[189] Separate ways

As the euphoria of our victory celebrations began to wane, we all gathered at the sky docks, a feeling of anticipation and finality hanging in the air.

"Yi-Fei," Sera began, her voice holding a hint of hesitation, "I won't be joining you for the next part of your journey."

I raised an eyebrow at her, surprise and curiosity stirring in me. "Oh? And why's that?"

She looked at me, her beautiful elfin features cast in a mixture of determination and a tinge of sadness. "I have been given an opportunity to teach at Escaria... one of the most prestigious mage academies in all of Pangu."

The news hit me harder than I thought it would. I had grown so used to having Sera by my side, her gruff tsundere attitude and powerful magical abilities a comforting constant on our adventures. "Escaria? That's... that's a big deal, Sera."

"Yes, it is." She gave me a rueful smile. "But it doesn't mean we won't see each other again."

"I should hope not," I said, feigning hurt. "I expect frequent invitations to guest lecture on...I don't know, the art of being a hero?"

She chuckled, a soft sound that filled me with a bittersweet feeling. "Of course, boss. As long as you promise to visit frequently."

With a nod, I extended my hand. "You have a deal, Sera."

Then, surprising me, she stepped forward and instead of shaking my hand, she pulled me into a soft, lingering kiss. It was a goodbye, but also a promise. A promise of meeting again, of shared stories and adventures yet to come.

As we pulled apart, she gave me one last smile, one last "Take care, boss," before turning away and disappearing into the bustling crowd of the sky docks, leaving us behind to face the next adventure.

Kuroko was next, her feline eyes gleaming with excitement and resolve. "Boss," she began, "I've been thinking a lot and... I won't be joining you on your next adventure."

I blinked at her, a bit surprised. "And why is that, Kuroko?"

She grinned, the thrill of her future endeavors shining bright in her eyes. "I've decided to be the next Robin Hood of this world. I will steal from the greedy and give back to those in need."

Her words caught me off guard. Kuroko had always been a free spirit, but this... this was something else. I laughed, the sound echoing across the sky docks. "The cat burglar of justice, eh? I have no doubt you'll be great at it."

Kuroko chuckled, her tail swishing behind her in delight. "That's the plan, boss."

"Well then," I said, extending a hand. "Here's to stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. May you become the most wanted and most loved rogue this world has ever seen."

She smiled at that, taking my hand and pulling me into a quick, fiery kiss. It was a bold goodbye, very much like Kuroko herself. "See you around, boss. And remember, if you get too rich, you're on my list."

I couldn't help but laugh at that, watching as she winked at me one last time before darting off into the crowd, disappearing as quickly as a cat in the night.

With a sudden, dramatic flourish, Aurelia stepped forward. Her dragon eyes were glittering with unshed tears of determination and resolve. "Yi-Fei, I have something to say," she declared.

Raising an eyebrow, I looked at her, "Yes, your highness?"

She huffed at my tease, crossing her arms over her chest in a perfect tsundere fashion. "Don't 'your highness' me! I'm serious here!"

Laughing softly, I nodded. "Alright, what is it, Aurelia?"

She took a deep breath, her gaze fixed on the horizon. "I won't be coming with you on your next adventure."

Her words caused a small pause. "Oh?" I prompted.

Nodding, she kept her gaze steady, "Yes, I've decided to return to my rightful place within the Dragonborne Empire. I am the 9th princess, after all. It's high time I take my responsibilities."

Despite her bluster, I couldn't help but smile. "Well, princess," I teased, "It's about time. Who else will keep those dragons in check?"

She glared at me, but it was clear she was fighting back a smile. "You better not be getting into any trouble while I'm gone, Yi-Fei," she said, wagging a finger at me. "But if you do... well, don't hesitate to call for help. Even if it's from a princess."

With that, she leaned in and planted a quick, fiery kiss on my lips before turning and stalking off the sky docks, her royal poise back in place. Despite her tough exterior, I knew she would miss our adventures just as much as I would.

Nia was the first to step forward, a mischievous smile gracing her elegant features. She sauntered over to me, her emerald eyes twinkling with excitement. "You didn't think you'd be getting rid of me that easily, did you, Yi-Fei?" she asked, her fingers dancing across the front of my shirt.

I gave her a soft smile, "It would seem, Nia, I am stuck with you."

Next was Isolde, her crimson eyes gleaming in the sunlight. With a smoky chuckle, she said, "Well, Yi-Fei, it seems you're stuck with me as well. After all, where's the fun in leaving you all to yourself?"

Feeling a warm blush creep onto my cheeks, I nodded at her, "I appreciate the company, Isolde."

Finally, Yuki stepped forward, her icy blue eyes meeting mine. With a soft, playful giggle, she took my hand and held it to her chest. "And you didn't think you'd leave without me, did you, Yi-Fei?" she asked, her eyes twinkling with a teasing light. "After all, who else will keep you warm at night?"

As laughter filled the air, I looked at the three women in front of me. They had all decided to continue on this journey with me. And for that, I was truly grateful. Their companionship would be invaluable on the road ahead, and the thought of continuing the adventure with them by my side filled me with anticipation and excitement for the new adventures we would face together.

Turning to Lila, who had been silent during this exchange, I raised an eyebrow questioningly, "And you, Lila?" I asked, my voice softer as I addressed her. She had been a constant support throughout all our trials, always there with a warm drink or a comforting word.

Lila jumped at being addressed, a blush flooding her cheeks. She wrung her hands nervously, looking up at me with wide, innocent brown eyes. "Master Chang... I... I wish to remain by your side," she admitted in a whisper.

A sense of warmth swelled within me, comforted by her loyalty. "Lila," I began, my voice soft, "Your debts are already paid off. You are not obliged to follow me, you know? You could lead your own life. You could live freely."

Her gaze met mine, surprisingly resolute. Her voice wavered but was steadier when she spoke, "It isn't obligation, Master. It's my choice. Serving you... it's been my greatest honor. I... I want to continue doing so."

I nodded, deeply moved by her words. "If that is what you wish, Lila," I replied, my voice brimming with respect, "Then I would be honored to have you continue serving by my side."

Her cheeks flushed a delicate pink, her lips curling into a small smile. "Thank you, master," she murmured, dipping into a respectful curtsy. As she straightened, she bit her lip, hesitating before she continued, "Before we set out... I would like to visit my father once more. To ensure he's well."

"Of course, Lila. We will make time for that," I promised, watching as her face lit up with gratitude. I couldn't help but feel warmed by the thought of this new chapter we were about to embark on. Though we would be facing new challenges, it seemed like we were all prepared to face them, together.

Q: What will you say when you part ways with a good friend?