The tension between Charlotte and Kimberley had reached its zenith. Their fingers poised on the triggers of their respective guns, they were ready to unleash a storm of bullets upon each other.

With a synchronized pull of their triggers, two bullets shot forth into the air. Showcasing their expertise in vibration multiplication, the bullets multiplied into a staggering total of thirty each, filling the space between them with a chaotic flurry of projectiles.

A symphony of crashing bullets ensued as the rounds collided mid-air, filling the area with a deafening roar. It was an atmosphere of absolute carnage as the flying bullets produced a mesmerizing display of chaos.

Undeterred by the torrent of bullets, Charlotte and Kimberley, in an unspoken agreement, charged at each other simultaneously. 

In a moment of intense conflict, their spinning kicks clashed, the force of their collision reverberating through the area. They locked eyes over their shoulders, determination etched onto their faces.

Without missing a beat, they engaged in a breathtaking display of gun-fu. Pellet and BB bullets filled the space as they deftly fired and parried, their movements in perfect harmony. They seemed to dance on the precipice of danger, matching each other's skill in every aspect of combat.

In a stunning twist, Charlotte's spinning kick found its mark, connecting with Kimberley's jaw. Kimberley was sent hurtling through the air, her body twisting in an uncontrolled arc.

However, Kimberley retrieved three small rubber balls from her pocket mid-flight and hurled them toward her opponent. Charlotte fired a pellet that multiplied into three pellets, but upon impact, the rubber balls exploded into a flashbang. Squinting against the intense light, Charlotte acted swiftly, forming a steeple with her hands and invoking a technique.

"Benedi: 360," she whispered, her voice carrying an undercurrent of determination.

Suddenly, her vision expanded into a full 360-degree field of view, allowing her to see everything around her. It was in this heightened state of awareness that she spotted twenty BBs raining down upon her.

Reacting with remarkable agility, Charlotte rolled out of harm's way, evading every one of the projectiles. As she regained her footing, her sharp gaze fell upon Kimberley, who had quickly repositioned herself behind her, gun poised to fire.

She fired a single BB pellet, which multiplied into fifteen.

But Charlotte was not to be outdone. She twirled through the projectiles with fluid grace, slipping through the onslaught unscathed.

Still in her twirling motion, she lunged toward Kimberley with incredible speed, launching into yet another spinning kick. 

With lightning reflexes, Kimberley expertly ducked under Charlotte's spinning kick.

She then retaliated with two rapid punches, followed by a powerful front kick that sent Charlotte hurtling through the air.

Kimberley closed the distance between them with astonishing speed, charging towards her determined to seize the advantage.

However, Charlotte quickly sprung back to her feet and raised her pistol, aiming it squarely at Kimberley.

But with a roll as quick as lightning, Kimberley evaded the incoming bullet, the projectile whizzing past her in a blur.

And in a swift and decisive manoeuvre, she lunged forward, slapped Charlotte's gun out of her hand, and unleashed a sharp and precise jumping knee, striking her right on the nose.

Kimberley's knee strike had found its mark, connecting solidly with Charlotte's chin, causing the area to echo with the sound of impact. But Kimberley wasn't finished yet. She transitioned seamlessly from her knee strike into a relentless onslaught of strikes and pistol whips, each blow delivered with precision and speed.

As Kimberley continued her assault, she deftly repositioned her BB gun in her hand with a skilful flick, preparing for a point-blank shot that would likely end the confrontation.

However, the unforeseen intervened. Out of nowhere, ten pellet bullets came hurtling into Kimberley's back, their impact causing her to stagger forward, disoriented and momentarily vulnerable.

Seizing this opportunity, Charlotte acted swiftly. With a snappy front kick that carried a surprising amount of force, she clobbered Kimberley, sending her flying across the room.

Kimberley struggled to regain her footing, her inner voice tingling with pain and confusion.

Kimberley's disoriented voice trembled with uncertainty as she questioned the source of the unexpected attack, "What happened?" Her gaze shifted over her shoulder, searching for the mysterious assailant who had disrupted their intense duel.

"Who shot me from the bac..."Kimberley's sentence was abruptly cut off as her gaze landed on the sight of a wall behind her.

In a brief flashback, the scene unfolded with vivid clarity. Charlotte had raised her pistol, taking aim at Kimberley with deadly precision. But Kimberley had executed a roll, narrowly evading the incoming bullet. The projectile whizzed past her in a blur, seemingly missing its target.

