Alko advanced with a confidence that radiated from him, each step a testament to his swagger, while Scarlett, showing signs of exhaustion and injury, summoned all her remaining strength to remain upright.

"Really?" Alko taunted, his tone filled with disdain. "I expected so much more from you."

Scarlett, focused and resolute, fixed her attention on Alko, recalling the recent events that had left her defenseless. Just moments ago, her weapon had been destroyed. Yet, with a surge of resolve, she invoked her power. "Kalo: Blissful Capture," she murmured, and instantly, a sleek DSLR camera appeared in her hands.

Alko, amused by the sudden turn of events, mocked, "Hoping to capture my good side?" striking a pose in jest. "Well, go on then."

Without a moment's delay, Scarlett snapped a photo, capturing Alko in his overconfidence. As the photo printed, Alko's attitude shifted from amusement to aggression. "Hope you got what you wanted," he retorted, charging at her with remarkable speed.

However, Scarlett's response was transformative. The once beleaguered fighter now moved with an elegance and precision that bewildered Alko. His attempts to strike were futile against her prophetic dodging and precise counterattacks with her monopod, each strike leaving a mark.

Alko's slow realization turned to disbelief. She was anticipating his every move, dodging attacks before they could even be fully executed. As he missed yet another strike, the gravity of his situation became apparent.

"She's seeing my moves... before I even make them," he realized, a touch of fear entering his assessment.

In that moment of clarity for Alko, Scarlett made her decisive move, incapacitating him with a swift action that sent him stumbling in shock and pain.

Despite the immediate aftermath of violence, Scarlett's declaration was unmistakable. "Did you really think you had the upper hand?"

Even in his pain, Alko's response was one of defiance. "Oh, we're just getting started." With that, he engaged once more, the fight continuing with its outcome hanging in the balance, the excitement of the confrontation undeniable.

In another corner of the vast and sprawling Dove Corporation Headquarters, a very different dance was unfolding. Kimberley, with an air of dominance, approached Rory. His once proud posture was now replaced by a hunched kneel, blood trickling from his nose and mouth. His condition painted a clear picture of Kimberley's upper hand in their altercation.

Yet, a glint in Rory's eyes revealed that he was far from beaten. "Ready to give up yet?" Kimberley taunted, her voice dripping with smugness. Rory's response was a sly, mischievous grin. "Do you really think so?"

His hands came together in a gesture of invocation, and the very atmosphere seemed to pulse in response. "Kalo: Sarries Rugby Club!" he bellowed. Suddenly, the empty space behind him was filled with fifteen identical replicas, each one donning a black rugby kit. The sight would've been comical, if not for the very real and palpable threat they posed.

Kimberley expressed her admiration, hinting at a mix of surprise and respect, "Well, aren't you full of surprises?"

Rory didn't wait. Ordering his clones into formation, they lined up with military precision, poised and ready. With a swift movement, he launched a rugby ball into the air, signaling the onset of an aggressive charge.

Kimberley's defiance was unmistakable. She stood her ground, firing at the advancing clones. But much to her astonishment, the bullets seemed to have no effect on them. Like a swarm, they descended upon her, with Rory himself, distinguishable by his captain's armband, at the forefront of the assault. The brutality that followed was swift: Kimberley, despite her best efforts, was tossed about like a ragdoll, her body repeatedly meeting the unforgiving ground.

After a particularly forceful throw, Kimberley found herself crashing into the hard exterior of a building. Recovering quickly, she barely had a moment to catch her breath when she saw Rory's unmistakable silhouette once again, his clones rallying behind him in a display of solidarity.

However, Kimberley was no novice. She rose, gun at the ready, trying to fend off her attackers. But Rory's relentless approach, bolstered by his clones, proved too much. Before she could react, she was once again caught in his vice-like grip and thrust through the building's wall.

Inside the confines of the Dove Corporation's ground floor, Kimberley struggled to rise. Dust and debris from the broken wall surrounded her. As she tried to regain her bearings, she found herself facing a dozen smirking Rorys. At the head of this intimidating line was the original, his grin wider than ever.

"Enjoying the party?" he mocked.


Udo's agonizing screams rang across the dense forest, a stark contrast to his earlier dominance. As Captain Smyth watched, trying to make sense of the situation, an opportunity presented itself. He was well aware that every moment was precious in battle, especially when the odds seemed to be in his favour.

