In the heart of Dove Corporation, the walls of Sir Holland's grand office whispered of power and prestige. Layers of polished wood were complemented by lush carpets and imposing portraits. On this particular evening, the ambient light caught Sir Holland deeply engrossed in his laptop. An untouched cup of steaming coffee gave away hints of recently brewed grounds.

The serene moment was interrupted by a muffled knock, causing Sir Holland to look up. "Come in," he beckoned without a second thought.

The door slowly creaked open, revealing Captain Barclay. His once-crisp uniform was now a grotesque tapestry of bloodstains. His face, usually stern and resolute, bore marks of recent combat.

"Sir," he greeted, his voice surprisingly calm given his appearance.

Sir Holland's eyebrows furrowed, and he let out a shocked exclamation, "Jesus Christ! Barclay, couldn't you have at least changed clothes?"

Barclay's stance is firm, though there's a hint of remorse in his eyes. "Apologies sir," he begins, "I just came as fast as I could. I heard you have a mission for our squad."

Sir Holland hesitates, his brow furrowed in concern. "Uh...uh huh. Wait is that your blood? I can't tell."

Captain Barclay lets out a heavy sigh, indicating he'd hoped to avoid this line of questioning.

Sir Holland's voice holds a mix of irritation and jest. "Fine I'll stop, but you can't just walk in all covered in blood, you weirdo." Clearing his throat, he continues, "Anyway, I got a call from Captain Smyth. Apparently, there's a group of masked hooligans running around disrupting their work or whatever..."

Barclay's eyes narrow with recognition. "Captain Smyth? The stuck-up posh guy from Watford?"

With a smirk, Sir Holland retorts, "Be nice. And yes, it is the stuck-up posh guy from Watford. That's beside the point. Could your squad just go down there tonight and find out whatever's going on?"

"Understood," Barclay responds, turning to leave.

But Sir Holland can't let it go. "Okay it your blood though?"

Stopping in his tracks, Captain Barclay delivers a line that speaks volumes of their history. "Sir, you are the only one in this kingdom that can make me bleed."

Sir Holland's smirk returns, broader and more triumphant this time. "You're damn right."

As Captain Barclay resumes his departure, Sir Holland's chuckle fills the room, tinged with both admiration and mischief. "Bevan would've been livid if he heard that."


In the serene garden of the Grieves house, long shadows reached out as the sun began its descent. The yard, painted with hues of green and specks of vibrant colors, was home to trees and bushes rich with fruits of various kinds. Amidst the natural artwork, Kimberley, Ren, Alko, Udo, and Kelly found themselves caught in an intense conversation.

Kimberley's voice, firm with a tinge of unease, broke the silence. "Before we do anything, we'll need to make an Eternal Pact. Just to make sure everyone keeps their end of the deal, aye?"

Kelly nodded, her face as serious as her tone. "I know."

Alko frowned, the weight of confusion clear in his eyes. "Huh? What's that?"

Ren stepped in, explaining, "It's basically a vibrational vow between two or more hosts."

Understanding dawned on Alko. "Ohhh. And if you break the vow?"

"Automatic death," Ren replied solemnly.

A sly grin spread across Alko's face. "Oh... poor Ms Grieves, am I right?" He playfully nudged Ren, seeking camaraderie.

Ren sighed, pushing away Alko's mischief. "Jesus, Alko."

Kimberley, trying to refocus the group, declared, "Alright, let's do it then."

But Ren held up a hand. "Wait a second. Isn't she a Fiend host? Dove hosts can't make Eternal Pacts with Fiend hosts, Kim."

Kimberley's lips pursed as realization struck her. "You're right... only a Fiend host would be able to do it..."

All eyes, one by one, landed on Udo.

"Fine, whatever," Udo grumbled, clearly apprehensive. "But wait... since I'm the only one making the vow, does that mean I'll be the only one dying if we don't save Kenny?"

Kimberley met his gaze, the hard truth evident in her eyes. "Practically yes."

A burst of laughter escaped Alko, drawing sharp glares from the group. "I'm sorry, but that's actually funny..."

Kelly, her voice trembling slightly, managed to get out, "Wait... you're... a Fiend host? Are you U-..."

Kimberley's commanding voice took over, "Don't worry about it. Just get into position."

Swallowing hard, Kelly responded, "Right..."

The two, Kelly and Udo, took their positions facing each other. They interlocked their fingers, hands held between them. As they began to chant in unison, "Apparebit, Diabolus Veritatis," the world around them seemed to pause.

A dark, purple portal emerged from thin air, swirling with a mesmerizing dance of colours. From within the portal, a formidable figure emerged: a massive, bald, red humanoid with striking elf ears, a long, pointy nose, and menacing devil horns.

Kimberley whispered in awe, "So that's the Fiend of Truth..."

The fiend, with power and authority radiating from him, extended his hands to Udo and Kelly. They grasped it firmly. As the fiend pulled away, a pair of intricate gloves materialized on each of their hands, sealing their fate.

In the midst of the surreal atmosphere, Kimberley provided clarity. "That's the Promise Glove," she began, addressing both Udo and Kelly. "One of you states a promise, the other a condition. After each promise, the word 'Aeternus' has to be said. Then you both shake hands with those gloved hands. Kelly, since you're setting the condition, you go first."

