[185] Saber of light

I gritted my teeth, feeling the surge of power coursing through my veins. The demon king was raising his hand again, preparing to call upon another round of devastating meteor shower. I couldn't let that happen again. Not when so many lives were at stake. My aura flared up in intensity, its golden hue illuminating the battlefield as I called upon my ultimate move.

"SABER OF LIGHT!" I bellowed, the words resounding with a potent, echoing force that stilled the clamor of the battlefield.

In the next moment, I was gone. From my initial position, all that was left was a trail of golden light, rapidly fading as I shot forward. It wasn't just a simple dash, it was as if I had become one with the light itself, moving at an impossible speed straight towards the demon king. A speed so blindingly fast, it could rival the speed of light itself.

As I moved, the world around me seemed to slow down, each moment stretching into an eternity as I neared my target. The distance between us was closing at an incredible rate, the monstrous form of the demon king becoming clearer and clearer in my vision. His form loomed overhead, but I was undeterred. I was a streak of golden light, a living sabre that sought to pierce through the heart of darkness.

As I reached the demon king, the world seemed to stand still for a moment, the air crackling with an unbearable tension. Then, with the force of a cataclysm, my sabre made contact.

There was no sound, no explosion, just a silent release of power as my ethereal sabre collided with the behemoth before me. It was like the meeting of an unstoppable force and an immovable object, an event so potent that it distorted the very fabric of reality around us. I didn't merely slash or pierce the demon king; I connected with him in a way that transcended the physical.

Every bit of my being, each particle propelled by the unbelievable speed of light, crashed into the demon king. It was a union of light and darkness that resonated with a deep, primal force. The point of impact ignited in a blinding flash of golden light, outshining even the sun overhead.

The demon king's colossal body buckled under the sheer force of the strike, the shockwave radiating outwards from the impact point and wreaking havoc on his form. It was as if an asteroid had struck him, a cataclysm from within that threatened to tear him apart.

From a distance, it would have seemed like a star had descended upon the battlefield, a brilliant nova that threatened to engulf everything in its wake. The ground beneath shook and crumbled, and the very air seemed to twist and warp under the titanic forces at play. And at the epicenter of it all was me, a figure bathed in golden light, a sabre of light that cut through the heart of the demon king.

Q: Have you watched Fate series before?