However, what Kimberley hadn't initially realized was that the bullet, after passing her, had struck the wall behind her. It had then divided into ten smaller projectiles, each one suddenly zooming back toward her with startling speed.

Returning to the present, Kimberley couldn't help but snicker despite the dire situation. Her voice carried a mixture of admiration and amusement as she remarked, "She used Rebound Division...they grow up so fast." 


Meanwhile, Alko's muscles tore through his tuxedo as he grabbed one of the SUVs with both hands and hurled it at the boxing brothers with full force. Troy stared at the zipping SUV with wide eyes.

Troy exclaimed, "Are you mad?"

Trevor took a heavy step forward, pulled his fist back, and unleashed a thunderous shockwave at the SUV, immediately dismantling the vehicle.

Alko muttered in amazement, "Holy shit!"

He didn't waste any time and grabbed more SUVs, sending dozens of them flying at the brothers.

Trevor took the same approach, rapidly sending shockwaves at the zooming vehicles, demolishing them before they could reach him.

As Alko prepared to throw another SUV, he sensed Troy's presence a few meters behind him. Alko spotted him from the corner of his eye and instantly redirected his throw towards Troy.

Troy sidestepped the vehicle, flickered to Alko's side, and struck him with a solid hook to the jaw. Alko retaliated with an unorthodox punch, but Troy effortlessly slipped it, countering with another punch.

The game of cat and mouse continued as Troy danced around Alko like an annoying mosquito, pummeling him with numerous punches while flashing away from every strike Alko threw.

Alko grumbled, "This fucking guy..."

Suddenly, Alko managed to get his hands on Troy, catching him by the neck.

Alko exclaimed, "Finally!"

But before he could strike, Trevor came bolting at him from the side and welted him with a fierce haymaker, sending Alko crashing into the compound's expensive fountain.

Alko muttered, "I get it..."

With remarkable agility, Alko kipped up to his feet.

He continued, "One specializes in vibration flow for speed control, while the other specializes in vibration flow for power generation. Let's focus on the easier fish to catch."

Alko sprinted across the ground, and then, unexpectedly, he leapt high into the air.

As he fell, his trajectory led directly to Trevor.

Trevor noticed this and punched a powerful shockwave at Alko. But Alko managed to shift his body away from the shockwave in mid-air and plummeted at Trevor with a side-kick.

Trevor quickly held his forearms in front of his face as Alko's whizzing kick made contact.

The kick sent Trevor sliding backwards across the ground, but he managed to remain on his feet.

Alko wasted no time and charged at Trevor, who punched another shockwave at him. Alko deftly dodged the shockwave and flashed to Trevor's side.

With precision, he delivered a snappy spinning kick to Trevor's jaw, sending him sliding across the ground again, but Trevor managed to stay on his feet.

Alko, growing more confident, declared, "I knew it! It's easier to land hits on him than the other guy! He'll have to be the one I take out first; it's going to take a few more hits, but it'll work. 

Suddenly, Troy appeared behind Alko, fist pulled back and ready to strike.

"As for this one..." Alko mused.

Troy swung his fist, but Alko slipped under the punch, narrowly avoiding the attack.

Alko determinedly stated, "...I just have to focus on dodging."

Without further hesitation, Alko immediately ignored Troy and rushed straight for Trevor.

Noticing Alko bolting at him, Trevor punched another shockwave at him, who gracefully leapt over it.

Alko executed a front flip while in mid-air and descended with a heavy heel kick to Trevor's skull, sending him down on one knee.

With no time to waste, Alko immediately followed up with a wild uppercut, leaving Trevor dazed and struggling to regain his composure.

Seeing Trevor in a vulnerable state, Alko swung a roundhouse kick, intending to capitalize on the opening.

However, Trevor managed to block it at the last second, showcasing his resilience. In a swift response, he threw a vicious counter punch, which Alko narrowly dodged with a last-minute backwards bend.

Recognizing the need to maintain distance, Trevor hopped backwards, calling out to his brother, "Troy!"

Seizing the opportunity, Troy instantly flashed to Alko's side and struck him with a snappy hook, sending Alko sliding across the ground.

Alko, not one to let frustration get the better of him, threw two thumbs up at Troy before bolting at Trevor once more.