Kelly gulped audibly, her eyes darting momentarily before settling on Udo. Taking a steadying breath, she began, "I promise to tell you everything I know about the Herd... if you bring my son back into my arms... Aeternus."

Kimberley nodded her approval before turning to Udo, "Your turn."

His gaze unwavering, Udo replied, "I promise to bring your son back into your arms, but when I do, you'll have to tell us everything you know about the Herd... Aeternus."

"Now, shake hands," Kimberley instructed.

With a resolute expression, Udo extended his hand, staring deeply into Kelly's fearful eyes. "Let's do it... Ms. Grieves."

Tentative at first, Kelly finally mustered the courage to grip Udo's hand. The Fiend of Truth erupted into gleeful laughter as a fierce, purple tempest circled the duo. When the gusts eventually subsided, the Fiend and the gloves were nowhere to be seen.

Udo, breaking the silence, tilted his head at the visibly shaken Kelly, "Hiding from your problems never works. It only transforms into larger issues over time, hurting your family, friends, and everyone you love. We've both learned that the hard way... haven't we, Ms. Grieves?"

Her lips quivered, but Kelly remained silent.

Ren, his voice tinged with disbelief, broke in, "You do realize your life is on the line, right? Why are you so calm about this?"

Udo smirked, almost challengingly, "Ren. Do you truly believe there's anyone on this earth who can beat me?"

Ren's sceptical gaze was enough, but before he could reply, Kimberley laughed softly, already walking away. "We'll attack in a few hours. Time to strategize."

Alko chimed in, "How about we loosen up at the pub first?"

Udo shot him a questioning look, "What's up with you and drinking, man?"

Alko rolled his eyes, "Dude, please stop questioning me on my alcoholism."

As the group started moving, Ren threw a wary glance at Udo, "How can we trust a Fiend host so blindly?"


In the dimly lit office of Dove Corporation's Headquarters located in Watford, Captain Smyth found solace. A dense cloud of tobacco smoke floated around him, emitted from the pipe he held firmly between his lips. The room was filled with an aroma of aged wood and lingering hints of burnt tobacco. He was a picture of anxiety, his foot tapping incessantly on the wooden floor, betraying the whirlwind of thoughts that plagued his mind.

"Maybe I'm just overthinking it," he muttered to himself, trying to shake off the unease. "Maybe I'm just overthinking. Yeah, I'm probably overthinking, I'm definitely overthinking..."

His musing was interrupted by the door, which suddenly swung open, casting a momentary glow in the room from the hallway lights. Two figures stepped into the room - Scarlett and Rory.

"You called for us, captain. Is everything okay?" Scarlett inquired, her voice dripping with concern.

"Lads...prepare yourselves," Captain Smyth declared, his voice gruff and edged with urgency.

Rory, puzzled, quirked an eyebrow. "Huh? Why?"

"They're coming. I can feel it," Seamus said, his gaze distant and haunted.

Scarlett's eyes widened, her voice taking on a desperate edge. "Who's coming?"

"Those masked pricks! They're definitely coming," Captain Smyth responded tersely.

Trying to calm her captain, Scarlett reasoned, "Captain, I think you're just overthinking things. You need to get some rest—"

Interrupting her, Captain Smyth ordered, "Rory, bring me Kenny. Scarlett, you call for reinforcements."

Without hesitation, Rory responded with a firm "Yes sir" and quickly exited the room.

Scarlett, her heart pounding, tried to grasp the gravity of the situation. "What? C-captain, what are we doing this for?"

Captain Smyth face contorted with exasperation. "Scarlett, just shut up and do what I say!"

She bristled at his tone, retorting, "Calm down, Captain! They're not here! What exactly are the reinforcements going to be for? Do you really think they'll be stupid enough to just walk into a compound full of Dove officers—"

Her words were swallowed by a deafening explosion that shook the building, rattling its very foundations. The sound was bone-chilling, leaving both of them in momentary shock.

Scarlett, her face drained of colour, stared at Captain Smyth, who met her gaze with an "I told you so" expression. The silence between them was now laden with the weight of impending doom.

The front yard wall, which had stood as a stalwart defender for years, now bore a gaping hole, debris and dust billowing out and blanketing the grass and cobblestones.

A gasp rippled through the crowd of Dove officers who had been milling about the courtyard. Many of them had been enjoying the cool evening air when they were jolted into a state of shock.

"Jesus Christ!" exclaimed one, shielding his eyes from the settling dust.

"What the hell!?" another shouted, trying to make sense of the sudden destruction.

Confusion and alarm blended in their cries of, "What's going on!?"

But as the dust began to clear, three figures concealed with LED masks emerged from the smoky haze of the explosion, their silhouettes sharp against the backdrop of destruction.

Kimberley led the trio, her confident stride making it clear she was no stranger to such dramatic entrances. To her left was Alko and to her right, Udo.

Stopping just for a moment, Kimberley cracked her fingers audibly, the sound resonating in the still air. She glanced at her companions, a fire burning in her eyes.

"Alko. Udo," she said, her voice laced with determination, "Let's do this."