement had sparked.

The tension in the room reached a fever pitch, the faces of the crowd reflecting their desire for retaliation against Asus. But just as the first brave or foolhardy soul made a move towards him, I stepped forward, my voice ringing out, firm and commanding.

"Hold!" I called out, my hands raised in a placating gesture. "Do not let your anger guide you into foolish actions. Asus is more useful to us alive than dead."

At my words, the crowd paused, their rage momentarily held at bay. I continued, my eyes locked on Asus's, who was watching the proceedings with a curious amusement.

"Instead," I proposed, "let us take him as our hostage. It would serve as a check against any immediate actions by the Demon King and also buy us some time."

My words echoed around the silent room, their weight hanging in the air. I could feel the crowd's gaze upon me, their hostility redirected from Asus and now focused on me, waiting for my next move.

Q: What would you do to get information out of someone?