[191] New journey

Just as the sails were catching wind and the deck beneath us began to hum with the potential of flight, an all too familiar voice echoed through the docks. "Wait! Wait! Wait!" A figure darted from the bustling crowd, sprinting toward us with an urgency that brought an unexpected halt to our departure.

The figure was a whirlwind of crimson hair and commanding presence, a force of nature in the form of a young woman. Recognizing her immediately, I couldn't help but let a smirk grace my lips. "Alicia," I called out, my tone teasing, "The 7th princess of Ayre, and an SSS tier adventurer no less, running like a commoner at the docks?"

Alicia, undeterred by my mockery, made her way onto the ship, heaving in large breaths from her run. "I want to go on an adventure with you all as well!" she exclaimed, her words punctuated by gasps for air.

"And why should we stop the ship for you?" I retorted, leaning casually against the ship's wheel, watching her with an amused expression.

"Because I haven't beaten you in a duel yet!" she declared, puffing out her chest and standing tall, despite her disheveled state.

My smirk deepened at her reply. Memories of our past encounters in the grand tournament flashed in my mind - her determination, her skills, and the promise she made. She'd promised to marry any swordsman who could beat her, and yet when I did, she found herself at a loss. I'd turned her proposal around, telling her I'd marry her when she beats me, adding an unexpected twist to our story.

"Well then, Princess Alicia," I said, pushing off the wheel to stand in front of her, "Welcome aboard the White Phoenix. Let's see if this adventure can help you fulfill that promise."

With a confident toss of her long wavy blond hair, Alicia flashed me a grin that was equal parts triumph and challenge. "Thank you, Yi-Fei," she said, her voice brimming with anticipation. Then, as if our exchange had invigorated her, she readied herself for a leap. With a grace that belied her recent sprint, she backed up a few steps and took a running start.

Everyone on the ship, from my companions to the crew, paused to watch as Alicia leaped, her body arcing through the air with a fluidity that was both mesmerizing and awe-inspiring. For a brief moment, she seemed suspended in mid-air, the vibrant colors of her flowing dress contrasting vividly with the azure sky. The crowd on the docks let out an audible gasp as she landed smoothly on the deck, a gust of wind catching her hair, making it billow dramatically around her.

As soon as her feet touched the deck, a cheer erupted from the crowd on the docks. Alicia, ever the performer, stood up, waved towards them, and blew a kiss. The crowd went wild, their cheers growing louder and echoing in the crisp morning air.

Meanwhile, the White Phoenix started to hum with a life of its own, the vibration under our feet growing more insistent as the ship prepared for departure. The ropes securing it to the docks were released one by one, the great sails unfurled, billowing in the gentle sea breeze.

Leaning casually against the ship's railing, I watched as the girls turned to me, their eyes filled with anticipation and excitement. Yuki, her delicate features bright under the sun, was the first to ask, "Boss, where are we going next?"

Isolde, ever the tactician, nodded in agreement. "It would be advantageous to have a plan of action," she pointed out.

With a roguish grin, I looked at the open sky stretching out before us, endless and full of possibilities. "Isn't the beauty of an adventure in its unpredictability?" I asked rhetorically, the wind tousling my hair.

"But, Chang..." Nia started, worry creeping into her voice.

I held up a hand to cut her off, still smiling confidently. "Trust me, girls," I reassured them. "We'll figure that out on our way."

Alicia let out a hearty laugh, slapping her knee in amusement. "That's just like you, Chang! Always keeping us on our toes!"

And with that, our ship, the White Phoenix, sailed onwards, its sails billowing in the wind. We moved further and further away from Erindale, disappearing into the distant horizon, ready to embrace whatever adventure the future had in store for us.

Q: Did you enjoy the book? xd