Hesitating no longer,

Captain Smyth, invokes a powerful spell.

"Kalo: Hand In His Name."

His eyes widen in astonishment as the cards in his hand reveal themselves: a 10, J, Q, K, A, all in hearts—a Royal Flush.

"Royal... Flush?" he murmurs to himself, his gaze shifting to Udo, who's struggling to his feet. The realization dawns on him, "Who is this kid? Royal Flush? That puts him on par with the captains of the Dove squads, probably even Sir Holland himself. My assumptions were correct."

The air around Captain Smyth vibrates with energy as the cards orbit him menacingly. He clasps his hands once more, summoning another aspect of his power.

"Kalo: Blue Chip."

A blue poker chip materializes in his grasp, and with a flick, he sends it upwards, causing a gust of wind to sweep across the battleground. "Here we go," he announces, his voice echoing with determination.

With a commanding gesture, Captain Smyth sends his cards hurtling towards Udo. "Vibration Multiplication!" he declares, as the five cards double in number mid-flight. Udo, in a desperate attempt to defend himself, reaches out...

...only to stare in disbelief as the cards impale his hands, locking them in place with a cruel precision. "…huh? I thought I reduced my vibration temperature..." Udo murmurs, confusion and pain etching his features.

Captain Smyth watches with a satisfied grin, sensing the tide turning in his favour. He charges forward, unleashing a flurry of strikes with ruthless efficiency. Udo, blood seeping from his wounded hands, dodges with diminishing agility, his strength waning.

"Why do I feel so lethargic? My vibration isn't obeying me," Udo ponders, desperation creeping into his voice.

In a moment of brutal clarity, Captain Smyth lands a devastating kick to Udo's jaw, sending him reeling. He then steps back, orchestrating his next move with a mere gesture. The cards, once embedded in Udo's flesh, dislodge and begin a menacing dance around him.

With a clenched fist, Captain Smyth directs the cards to assault Udo from every direction. Udo leaps, narrowly evading their sharp edges. He lands, only to face another barrage of cards, darting towards him with lethal intent. Despite his agility, one finds its mark, sinking into his thigh.

"Shit!" Udo exclaims, the pain grounding him to the grim reality of his situation. He continues to evade, but more cards find their targets, piercing his arm, side, and shoulder.

"Argh! I reduced my vibration! Why are the cards penetrating so easily!?" Udo cries out, frustration and disbelief mingling in his voice as he confronts the enigma of his failing powers.

And in that moment of weakness, Captain Smyth struck. His punch was like thunder, sending Udo flying through the air.

Mockery tinged Captain Smyth's laughter. "Haha! Come on! Fight back!" he taunted, sending the last of his cards flying toward Udo, who appeared cornered. However, Udo, unfazed, chanted, "Natus, Transi." Suddenly, a portal materialized, swallowing him whole, only for it to reopen directly behind Captain Smyth in a breathtaking manoeuvre. Udo's fist aimed for Captain Smyth, emerging from the portal with precision, yet it was met with an eerie serenity from Captain Smyth.

Captain Smyth's laugh was cold, unfazed by the blow. His cards, faithful servants to his will, swerved and attacked. Udo leapt backward, a desperate attempt to shield himself, but it was futile. Five cards impaled him, leaving him standing, dazed and perplexed.

Udo's thoughts were a whirlpool of confusion. "What the hell is going on with my vibration? Why does it feel like I'm increasing the temperature whenever I reduce it and vice versa?" The battle had taken a turn for the worse, and as he stood there, punctured by Captain Smyth's cards, the forest seemed to close in around him, a silent witness to his plight.

Captain Smyth moved with an air of finality, a lone card clutched between his fingers. The weight of the preceding battle bore heavily on him. The ground, littered with remnants of their fierce clash, testified to the raw power that had been unleashed.

With a glance at his opponent, Captain Smyth murmured, "I must admit, this was exhilarating. Yet, every game has its end. Farewell, young one."

As he flung the card with deadly precision, time seemed to slow. Each rotation of the card caught fleeting glimpses of sunlight as it sped toward its target.

Udo, realizing the gravity of the situation, whispered, "So that's it..." as a newfound understanding dawned upon him.

But before he could react further, the card completed its journey, embedding into him with a chilling finality. The quiet of the forest was once again punctuated by the drama of their encounter, leaving an indelible mark on both the land and its participants.