[179] Temptation

The demon camp was a stark contrast to our own. While the united races' camp bore signs of life and diversity, the demon camp was uniform and lifeless in comparison. Stretching as far as my eyes could see, an orderly grid of black tents sprawled across the desolate landscape, each tent identical to its neighbors, marked with the crimson symbol of the demon king.

Demonic imps busily hustled through the pathways, carrying out orders. Brutes with muscular bodies and leathery skin stood guard at regular intervals, their cold, unblinking eyes watching my every move. The air was filled with an uneasy tension, as if the camp itself was holding its breath in anticipation.

In the center of the camp, on an elevated dais, stood the imposing figure of the demon king's tent. Larger and grander than the rest, the tent was adorned with skull trophies, emitting an aura of dread and power. Twisted, obsidian pillars framed its entrance, inscribed with glowing, red runes that seemed to pulse in the eerie silence.

As I walked, I could feel the chilling gazes of the demonic soldiers on me. They watched from the shadows of their tents, their red eyes glinting in the gloom. There were no campfires, no sound of laughter or conversation; only an ominous silence that echoed with the beat of my own heart.

An undercurrent of fear and respect rippled through the camp as I approached the demon king's tent. This was not just a camp, it was a hive, a horde, waiting for its master's command to swarm over the world. I swallowed down the lump in my throat and steeled myself, ready to face the demon king.


The Demon King looked at me from his throne, a malicious smile creeping on his lips. His crimson eyes flashed with interest, like a cat toying with a mouse. The air was heavy with anticipation, as though even the demons outside the tent were holding their breaths, awaiting the outcome of this encounter.

"Welcome, Hero," he began, his voice rich and deep, echoing throughout the tent. He gestured to a goblet of dark liquid on a nearby table. "Would you care for a drink?"

"No," I responded firmly, my eyes locked on his. I was not about to drink anything offered by the enemy.

A laugh escaped him, low and menacing. "Well then, please sit," he said, motioning to the chair across from him.

Again, I refused. "I prefer to stand," I responded, my voice steady.

He shrugged, still maintaining that eerie grin. "As you wish," he said, leaning back in his throne. He interlaced his fingers in front of him, resting his chin atop. "Very well, Hero, let's get straight to the point. Your forces are being crushed. Surrender now, and I may let your people live."

My expression hardened. I came here to buy time, not to surrender. "No," I replied, defiantly. "We will never bow to you. We will fight till the end. Now, if there's nothing else, I'll be leaving."

With a nonchalant wave of his hand, the Demon King conjured an image of a palace, vast and grandiose, with treasures stacked high and overflowing from ornate chests. It was a display of riches beyond belief.

"Imagine it, Hero. All this wealth could be yours," he said, his voice a soothing whisper, as if he was reading from a fairy tale.

Then the image shifted, presenting a garden filled with women, their beauty breathtaking, their numbers staggering. Their smiles were seductive, their eyes filled with adoration.

"And these women, they could be yours," he continued. His voice took on a more coaxing tone. "All you need to do is join us. Kneel before me, swear your allegiance, and all this shall be yours."

"No," I replied, my voice cold and clear. "I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees."

His eyes narrowed at my words, but his disturbing smile didn't falter. He leaned back on his throne, watching me intently.

"Very well," he said, his voice dripping with amusement. "It seems our negotiation has reached an impasse. Go, Hero. Return to your forces. We shall see how long your bravery will last on the battlefield."

Q: Can you resist temptation easily?