Troy smirked with mischief, realizing Alko's strategy. "He knows Trevor isn't as good as me up close, so he's planning to take him out first... Good luck with that, though; Trevor's got one hell of a chin."

As Alko sprinted toward Trevor, he pondered his next move. "My strikes haven't really had an effect on him so far. He makes up for his slow speed with a durable body. Might be time to slightly increase my overall vibration temperature."

In an instant, Alko surged with newfound speed and flickered to Trevor's side. With remarkable agility, he delivered a thunderous spinning kick, sending Trevor tumbling across the ground.

Alko grinned with satisfaction as he saw the effects of his adjusted vibration temperature.

However, Trevor, wiping blood from the corner of his mouth, shot him a furious glare.

Trevor growled, "Starting to piss me off."

In a fit of rage, Trevor unleashed a massive punch that slammed into the ground, triggering a violent earthquake. The powerful tremors sent Dove officers and auction guests tumbling to the ground, creating a chaotic scene in the smokescreen of dust and debris.

Alko stumbled within the elevated dust cloud as the ground cracked and crumbled beneath him. He felt singular punches striking him from different directions, unable to pinpoint the source.

Frustrated by the situation, Alko muttered, "That fucking guy!"

Troy, wearing a smirk, commented, "Not everyone is used to Trevor's earthquakes."

As the dust began to clear, a raging Trevor emerged in front of Alko, his fist poised for a devastating strike.

Alko cursed under his breath, realizing his mistake. "Shit! I forgot to reduce my vibration temperature!"

He raised his forearms in a last-minute attempt to block Trevor's strike, but it proved futile.

Trevor's ferocious punch shattered through Alko's defences, cracking his jaw and sending him hurtling through the air.

Troy couldn't hide his satisfaction. "Got that pussio!"

Struggling to his feet, Alko realized the extent of his injuries—both of his forearms were broken and dangled uselessly by his sides. He chuckled weakly, "Would you look at that..."

In a flash, Trevor and Troy appeared beside Alko, ready to deliver the final blow. However, just as they lunged forward, Udo intervened, spearing Alko out of harm's way.

Trevor and Troy looked on in shock, both exclaiming, "What the-"

Alko, surprised and relieved, echoed their sentiment. "Udo?"

Udo lent Alko a helping hand, lifting his broken arm gingerly and placing it over his shoulder to support him.

"Your arms, man..." Udo remarked, concern etched across his face.

Alko responded with a weary chuckle. "I know..."

Together, they shifted their focus back to Troy and Trevor, who stood side by side, their expressions tense and bewildered.

"We have a bigger issue, though..." Alko began, his voice trailing off.

Trevor leaned in and whispered to Troy, his voice barely audible. "I don't sense much vibration from this brudda."

Troy furrowed his brows. "He's like a first-rate host, bruv. How was he that fast?"

Trevor contemplated their situation for a moment before continuing, "I also got him clean on the jaw earlier. Surprised he managed to survive that."

Udo, realizing the gravity of their predicament, spoke up. "Alko, we're gonna have to run. We can't win this."

Alko groaned in frustration. "Aww man, seriously?"

Udo nodded firmly. "On three, jump on my back, and I'll run away as fast as I can."

Alko hesitated for a moment before responding, "Huh? Pause!"

Udo began the countdown, "One... Two... Thre-"

Before he could finish, a sudden, terror-stricken purple aura emanated from the auction hall, spreading throughout the area like an icy chill. Troy, Trevor, Alko, and Udo froze in place, their eyes wide with fear, and shivers running down their spines.

"What the fuck?" Troy exclaimed.

"Who the fuck is that?" Trevor added, his voice trembling.

Alko's voice quivered as he spoke, "This feeling...is that..."

Udo finished the thought, "Fiend vibration...?"

Meanwhile, Charlotte and Kimberley also froze in the midst of their battle, sensing the malevolent energy coursing through the area.

"Who the hell..." Charlotte began.

Kimberley muttered to herself, realization dawning, "They're here!"

In unison, Kimberley and Charlotte turned their attention to the auction hall and rushed towards the source of the ominous aura.

Inside the auction hall, the scene that greeted them was like something out of a nightmare.

Troy and Trevor, standing at the entrance, looked on in complete shock.

The hall was a gruesome tableau, drenched in blood and strewn with gore. Among the carnage stood one man, holding a decapitated head in his hand.

Volker Hendriks.